Originally posted by ignorant idiot ;):
**sound great, only thing is, i don't know what qxxx is or what else to do. could someone explain for me (because i am an ignorant idiot) what exactly i need to do?
Primarily, I'd suggest you read up on section II of the bible. It describes all of the set operators in detail. To make a long story short, Qxxx boots the player out of the stellar, and displays a random entry from STR# resource 'xxx'. Thus, Q15000 will display one of the quotes, at random from STR# resource 15000. If used in space (ie, in a crön or a mďsn's OnShipDone field), it will merely display the STR# entry.
To set this up, you will need at least one NCB, one crön, one STR# resource, and of course, your mission. In your mission's OnAccept field, enter bxxx, where xxx is the NCB to control the crön. In the mission's OnShipDone field (if you are to destroy the ship) or any other appropriate On(completion) fields, type in !bxxx. Continue setting up your mission as you would normally.
Next, create a new crön resource. The default information is just fine, but set the Random to 100, the duration to 0, and the Availability test to bxxx. This will make the crön appear every day, whenever the player has bit xxx set. Now, in both the crön's OnStart and OnEnd fields, type in Qyyy, where 'yyy' is the resource ID of the STR# you created.
In effect, this will display the STR# you created every time the player jumps into another system or takes off from a planet, during all times from when they accepted the mission, until you cleared the bit.
~ SpacePirate
Eat blazing electric death!