Well I decided to try out EV-Edit to make work on my EVO expansion plug-in easier. It's still in the early stages, so I have about 15 missions done and one new system. I decided to try it out. So I duplicate one of my pilots and land on the stellar where the first mission is supposed to be available and head to the bar.
Nothing happens.
I tried everything to get it to show up. I double checked to be sure I'd set the right mission bit and the right stellar, since it's in a system that changes in the course of the original game. I keep trying, still nothing. Finally, I check it out in good old ResEdit. It turns out that when EV-Edit had created the mission, it set AvailRecord to -1! In other words, I'd have to be an Offender or worse to get the mission, but I was a Role Model. EV-Edit incorrectly assumed -1 meant "ignored" when actually 0 does for your AvailRecord. Moral of the story: make your missions (and, I suspect, other stuff) with ResEdit!
The last time I was on this board, the price of dumb questions was really high.