As much as I hate to ask this...anyone heard from kberg or those other guys who are using REALBasic? Thanks.
I have been trying to make one using the Quake engine, and it's going pretty damn slowly.
-- Nikolaus Wegner -
Originally posted by nwegner:
**I have been trying to make one using the Quake engine, and it's going pretty damn slowly.**
Quake!? THE Quake!? WTF!?
Do not mistake wishes for truth.
Visit the (url="http://"")EVO Discussion Area(/url) 'cause I told you to! -
Good question (I think it was a question, not just an exclamation). How does one make and EV game out of Quake?
"...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer -
Originally posted by goomeister:
**Quake!? THE Quake!? WTF!?
**Ummm... yeah. I was going to do it from scratch, but I realised this: (url="http://"")
had a decent combat engine, and that I could fix it up and add some space physics to get started. For some eye candy, here is a similar project ('cept multiplayer combat only) that someone else (who is infinitely better than me) is doing: (url="http://"")
-- Nikolaus Wegner -
"those other guys who are using REALBasic" were Tycho and sebek right? I haven't seen them on ICQ lately. Wonder what happened to them...
??? -
Need some time to finish off a project. Demo-ing it soon actually (but it's still behind schedule!!!)
After that things will slow down a bit. Exams are over end of april, and after that I'll have some time to devote to spare time projects again. I figure I might as well do a carbon version anyways...
Democracy is like a Reimann sum... -
sebek said he'd update his client/server programs soon.
I'm just starting again on helian wars. I like the name so I think I'll keep it.
It's going to be, still, the renegades versus the UE. Someone hosts, everyone connects to them, you chat for a bit, decide which team you're on and then jump right in the middle of a battle. Battle time/kills runs out the score is tallied and you can buy ships/weapons/upgrades. Then more people connect as the battle progresses and it turns into an endless war until the server runs out of memory and crashes everyone's computer.(except os x machines, but I'm working on that.)I'm always asking this, but does this sound fun? Should I make this? It is possible. Don't send me stuff back saying it's not possible.
Where the Hell's my roof? -
Woohoo! Freezing!
MAKE IT PLEASE!! just got cable modem, need more games to play online. IM BEGGING YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is the answer to this question 'no'?
Chaos to the enemies of the Azdgari -
ochey dochey
does the principle behind it sound alright? I don't want to spend all my time making something that turns out really awful and noone plays it.
Tell us what you think.
Where the Hell's my roof? -
I'd probably play it 24/7, er well, about as much of that as I was near a computer.
Is the answer to this question 'no'?
Chaos to the enemies of the Azdgari -
It sounds fun, but I liked the trading aspect of EV?O?N a lt...any way you could implement systems in there?
kberg, good to see you again. I remember that this was the time of year when we saw a barage of builds last year; I can't wait to see what turns up this summer (I remember downloading build_13 at 4AM the day I left for MacWorld...what memories.)
I agree with Phoenix on "Helian Wars," the trading aspect should be retained in whatever you and Sebek develop.
Maybe both teams should start working together.....
I never really ever got into trading. I've never bought a trading ship. I was fighting from the start. Differnent systems are planned but not for the initial release. The other systems will be for fighters to go back to their homeworlds from the battle and get upgrades and collect rewards/bounties or whatever.
The main reason I'm making this is to show everyone what a great ship the helian is. All you blasphemers kicking mud on it's name. Well I'll show you, I'll show you all!!!
Is trading really necessary?
Where the Hell's my roof? -
Originally posted by Tycho:
Is trading really necessary?
**Well, in my (and I'm sure many others') opinion, yes!
Hm, talking about EVMP, has anyone ever heard of Exobattle?
I think it's as close as it can get to it right now (If not, prove me wrong)
you can get it here: (url="http://"")http://www.ambrosias...urch/exobattle/(/url)------------------
Arrrrrrr, matey!!!! -
not Exobattle, parsec - (url="http://"")
(url="http://"")Harzius Productions(/url)
(url="http://"")Iced Earth(/url) -
Yes, I know about both...but neither of those games is like EV (in general). Exobattle does not have a consistent Universe and Parsec is for fighting only!
I would recommend (url="http://"")Terminus(/url), but it's not the absolute ebst game you can get...and although it's fun, it's also hard to make mods for.
Our best bet would either be the EVMP made by the guys here (Tycho and Kberg), or (url="http://"")XShipWars(/url) ported to Mac OS (X) by s dedicated Mac lover! I would certainly voluteer, but I'm only starting out as a programmer and have poor experience.
Just my 2 cents!
Originally posted by DeAdBoY:
**not Exobattle, parsec -**
Parsec looks cooler, but I've actually played exobattle (what there is of it), and it would surely be awesome if it were ever finished. But I'm not complaining because, as I understand it, the creator is working on another project at the moment.
The last time I was on this board, the price of dumb questions was really high.
Ask me what I'm doing. -
Originally posted by Phoenix155:
**Well, in my (and I'm sure many others') opinion, yes!:)--Alexis**
Seriously? I've never had to trade anything, but then again my brother does. I guess it just depends on what type of gamer you are. I like Marathon and he likes Myth. I get it now. I still don't think I'll put trading in any time soon though unless someone can convince me otherwise.
I bet you traders hate renegades and pirates as well. Well I hate you traders. "My needle missiles will make quick work of you! Arrrgh! Power to the people!"
Where the Hell's my roof?