Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • We must replace some of the sprites. Just make a little disclaimer like Burnum said.

      Please elaborate on whatever you said about " is free, maybe we could split the $15/year." I don't understand.

      Your pet poodle is flying loop-de-loops over my microchips! The poodle is coming! The poodle is coming! (Don't ask 🙂 )

    • Quote

      Originally posted by AVN:
      **Please elaborate on whatever you said about " is free, maybe we could split the $15/year." I don't understand.

      The domain name has not been taken yet.
      If we wanted, we could register it.
      Then (url="http://"") would go to our site.
      It costs $15 per year to own a domain name.

      Measuring energy in kilowatt-hours is as stupid as measuring distance in knot-seconds.

      (This message has been edited by aschaaf_86 (edited 04-02-2001).)

    • Since Ferazel_09 dropped off, i'd be happy to join the group. I had started a level before but I hate adding Xichrons and conversations cause my iMac freezes up when i enter conversation edit, so somebody else could do that whaddya say?? (can someone please tell me how to make ground that breaks away in MASCOT??? i can't figure it out!!! 😮

    • Quote

      Originally posted by FerazelFreak:
      **Since Ferazel_09 dropped off, i'd be happy to join the group.



      Originally posted by FerazelFreak:
      (can someone please tell me how to make ground that breaks away in MASCOT??? i can't figure it out!!!:o

      It's in the MASCOT Reference Guide.

      Measuring energy in kilowatt-hours is as stupid as measuring distance in knot-seconds.

    • OH NO!!!!!!!

      I updated the OBW level page a while ago, but forgot to upload it! :redface:
      I upload it now. (url="http://"")http://www.frontiern...obw/levels.html(/url)

      Measuring energy in kilowatt-hours is as stupid as measuring distance in knot-seconds.

    • schaaf_86:

      There are three files: The levels package, Bob's BG tiles, and the Tech tileset.

      k. will download


      We need a world map NOW.
      Not a final one, but just enough to tell the "general direction" of each kingdom. (In >Teraknorn, the fire levels were "down", Xichra's levels "up", etc.)

      I'll see what I can do.


      It'd be nice to have other people not read it, but I like using the Ambrosia boards.

      k. These boards work fine.


      OK, I'll make a better one.
      BTW, That was for the main page, not the whole site.

      Ok. I'm mirroring your site onto "Burnum's Ferazel Junk" if that's okay with you. It'll be going up in a day or so.


      You can make levels for whatever kingdom you want.



      That website is only for the developers, and they can tolerate it.
      There will be a MUCH better site for the consumers.
      BTW, is free.
      Maybe we could all split the $15/year.

      oh. good. hmm how bout (.com)


      That would ruin the Tech Kingdom, and "Delusions of Mediocrity"!

      Yeah I know. Luckly, the aren't too large. It's just that when you upload files for public domain you have to assume the downloader is a moron. They might not paste the resources in or want to, have ResEdit...I sure wish ResEdit was scriptable. I could make a small instal program which would make it easeir. But for those who don't want to download extra files...they might end up not downloading the world. I suppose we'll just have to say, "If it's good enough, they'll download it." I can't think of a good way to make an LE version of the world.


      Yeah, but I really want to replace the big bug with an owl.

      The disclaimer would work. Just tell them to save the org files, and use these graphics only with ours.

      (url="http://";=Burnum")Stephen(/url) ż' ((url="http://";=Burnum")The Burnum Man(/url))
      Play Ferazel's Wand? (url="http://"")Download Equity Of Redemption!(/url) - A New Ferazel's Wand World

      (This message has been edited by Burnum (edited 04-03-2001).)

    • Burnum, this came in the mail:
      _This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason:

      One or more of the recipients of your message did not receive it
      because they would have exceeded their mailbox size limit. It
      may be possible for you to successfully send your message again
      at a later time; however, if it is large, it is recommended that
      you first contact the recipients to confirm that the space will be
      available for your message when you send it.

      User quota exceeded: SMTP

      Please reply to
      if you feel this message to be in error._


      Originally posted by Burnum:
      **I'll see what I can do.

      head over to http://www.frontiern.../obw/world.html and see if you like anything there.
      The rainbow area is the Tech Kingdom.


      Originally posted by Burnum:
      **Yeah I know. Luckly, the aren't too large. It's just that when you upload files for public domain you have to assume the downloader is a moron. They might not paste the resources in or want to, have ResEdit...I sure wish ResEdit was scriptable. I could make a small instal program which would make it easeir. But for those who don't want to download extra files...they might end up not downloading the world. I suppose we'll just have to say, "If it's good enough, they'll download it." I can't think of a good way to make an LE version of the world.

      Maybe ResCompare would work...

      Measuring energy in kilowatt-hours is as stupid as measuring distance in knot-seconds.

    • This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason:

      S#^% My mail box is overflown. oh no. I've prob been p@^%ing off mailing lists, people haven't been able to contact me. Burnum exhales stream of explicatives. Try sending it tomorrow.

      The world files are okay. I'll get my suggestion up by this week. Correct me if I'm wrong: Ferazel will be starting off in a general (non-kingdom) level and branch off to the kingdoms from there.


