Originally posted by Azdara:
**A good start would be to cut out the AOLspeak. Then try determination.
Let's face it, to learn the kinda complicated stuff you need to make a good plug, you're going to have to put in the hard yards. Just learn NovaTools, it isn't that hard. Also, Strata is a little complicated for first time modelers, and I'd personally recomend mechanisto over it, simply because I started out with that, and its easier to get the hang of. Other people say different though.
Either way the reality is you're going to have to make an effort at some point. There isn't a magic button.
Excellent points, all of them!
Seriously, cut the AOL speak... its really annoying and makes your post hard to read without wanting to pull my eyes out
Also, check your spelling. Posting isnt a race, and it only takes a few seconds at the end to read through your post and correct any spelling mistakes and grammar errors before pressing Submit. It will make your post so much easier to read and understand, and lets face it, if its easier to understand, its easier for us to help you 
Funny thing is, I had the opposite problem to Azdara, I found Mechanisto impossible to understand and picked up Strata's basics really quickly. Due to a lack of tutorials and whatever, I took a while to learn the more advanced features, but there are a lot more out there now, and I will be making some more in the near future 
Azdara's last comment was probably the best here, there is no easy way to do this, you just have to start and make mistakes and learn like everyone else did 
Good luck 
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"In this world gone mad, we won't spank the monkey - the monkey will spank us!"