Originally posted by Weepul 884:
**I was curious about your claim that it was a transport, yet the bridge is so small. So, I measured it.
The bridge windows, from the top view, are about 3 pixels long and the ship is about 300 pixels long. Assuming that, from the top, the windows for the bridge are about as long as an average person (5.5 feet to be round) to give enough visiblilty (so you aren't peering through a small slot), the ship is 550 feet long or 183.33333 yards long. Accounting that yards are shorter than meters, the ship is as long as a (looks in EV)...hmm. Longer than a Kestrel or Confed Frigate (both 80m) and shorter than a Confed Cruiser or Bulk Freighter (both 250m). Strangely, the Rebel Cruiser is longer than a Confed Cruiser at 280m. Anyway, this isn't any small transport to say the least! It's bigger than a football stadium!
How's that for deduction?
Faulty Everything hinges upon your presumption thatyour 3px measure approximately equals 5.5 feet. What happens if you double that? So then 3px = 11 feet, meaning you get a scale of about .273px/foot. Then you get a length of only 81.8 feet.
If there was a personnel hatch than, yeah, the reasoning would be sound.
Hey PyroManiac---are you modeling at scale in lightwave? In meters I presume? Makes things so much nice when putting several ships into the same scene. (And watch as the Mechanisto pundits stare in awe of a 3D program which has three separate pieces...)