Capt: you think HE's good... 
I've got some TCs in the works...named Origins, War Dawning, and "as of yet unnamed".
Order of being worked on: unnamed, Origins, War Dawning. Order of conception: War Dawning, Origins, unnamed. 
Also I've got a few that have most likely died. :frown:
Best of best luck to me, please, I'll need it. :eek: Though, hopefully I've got a guy who'll help me with unnamed after I finish helping him with his.
Oh, let's see, status: for unnamed, some ships modelled and lots of concepts. Same for Origins...and War Dawning also. They'll all be for EV3, most likely.
/me needs winter break NOW! NOW I say! I need to go work on graphics for that guy...(sore wa himitsu desu, did I spell that right? I don't speak japanese :frown:)