Ok this webboard is for SUGGESTIONS from all you lot about what you'd like to see in a total EVO editor. The classes and the plug in handler are coming along nicely and I only need to write the Spob, Syst and Misn classes, and their import routines in the handler, before I start working on the actual editor. Now is the time for suggestions!
So far the editor has the capability to support: multiple open plug ins, multiple editors (non-modal interface), editing of: ships (The Docks will be incorporated into this program), weaps, outfs, misns, spobs, systs, flets, dudes, years, pers, junk, STR#s, deqts, descs, nebus and oops'.
I need interface ideas, and YES I might make a total EV:N editor if this one is successful.
Kane O'Donnell