DOing some research for Pontus, I would like to know what people want for EVO dev map 1.2. thanks
G4, the faster computer.
E-mail me for a teaser of my upcoming plug.
DOing some research for Pontus, I would like to know what people want for EVO dev map 1.2. thanks
G4, the faster computer.
E-mail me for a teaser of my upcoming plug.
Originally posted by Sean2000:
**DOing some research for Pontus, I would like to know what people want for EVO dev map 1.2. thanks
Mission editing...wink
D rugs A re R eally E xpensive
"Quoted the Kwanza Man...Nevermore."
AIM: Kwanzar26
Make it EVN compatible.
I want it all....
Seriously, a better scrolling system. The one at the moment doesn't work very well.
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(url="http://"")The Tides of War(/url)
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Hip Hop Recomendation of the week: Beastie Boys - Ill Communication
Ok, great, keep the repies coming in, I'll find out the most wanted things, then tell him
G4, the faster computer.
E-mail me for a teaser of my upcoming plug.
How about random galaxy generation? Something like Alien Skin's baked earth where the nodes where crackes meet are systems, and the cracks are jump lines... and maybe a "whirlpool" type effect for a true galaxy... sounds hard to do, so whatever.
Finish the map checker feature and a new random map generation
"Veni, Vidi, Vici" "I came, I saw, I conqeured." Julius Caeser "The revolution is over. I am the revolution."Napoleon Bonparte Join against Bush, Visit and tell your parents to vote Gore
Originally posted by nwegner:
How about random galaxy generation?
This has been done before, It didn't work right though, i could randomly generate hundreds of systems but all the hyperlinks were screwed up.
Pasting for graphics and sounds (like in Shipwrite)
Listing functions for print
Output to Excel/Filemaker (Seant did this, but it didn't really work on my system)
M A R T I N • T U R N E R
Originally posted by Martin Turner:
**Pasting for graphics and sounds (like in Shipwrite)
Listing functions for print
Output to Excel/Filemaker (Seant did this, but it didn't really work on my system)
What was the problem? If you can tell me a bit about your system and the error you got, I can try and fix it.
Live scrolling.
Make the preview feature fully interactive, so that you can click on the various buttons, and the bar or the mission computer, or commodities, or whatever will pop up (I'm mainly asking for the shipyard, outfits, and bar - the mission computer might be too difficult.)
"Apple does not recommend allowing an elephant to operate a Mac in any environment."
I thought also, maybe adding jünk resources and applying them?
G4, the faster computer.
E-mail me for a teaser of my upcoming plug.
The abiltity to alter düde resources would be a good idea as you generally need düdes for systems.
WHat about random galaxy generation, but you put in your own hyperlinks?
G4, the faster computer.
E-mail me for a teaser of my upcoming plug.
Yeah, that sounds goo, how about adding Random names for them as well.
I'll ask Pontus about that, actually, I'll send this file to him.
G4, the faster computer.
E-mail me for a teaser of my upcoming plug.
has some info on how to make a 2d starmap with giliese data, maybe Pontus could make devmap do this?
-- Nikolaus Wegner
A figure sneaks in, nails a piece of paper to the wall and sneaks out, mumbling something about role playing campaigns.
Right now I'm working on making EVO Devmap switch to Appearance. Once I get that sorted out, I will start coding your requests.
(quote)Originally posted by the Necromicon:
**I want it all....
128 Sol U.E. Big Fat Merchants UE Ships...
129 Centauri U.E...
(quote)Originally posted by Chrestomanci:
**Live scrolling.
Make the preview feature fully interactive, so that you can click on the various buttons, and the bar or the mission computer, or commodities, or whatever will pop up (I'm mainly asking for the shipyard, outfits, and bar - the mission computer might be too difficult.)
I've been planning to add full preview for some time. I might as well do it. I don't think the mission computer would be any great trouble.
PS: Good work Sean
PPS: Dudes and junks will come, eventually.
Pontus Ilbring
(url="http://"")Pontus' EV & EVO Page(/url)
Thanks Pontus
G4, the faster computer.
E-mail me for a teaser of my upcoming plug.
Originally posted by pontus:
How? I don't have a clue what EVN's resources looks like. Wasn't it supposed to ship with its own editors, anyway?
Originally the editor was meant to ship with Nova I think but Pipeline stopped writing it, EVN's resources, well various people have the unfinished templates because they were found along with the Nova app on an insecure server.......