You know you all have bits of incomplete plug-ins which will never see the light of day. Why not donate them for the genneral use of the EV community?
-Bohemian Muskrat
You know you all have bits of incomplete plug-ins which will never see the light of day. Why not donate them for the genneral use of the EV community?
-Bohemian Muskrat
How do you propose do this?
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< . . . . . >
Originally posted by mrxak:
**How do you propose do this?
How about my "Master List of Unused Plugin Ideas" thread? (go back to the Dev Board main page, then look down....."
Suddenly, the little scoutship disappeared and then reappeared right behind the alien warfleet. The gravitic ship's captain hailed the armada. "You are going to be destroyed, but I will give you a choice as to how you want to spend eternity: big pieces, little pieces, or quarks?"
Dead silence.
"Quarks it is, then."
Maybe something like a shipyard, except plug-ins. It would be a great idea for new people wanting to build plug-ins, as they could see and learn from other plug-ins.
"...yet gradually we recovered, venturing cautiously back into the void of space afraid of what we might find there."
ok, how do i upload a failed project?
Originally posted by Curufinwe_Fëanor:
**ok, how do i upload a failed project?
it doesn't yet exist.
"...yet gradually we recovered, venturing cautiously back into the void of space afraid of what we might find there."
It's A great idea but where are you suppo0sed to upload them? Would EVula host a site for it? Cause i'd like to see heaps of these plugins
maybe we could as ambrosia to put a page like the one to upload & download ev/evo/evn plugs.....
They could make something like "Abandonplug site"
(yeah thats gonna happen)
Originally posted by Curufinwe_Fëanor:
**maybe we could as ambrosia to put a page like the one to upload & download ev/evo/evn plugs.....
They could make something like "Abandonplug site"
(yeah thats gonna happen)
Yeah it better 'cause it's a great idea!
Is this going to happen, I know this post goes back a bit, but it is a really good idea.
If it has happened where is it?
The galaxy is about to become apocalyptic: (url="http://"")3114:A Nova TC(/url)
Originally posted by Infinate:
Would EVula host a site for it?
If someone will develop the site, I'd be more than happy to host it on (url="http://"")
(url="http://"")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
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Originally posted by EVula:
**If someone will develop the site, I'd be more than happy to host it on
I would but I haven't finish trying to get mission bits in nova working yet
"Saying Windows 95 is equal to Macintosh is like finding a potato that looks like Jesus and believing you've witnessed the second coming." -- Guy Kawasaki
Uhm, what's the point of having a site where people can upload unused plugs? No offense, but most of these have very little codework in them -- take Age of Exploration, for example. I have three or four seperate plugs -- one for blasters (no coding, just pix), one for ships (they're gonna be used later, so they're not getting released to public domain anyway), and one for systems (that's available to anyone who wants it). But I also have a lot of stuff that I still remember, such as how we were planning to do certain missions, weapons, outfits, ships, systems, planets, and governments. The storylines that I have written aren't completed, so they wouldn't do anyone any good. I may be wrong, but I get the feeling that a lot of vaporware is like this, and if it is, then an upload page isn't gonna do anybody too much good.
Suddenly, the little scoutship disappeared and then reappeared right behind the alien warfleet. The gravitic ship's captain hailed the armada. "You are going to be destroyed, but I will give you a choice as to how you want to spend eternity: big pieces, little pieces, or quarks?"
Dead silence.
"Quarks it is, then."
Originally posted by spacecowboy:
Uhm, what's the point of having a site where people can upload unused plugs? No offense, but most of these have very little codework in them -- take Age of Exploration, for example. I have three or four seperate plugs -- one for blasters (no coding, just pix), one for ships (they're gonna be used later, so they're not getting released to public domain anyway), and one for systems (that's available to anyone who wants it). But I also have a lot of stuff that I still remember, such as how we were planning to do certain missions, weapons, outfits, ships, systems, planets, and governments. The storylines that I have written aren't completed, so they wouldn't do anyone any good. I may be wrong, but I get the feeling that a lot of vaporware is like this, and if it is, then an upload page isn't gonna do anybody too much good.
Sometimes some new people have no idea on what to make. This could give them an idea, and a head start on a plug. If someone already did half the graphics and systems and such, and a person comes along and likes it, that person has the chance to resurect the plug, and maybe finish it this time.
"Two things are certian in this life. The universe, and human stupidity. ...Though i'm not so sure about the universe."
Hey, I'd be real happy to do it I have plenty of Wep Developing experience and have got enough graphics programs to make it look good.
The point of doing it would be so anyone who goes to the site, can get a whole host of ideas... people can steal something they like from the unused plugs... also people could get a good idea of how to do things, just from seeing other peoples work, even if it is half finished.
You could expand your "master list of unsued plugin ideas", Spacecowboy and give people the option to share the unused ideas aswell.
It wouldn't neccessarily just have to be a site for half completed plugs.
The galaxy is about to become apocalyptic: (url="http://"")3114:A Nova TC(/url)
Okay. Good. I was just questioning the feasibility of having a site with just an upload/download page. A forum would work as well. And as to my Master List idea, nobody really seemed to care for it too much, and it's down on page 3 or 4 somewhere...
Suddenly, the little scoutship disappeared and then reappeared right behind the alien warfleet. The gravitic ship's captain hailed the armada. "You are going to be destroyed, but I will give you a choice as to how you want to spend eternity: big pieces, little pieces, or quarks?"
Dead silence.
"Quarks it is, then."
Originally posted by thedecline:
**Hey, I'd be real happy to do it I have plenty of Wep Developing experience and have got enough graphics programs to make it look good.
The point of doing it would be so anyone who goes to the site, can get a whole host of ideas... people can steal something they like from the unused plugs... also people could get a good idea of how to do things, just from seeing other peoples work, even if it is half finished.
You could expand your "master list of unsued plugin ideas", Spacecowboy and give people the option to share the unused ideas aswell.
It wouldn't neccessarily just have to be a site for half completed plugs.
So your going to do it sweet, post it here when you are done please
"Saying Windows 95 is equal to Macintosh is like finding a potato that looks like Jesus and believing you've witnessed the second coming." -- Guy Kawasaki
(url="http://"")Mandatory EVula link.(/url)
The PREVIEW of the Escape Velocity Plugin Recycling Center!
Just check it out, and reply here telling me what you think, of course with any ideas or even a place to put it permamently.
The galaxy is about to become apocalyptic: (url="http://"")3114:A Nova TC(/url)
Originally posted by thedecline:
The (url="http://"")EVul(a) Empire(/url), of course.
"Quote it, paraphrase it, soak it in peanut oil and set it on fire. I don't mind in the least." - forge
Founding Member of WORRPBOITAMPSH
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(url="http://"")The Insane Klown Posse Website!!!(/url)
Sounds like an interesting idea, what about legal stuff? Maybe you can put up a disclaimer to those who will upload unfinished plugins.
What I would like to see is Ambrosia taking off all those useless plugs from their plugin addons page and put them into the Master List of Unused Plugin Ideas website.
Personally, I would call this the Salvage Vaporware Site, but that´s just me.
Nosumus Fortiolis Quad Volimus
I'm the only guy in the universe that can make horses laugh and cry.
(url="http://"")DryDock Station(/url), the future site of Coraxus's stuff.
(This message has been edited by Coraxus (edited 04-25-2003).)