Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • I recently released part one of a fantasy adventure game called "Greece" that I made myself with a cool program called GameMaker. You can download Greece 1.0 here:

      Tell me what you think.

      King Eldar the Mighty

    • I'm not in this or anything, but I've been designing a huge world where Ferazel is evil and you're trying to stop him, and you could meet a lot of old characters!!!!

      😛 😛 😛 😛


    • So what do you guys think of Greece?

      King Eldar the Mighty

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Eldar:
      **I recently released part one of a fantasy adventure game called "Greece" that I made myself with a cool program called GameMaker. You can download Greece 1.0 here:

      Tell me what you think.

      I Have and LOVE GameMaker!


    • I have not done any OBW work recently, and do not plan to in the near future.
      If anyone sent me levels, music, graphics, etc, and they have not been posted on the OBW site, please yell at me on this topic so I will get around to uploading them.

      Measuring energy in kilowatt-hours is as stupid as measuring distance in knot-seconds.

    • The simple e-mailing of the OBW password to me would be a good start? I already have an almost completed level for OBW.

    • Eldar, please do not post Greece on the OBW toic. Go to the Just Chat board. But I like it. ARRGGG... What is that song?!?!? 🙂

      Aschaaf, I am working on finishing some of my levels. I have completed Misunderestimation, Plummit Summit, The Lockbox, Timed Escape, and The Surface. They have scenery and everything. Level exits can't be defined until after the levels have been put into one file, but that's all that needs to be done on them. I'm working on finishing one more, then I'll send you them all.

      Your pet poodle is flying loop-de-loops over my microchips! The poodle is coming! The poodle is coming! (Don't ask 🙂 )

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Thok:
      The simple e-mailing of the OBW password to me would be a good start? I already have an almost completed level for OBW.

      Oops, sorry! :redface:


      Originally posted by AVN:
      Level exits can't be defined until after the levels have been put into one file, but that's all that needs to be done on them.

      Yeah. I'll do that when assembling a build.
      Put exits in the levels, but don't bother setting the info for them.


      Originally posted by AVN:
      I'm working on finishing one more, then I'll send you them all.

      Take the PICT out, this time. 😉

      Measuring energy in kilowatt-hours is as stupid as measuring distance in knot-seconds.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by AVN:
      **Eldar, please do not post Greece on the OBW toic. Go to the Just Chat board.

      You're right, sorry.

      "That song?" All the songs are original, which one do you mean?

      King Eldar the Mighty

    • Quote

      Originally posted by BigCythraCheater:
      **I Have and LOVE GameMaker!


      Really? The full version? Well if you have aol, there's a great community of GMers on the Game Making message board...otherwise you can hang out at the (url="http://"")Game Maker's Garage(/url).

      King Eldar the Mighty

    • Oh man, have I got an idea for a NASTY level. I suggest that AVN make it, but someone else could. At first I though storm valley was tough. Then I thought the ice levels were tough. Then I thought the scrolling fire levels were tough. Then I thought an ice windy level would be tough. Then I thought an ice scrolling level would be tough. Now I think an ice level that scrolls, and has a global air push would be fun. Whadda ya think? ::evil grin::

    • Sorry, gotta withdraw from the project. I'll continue making Ferazel worlds, but I shall not work on this project anymore. I have other things to do.

      Ferazel Rocks!
      Cythera's 'Team Stories' Rock!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Eldar:
      **"That song?" All the songs are original, which one do you mean?

      The one at the end that plays when you win.

      I love that, Thok! I won't make it, though. I have other things to do. Aschaaf, I'm just going to send you what I have now because the other levels I was planning to send won't be ready for a while.

      Your pet poodle is flying loop-de-loops over my microchips! The poodle is coming! The poodle is coming! (Don't ask 🙂 )

    • Ok, I shall make the insanly hard scrolling global air push ice level? Fine with me. ::evilgrin::

      "If skunks didnt smell so bad, they'd be extinct"- Me.
      "I have lots of dollers but no cents"- My sis years ago. (Spell it as sence not cents.)

    • The levels package has been updated.

      (quote)In an e-mail from AVN:
      **..., and no pesky Teraknorn PICTs!;)

      Measuring energy in kilowatt-hours is as stupid as measuring distance in knot-seconds.

    • I haven't been to the boards lately but still have been keeping up with my Ferazel creations. Can I join 😄 I'm not asking to own a kingdom just be the putty that fills in the cracks. I don't have enought motivation to design a whole kingdom. I've read up on the topics (yes...everything since Dec) :D.

      Okay. Things this group and I need to keep going (as infered by Burnum):
      )The Password to download the files please
      ()Is there one file I can download to get everything in One Big World?
      )A World Screen to replace the seven lands of Tektornon (At least change the # to 9 :D)
      ()More Levels
      )Anything else?

      Suggestions (as suggested by Burnum):
      ()An e-mail list. Shoot this idea down now, if you don't like it. I like stuff like yahoogroups because we'd be the only ones reading it. You can post files up there if you want. It's organized and comes directly to your mailbox.
      )An updated web site? "Last updated at 8:13 PM on Sunday the 31st of the 12th month of the year 2000 A.D (Which, by the way, is NOT the "new milennium". That's very soon, though.)" Let's get moving here buddy.