      PS: There are some typos and gramatical errors on the plot page on the website. I know we are the only ones looking at it, but you'll want to proof read it before we complete OBW and others can see it. I'll look throught it closer later on. (4 eyes are better than 2.)

      PPS: Since we've had dropouts, new comers, and more stuff completed. Could someone check this information, to make sure it is up to date. I'd like to reserve some spots.

      Everyone should use conversation IDs that are in their range.
      Conversation ranges: (version 2)

      • 200-299 - AVN
      • 300-399 - Knight of NI
      • 400-499 - spamguy
      • 500-599 - aschaaf_86
      • 600-699 - ferazel_09
      • 700-799 - Bob the Mediocre
      • 800-899 - Emperor Ent
      • 900-999 - Smasher of Pumpkins
      • 1000-1099 - cat99

      Perm Flags: (version 5)

      • 1 - Used in "Delusions of Mediocrity"
      • 2 - Set to 2 when Ferazel has completed all of the kingdoms except the ninth one.
      • 3 - ferazel_09 - "It's for some of the people in my levels. If you stumble by one place, you won't finish one of my levels until you give the guy an item. Can't think of what it is yet."
      • 4 - Set to 2 when Ferzel completes Captin Crowley's lost mines.
      • 5 - Used in "Delusions of Mediocrity"
      • 6 - Used in "Delusions of Mediocrity"
      • 7 - Set to 2 when Ferzel reads Captin Crowley's diary.
      • 8 - free

      To add to this list, post your IDs on the webboard.
      STR# 500: (version 7)

      • 1 - reserved
      • 2 - aschaaf_86
      • 3 - aschaaf_86
      • 4 - aschaaf_86
      • 5 - aschaaf_86
      • 6 - aschaaf_86
      • 7 - aschaaf_86
      • 8 - aschaaf_86
      • 9 - aschaaf_86
      • 10 - aschaaf_86
      • 11 - aschaaf_86
      • 12 - aschaaf_86
      • 13 - aschaaf_86
      • 14 - aschaaf_86
      • 15 - aschaaf_86
      • 16 - aschaaf_86
      • 17 - free
      • 18 - free
      • 19 - free
      • 20 - free
      • 21 - Bob the Mediocre
      • 22 - Bob the Mediocre
      • 23 - Bob the Mediocre
      • 24 - Bob the Mediocre
      • 25 - Bob the Mediocre
      • 26 - Bob the Mediocre
      • 27 - Bob the Mediocre
      • 28 - AVN
      • 29 - AVN
      • 30 - AVN
      • 31 - AVN
      • 32 - AVN
      • 33 - spamguy
      • 34 - spamguy
      • 35 - spamguy
      • 36 - spamguy
      • 37 - spamguy
      • 38 - ferazel_09
      • 39 - ferazel_09
      • 40 - ferazel_09
      • 41 - ferazel_09
      • 42 - ferazel_09
      • 43 - Emperor Ent
      • 44 - Emperor Ent
      • 45 - Emperor Ent
      • 46 - Emperor Ent
      • 47 - Emperor Ent
      • 48 - Knight of NI
      • 49 - Knight of NI
      • 50 - Knight of NI
      • 51 - Knight of NI
      • 52 - Knight of NI
      • 53 - cat99
      • 54 - cat99
      • 55 - cat99
      • 56 - cat99
      • 57 - cat99
      • 58 - Smasher of Pumpkins
      • 59 - Smasher of Pumpkins
      • 60 - Smasher of Pumpkins
      • 61 - Smasher of Pumpkins
      • 62 - Smasher of Pumpkins
      • 63 - aschaaf_86
      • 64 - aschaaf_86
      • 65 - aschaaf_86
      • 66 - aschaaf_86
      • 67 - aschaaf_86
      • 68 - free
      • 69 - free
      • 70 - free
      • 71 - free
      • 72 - free
      • 73 - free
      • 74 - free
      • 75 - free

      (url="http://";=Burnum")Stephen(/url) ż' ((url="http://";=Burnum")The Burnum Man(/url))
      Play Ferazel's Wand? (url="http://"")Download Equity Of Redemption!(/url) - A New Ferazel's Wand World

    • You're still up?
      must... win... PostingWars....


      Originally posted by Burnum:
      **Ferazel will be starting off in a general (non-kingdom) level and branch off to the kingdoms from there.

      I'm not sure.


      Originally posted by Burnum:
      **> ResCompare

      I forget.
      I'll be able to send you it in several days.


      Originally posted by Burnum:
      **PPS: Since we've had dropouts, new comers, and more stuff completed. Could someone check this information, to make sure it is up to date. I'd like to reserve some spots.

      I can't do it now, but will tomorrow.

      Measuring energy in kilowatt-hours is as stupid as measuring distance in knot-seconds.

    • PostingWars...LOL
      I was thinking the same thing. I would make a reply, read another topic, and then find out you had replied to my reply. How am I going to get off the boards if this guy keeps on replying to my messages. Note to self: Wait till aschaf gets off before replying.

