Sorry, another thing:
Should we have a "progress-log" on the other board?
"Give me a large enough hard drive, a fast enough modem, and I can download the web!"
Sorry, another thing:
Should we have a "progress-log" on the other board?
"Give me a large enough hard drive, a fast enough modem, and I can download the web!"
Originally posted by aschaaf_86:
**Sorry, another thing:
Should we have a "progress-log" on the other board?
About the dark woods- no. I don't think it should be done in bryce because everything else was hand-drawn and it would look out of place.
About Halloween and Christmas- no. Yes no yes no yes no yes no is ok, but Haloween and Christmas is getting a little too weird.
I have completed the level and it is on its way (or it will be in a little bit)
The tech tileset is so cool!
By the way... Hasen't anyone ever wanted to fight something while being flung around on dragon cannons over bottomless pits? Hasen't anyone ever wondered what platforms would do if you dont change their info dialogs? (Heh heh heh... good secret placed here) Hasen't anyone ever wanted to make the quicksand or lava bubles a different color? (Good, I do too... Just can't figure out how. )
And lastly, doesn't everybody love a good jump-for-your-life-bats-are-chasing-you-uh-oh-im-going-to-fall-to-my-death bottomless-pit? Or maybe two or three...
Your pet poodle is flying loop-de-loops over my microchips! The poodle is coming! The poodle is coming! (Don't ask )
Originally posted by AVN:
**About Halloween and Christmas- no. Yes no yes no yes no yes no is ok, but Haloween and Christmas is getting a little too weird.
How about just a graveyard with a few pumpkins, and an ice level with some evergreen (christmas) trees.
Speaking of weirdness, would it be ok if most of the residents of the ice kingdom were hackers?
(No, not people who crack into other computers. The name for them is crackers. Hackers are computer programmers/fanatics)
Originally posted by AVN:
**I have completed the level and it is on its way (or it will be in a little bit)
The tech tileset is so cool!
I need to go away for about 2 hours.
I'll post them when I get back.
"Give me a large enough hard drive, a fast enough modem, and I can download the web!"
Sure, they can be hackers. And evergreens & pumpkins & graveyards are fine. Fighting Santa ... a little weird.
I am trying to make a waterskiing level (that's how I accidentaly made the techtiles) and it will be good if I can get watery versions of the FG tiles. Could someone do this for me? (It's easy, but long and tedious) Also in the set should be normal tiles so there is something to walk on underwater. (&spikes;, lots of em)
TS2000 rules! (Wouldn't you like to know what TS2000 is... I think I'll just leave you hanging for about half a year. I love to tease people.)
Your pet poodle is flying loop-de-loops over my microchips! The poodle is coming! The poodle is coming! (Don't ask )
Originally posted by AVN:
Why don't you make a pre: "TECH LAND" tileset, kind of like circuit boards carved out of stone, and have the level like a laberynth, with pits, magic carpets, and many, many axe murders and booby traps, like bugged quicksand, so if you go the wrong way and fall in the quicksand, you'd end up at the beginning of the level?
Originally posted by Polish Falcon:
booby traps, like bugged quicksand
Interesting... Use the quicksand bug as a trap... I like it. I think I've figured out what exactly the bug does, so I should be able to determine where the player would be if he/she fell. This is interesting. Wait till you see my next level now!
Your pet poodle is flying loop-de-loops over my microchips! The poodle is coming! The poodle is coming! (Don't ask )
Originally posted by AVN:
**This is interesting. Wait till you see my next level now!:)
"Give me a large enough hard drive, a fast enough modem, and I can download the web!"
Nighttime in Circut City has been (url="http://"")added(/url).
It looks great.
"Give me a large enough hard drive, a fast enough modem, and I can download the web!"
Hello AVN It is the Cap't of the Guard.
Hey Frazzle Freaks!, Check out my signature!!!!!!
Hope u like it AVN!!!!
The poodle is coming!
The poodle is coming!
Whoa, it looks like AVN!
I Guess I've kind of been a jerk, haven't I? :redface: Sorry I didn't ask to be a part of this. I've had some problems at home recently. My regestering has been a symbol of a new beginning. Can I be a part of this awesome Group, AVN?
What is the problem with Windows? Haha! Everything!!!!
Oh, AVN, Cap't of the Guard, can you keep me posted on this, and if I'm accepted By the group? My Parents are ticked again. I stay on the internet one minute too long, and I'm Grounded again.