      Things I Can Do (as to be done by Burnum):
      ()Beta test all levels.
      )Create levels for kingdoms. I notice some people have dropped out and/or can't create as many levels as they originally planed. Think of it as a contracting service. Someone yells out "Burnum! I need another level for my Ocean Kingdom NOW!" And I say, "Okay Boss." My specialties include Forest, Ice, and Ocean (well I really don't know what ocean is, but it sounds cool. :D)
      ()Create music...although it looks like we have that taken care of.
      )Draw up specialty graphics. I'm semi-okay when it comes to computer graphics
      ()Design a better web site? No offence, but ick. Notice I didn't say host a better website. I could only host on or someother service, and it would be slow.
      )Be ListMom for the list...if we create one.

      (url="http://";=Burnum")Stephen(/url) ż' ((url="http://";=Burnum")The Burnum Man(/url))
      Play Ferazel's Wand? (url="http://"")Download Equity Of Redemption!(/url) - A New Ferazel's Wand World

    • Well, if you going to be part of the project, you should start making some forest levels. I'll keep working on my level of doom.

    • Yay! I love forest levels. BTW, my e-mail is so send me that passphrase (don't you love that term? :D) plz.

      Another suggestion:
      () Make a version of the game that doesn't require any modifications to the actuall FW files.
      )And on a related may want to think twice about replacing certain sprites to free up space. Someother world may utilize those sprites, the user unsuspectedly trys to play that level, but gets your sprites which you replaced. I know that makes it harder for us...or we could just put a disclaimer: Place these files in the FW folder when playing our level. Use the normal files for other levels. Dunno.

      (url="http://";=Burnum")Stephen(/url) ż' ((url="http://";=Burnum")The Burnum Man(/url))
      Play Ferazel's Wand? (url="http://"")Download Equity Of Redemption!(/url) - A New Ferazel's Wand World

    • Burnum- I'm not sure I have time to respond to all you posted now, but I defenitly will sometime today.

      Measuring energy in kilowatt-hours is as stupid as measuring distance in knot-seconds.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Burnum:
      **Can I join

      Of course!
      We need all the members we can get.


      Originally posted by Burnum:
      (*)The Password to download the files please

      It's in the mail.


      Originally posted by Burnum:
      (*)Is there one file I can download to get everything in One Big World?

      There are three files: The levels package, Bob's BG tiles, and the Tech tileset.


      Originally posted by Burnum:
      (*)A World Screen to replace the seven lands of Tektornon (At least change the # to 9:D )

      We need a world map NOW.
      Not a final one, but just enough to tell the "general direction" of each kingdom. (In Teraknorn, the fire levels were "down", Xichra's levels "up", etc.)


      Originally posted by Burnum:
      (*)More Levels

      Yeah, Dr Tall Land seems to have more now.


      Originally posted by Burnum:
      **Suggestions (as suggested by Burnum):
      (*)An e-mail list. Shoot this idea down now, if you don't like it. I like stuff like yahoogroups because we'd be the only ones reading it. You can post files up there if you want. It's organized and comes directly to your mailbox.

      It'd be nice to have other people not read it, but I like using the Ambrosia boards.
      I'd rather keep using this topic.


      Originally posted by Burnum:
      (*)An updated web site? "Last updated at 8:13 PM on Sunday the 31st of the 12th month of the year 2000 A.D (Which, by the way, is NOT the "new milennium". That's very soon, though.)" Let's get moving here buddy.

      OK, I'll make a better one.
      BTW, That was for the main page, not the whole site.


      Originally posted by Burnum:
      (*)Create levels for kingdoms. I notice some people have dropped out and/or can't create as many levels as they originally planed. Think of it as a contracting service. Someone yells out "Burnum! I need another level for my Ocean Kingdom NOW!" And I say, "Okay Boss." My specialties include Forest, Ice, and Ocean (well I really don't know what ocean is, but it sounds cool.:D )

      You can make levels for whatever kingdom you want.
      We need Dark Woods, Sand, 9th Kingdom, and Tech (I may have forgotten some other kingdoms that have very few levels, but you get the idea) levels the most.


      Originally posted by Burnum:
      (*)Design a better web site? No offence, but ick. Notice I didn't say host a better website. I could only host on or someother service, and it would be slow.

      That website is only for the developers, and they can tolerate it.
      There will be a MUCH better site for the consumers.
      BTW, is free.
      Maybe we could all split the $15/year.


      Originally posted by Burnum:
      (*) Make a version of the game that doesn't require any modifications to the actuall FW files.

      That would ruin the Tech Kingdom, and "Delusions of Mediocrity"!


      Originally posted by Burnum:
      (*)And on a related may want to think twice about replacing certain sprites to free up space. Someother world may utilize those sprites, the user unsuspectedly trys to play that level, but gets your sprites which you replaced. I know that makes it harder for us...or we could just put a disclaimer: Place these files in the FW folder when playing our level. Use the normal files for other levels. Dunno.

      Yeah, but I really want to replace the big bug with an owl.

      Measuring energy in kilowatt-hours is as stupid as measuring distance in knot-seconds.

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