For the use of making ships and weapons, which graphics program is best?
Here's what I want out of it (prioritized):
- Shareware/freeware.
- Low learning curve. I want to be able to make a ship in one sitting by the end of this month.
- Good documentation, because I'm sorta like that Midvale School for the Gifted cartoon (Farside).
- Efficient design (as I mentioned, time is an issue)
- Able to make quality graphics.
Yes, it's for a Nova TC. I already have a "functional" (with recycled graphics) base galaxy, so this isn't a bright idea I came up with at 1 this morning.
(Of course, if anyone wants to join the team to make this plug-in, I'd like to hear that even more. Much of the plot, however, is already decided.)
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