Originally posted by orcaloverbri9:
**Why don't you just switch them, i.e. the burst reload in Gun B, and Gun A draw from Gun B's ammo? Wouldn't that work?
Also, I don't really understand burst reloads. Does it just fire all the shots, then subtract the ammo or something? I am so confused...
Reads Charlie's post again
The trick with bursts is that the whole burst is NOT fired when you hit the trigger. You only shoot for as long as the trigger is depressed. If you fire 5 rounds from a 10 shot burst, when you hit the trigger again, you can fire another 5 shots normally before you have to wait through another burst reload period. Think of it like clips in a machine gun. You go XXXXXXXXX....wait, replace clip....XXXXXXXXXXX, or you can do this: XXXXX....lets up on trigger....XXXXX.....wait, replace clip....XXXXXXXXXXX. Understand?
The "use ammo at the end of burst" flag simply does what it says. It determines whether you use up ammo on every X, or if ammo counts as Clips, and is used only when you replace the clip. Going back to the original quesion, your BurstCount basically determines how many shots the weapon can get from a clip. So, if you've defined 1 unit of ammo as 1 clip, and one gun has a 1 BurstCount, it is basically firing an entire metaphorical clip with every shot.
For a concrete example, in Sephil Saga, different railguns fire different numbers of pellets per shot using this system. I describe the basic ammo unit as a big pellet, that has scores in it, so it will shatter into smaller pellets when hit with a hammer or fed through an autoloader.
Does that make it clear? I hope so.
Sephil Saga Homepage: (url="http://"http://www.cwssoftware.com")www.cwssoftware.com(/url)
(This message has been edited by Masamune (edited 12-26-2003).)