Everybody probably already thinks this, but I think that would be a great sun. You know, when EV42 comes out, and everybody has HAL 9000s, you could stick that in the middle of the system and make it a unlandable planet, but change the STR around so it says:
Are you crazy? <sun's name> is too hot to land on! I'll activate the self-distruct so you won't harm the rest of the galazy with your ideas.
<self distruct turns on>
Ok, ok.. you'd have to rewrite EV/EVO, but hey! That would be neat!
Max B-H
"I've taken the disperser out of the loop and run the cables through the initiator power intake on the engine power system. The feedback energy is just accumulating in the repulsor system. When the power level is high enough, I'll reset the feedback power breaker and dump the energy right into the initiator intake on the engine power systems."
"Jump-start it," Han said. "I'm going to jumpstart it."