What is the problem with Windows? Haha! Everything!!!!
Quicksand is just a tile in some of the BG sets. It works like water, but it slows Ferazel down and drags him under. There is a bug with it.
Go to Define BG Tiles... in the Tiles menu and set the quicksand tiles to ID 205.
Your pet poodle is flying loop-de-loops over my microchips! The poodle is coming! The poodle is coming! (Don't ask )
What spells are we assuming Ferazel to know?
I think he should get the Boomerang very early on.
I think he should get the other ones after he has completed the 8 kingdoms.
Maybe there could be some secrets or levels that require the V-Blade or Ice Wall.
The Ice Kingdom could let ferazel play the first few levels, and then Ferazel would be at the Ice Castle (Ill make this).
The supreme president/king/dictator/whatever could refuse to help Ferazel until all the other kingdoms helped Ferazel.
When Ferazel is helped by all the Kingdoms, hell have full (or almost full?) Health/Magic, and all the spells (Including Ice-Wall).
Then with the Ice-Wall, he could play the remaning Ice levels.
Another thing: What about the Ice Pick?
Another thing: Where should Captin Crowleys Lost Mines start?
Near the Ninth Kingdom?
At the bottom of a sand The Dig-like level?
From the Dark Woods?
From the Ice Kingdom?
Somewhere else?
Another thing:
What about replacing replacing one of the kingdoms with the Wacky kingdom?
Or will those type of levels be in the Ninth Kingdom...
Yet another thing:
AVN- Can Lands beyond be a Captin Crowleys mines level?
If it can be, could you change to the mining FG tiles, and add some gold?
"Give me a large enough hard drive, a fast enough modem, and I can download the web!"
Originally posted by aschaaf_86:
**What spells are we assuming Ferazel to know?
I think he should get the Boomerang very early on.
I think he should get the other ones after he has completed the 8 kingdoms.
Maybe there could be some secrets or levels that require the V-Blade or Ice Wall.
Another thing: What about the Ice Pick?
Another thing: Where should Captin Crowleys Lost Mines start?
Another thing:
What about replacing replacing one of the kingdoms with the Wacky kingdom?
Or will those type of levels be in the Ninth Kingdom...
Yet another thing:
AVN- Can Lands beyond be a Captin Crowleys mines level?
If it can be, could you change to the mining FG tiles, and add some gold?
1.No, I think boomerang should be at the end of a kingdom.
2.Of course! My levels require Ice wall sometimes.
3.At the end of the ice kingdom of course!
4.Definitly at the end of a "The Dig" like level, but not with sand textures. Maybe caves.
5.In the ninth kingdom.
6.Sure! I'll do it right now.
Your pet poodle is flying loop-de-loops over my microchips! The poodle is coming! The poodle is coming! (Don't ask )
Originally posted by AVN:
**1.No, I think boomerang should be at the end of a kingdom.
What about making the user going through the caves kingdom first, and putting the boomerang at the end of it?
Then the user would have it for the other kingdoms.
Originally posted by AVN:
**4.Definitly at the end of a "The Dig" like level, but not with sand textures. Maybe caves.
I think it should be a sand one, but with custom BG/FG tiles to fake caves near the end, and gloomy lighting.
Originally posted by AVN:
**6.Sure! I'll do it right now.
Maybe you could add a mine cart, even if it doesn't go anywhere.
Originally posted by AVN:
**THIS IS MY 100th POST! Yay!:)
I'm only about 100 away from 500 now...
"Give me a large enough hard drive, a fast enough modem, and I can download the web!"
(quote)Originally posted by aschaaf_86:
**Another thing:
What about replacing replacing one of the kingdoms with the Wacky kingdom?
Or will those type of levels be in the Ninth Kingdom... Possibly needs another save point(by "Don't look down" maybe.) I fell off the screen twenty times before I found the exits(both of them)
When I tried to paste the tiles in ResEdit, it said something about the resource being full(possibly because I made a few tilesets of my own). It works fine if I delete everything else and then paste in your tiles.
An optimist sees a glass that's 1/2 full. A pessimist sees a glass that's 1/2 empty. An engineer sees a glass that's twice as big as it needs to be.
I have an idea:
What about making one REALLY hard Labyrinth-like level?
It could be at the maximum size, and be somewhere in the ninth kingdom.
Of course, we'd have to ration the sprites so we wouldn't break the 511 sprite limit. (I might not be exactly 511, but it's somewhere around there)
"Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream." -- George W. Bush