      About the world map...I have ideas for the kingdoms, but I want to know how Ferazel gets to them, so I can place them on my map. Are we going to make out a path to follow ice > fire > sand, or let the user play the kingdoms in any order that they want. Well, I'll make a couple versions until we decide.

      (url="http://";=Burnum")Stephen(/url) ż' ((url="http://";=Burnum")The Burnum Man(/url))
      Play Ferazel's Wand? (url="http://"")Download Equity Of Redemption!(/url) - A New Ferazel's Wand World

    • AARGH! I changed my e-mail, and now I can't post!
      The e-mail with my new pass hasn't gotten here yet! :frown: :frown: :frown:


      Originally posted by Burnum:
      I was thinking the same thing. I would make a reply, read another topic, and then find out you had replied to my reply. How am I going to get off the boards if this guy keeps on replying to my messages. Note to self: Wait till aschaf gets off before replying.

      That was fun. 🙂


      Originally posted by Burnum:
      **Well, I'll make a couple versions until we decide.

      Make several, and everyone else should make several, and then we all vote.

    • I think the idea of replacing the owl is a great one, but make sure NOBODY has any in the levels made so far. Also, could sombody PLEASE email me a password to download the stuff. Since Ferazel09 left, his spots are free but I dont want them! I hate conversations and they always freeze my computer so somebody could do that for me. HOW DO YOU MAKE "CRUNCH" TILES????!!!!! I can't figure it out!! I'm so embarrassed, as I used to have my own EV Plugin Company :redface:. Oh well.


    • I have a question about nighttime in circuit city; how'd you make the sand painful?

      "If skunks didnt smell so bad, they'd be extinct"- Me.
      "I have lots of dollers but no cents"- My sis years ago. (Spell it as sence not cents.)

    • Sorry. My brother messed around on my computer. I saved some stuff, but thins was the one that I forgot about. I'm still in. Starting a level, "Sand Level 1", I will change the name later. Also, I don't need a permflag anymore.

      Ferazel Rocks!
      Cythera's 'Team Stories' Rock!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by FerazelFreak:
      **I think the idea of replacing the owl is a great one, but make sure NOBODY has any in the levels made so far. Also, could sombody PLEASE email me a password to download the stuff. Since Ferazel09 left, his spots are free but I dont want them! I hate conversations and they always freeze my computer so somebody could do that for me. HOW DO YOU MAKE "CRUNCH" TILES????!!!!! I can't figure it out!! I'm so embarrassed, as I used to have my own EV Plugin Company:redface:. Oh well.


      You use the edit Crunch Tile Direction. Then to change the type you use edit Crunch Tile Kind.

      Ferazel Rocks!
      Cythera's 'Team Stories' Rock!

    • At least tell me the tester password on the web board since I'm on the project so I can kinda get the storyline here!! If anyone mailed me, aol just screwed up today and I can't check my mail.


    • Painful sand is probably done the same way has painful water- err. How do you do painful water? I can't remember. Editing Bg tiles, seting info fields, or something?

      Now painful ziridium brine...naw that would be mean.

      (url="http://";=Burnum")Stephen(/url) ż' ((url="http://";=Burnum")The Burnum Man(/url))
      Play Ferazel's Wand? (url="http://"")Download Equity Of Redemption!(/url) - A New Ferazel's Wand World

    • Um, it's not the sand that's painful, it's the spikes underneath it. 🙂

      You can't make painful anything but water, which uses the ice level flag. But, if you do want painful ziridium brine:

      1. Make a hole 5 tiles across and 5 tiles down
      2. Fill it with ziridium brine
      3. Fill the 9 center tiles (the ones not touching walls) with lava or acid.
      4. Hold down the "o" key and draw ziridium brine on top of the lava or acid.

      P.S. This is how I did the ziridium brine which looks like acid in "The Surface". There is only one way for the player to reveal the true identity of the substance: Shoot it, have an enemy shoot in it, or find some other form of light. (Do not put a light near your fake pool or the effect will be ruined!) Or, of course, to reveal it's true identity, you could jump in it, but, um... that's just not smart... 🙂

      Your pet poodle is flying loop-de-loops over my microchips! The poodle is coming! The poodle is coming! (Don't ask 🙂 )

    • Quote

      Originally posted by AVN:
      **P.S. This is how I did the ziridium brine which looks like acid in "The Surface". There is only one way for the player to reveal the true identity of the substance: Shoot it, have an enemy shoot in it, or find some other form of light. (Do not put a light near your fake pool or the effect will be ruined!) Or, of course, to reveal it's true identity, you could jump in it, but, um... that's just not smart...:)

      OMG!!! That's great!!!!!
      Be sure to make it a secret spot.

      Measuring energy in kilowatt-hours is as stupid as measuring distance in knot-seconds.

    • I just saw several pics from Dr Tall land.
      It's... depressing. He has a huge lead.

      This is like having the commies launch Sputnik.
      We must work hard and catch up.

      Also, if you see any nuclear bombs on e-bay, get them.
      Prepare for "Cold War II: The race for the most Ferazel levels"!

      Measuring energy in kilowatt-hours is as stupid as measuring distance in knot-seconds.

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