Among my many questions, most were answered here, but I've a few more.
First, someone touched base on the UE Fighter's Gatling-ish Blaze Cannons, but did not proceed to ask why a similar design was not used in the rest of the Human ships. So, why the unique cannons on the UE Fighter? Couldn't have been hard to swap them out with the new models, and probably vice versa. On reflection I can imagine you wouldn't want to use them because they'd look like they ought to belong to the Emalgha, but still wonder why they weren't changed to match all other blaze weaponry.
Second, the Override Splash screen. I easily recognize the Voinian Frigates and UE ships, but the third in the distance with a trio of UE Fighters firing at it... What's that supposed to be? Was it a former or intended future revamp of the Crescent Warship? Maybe, though quite unlikely, the Turncoat?
In that same splash, one must notice that the Voinian Frigates have... Have.... COLOR! Do comment on this. I have no specific question, but I'm interested in the development of ships in practice and ships in the splash.
We have a third, now. I played Override 1.0.1 for years, refusing to update because of the horror stories of guided weapons acting dumber than even the dumb-fire ones, AI ships having unlimited afterburners, and the bit with the Emalgha turret... When I did try the update, I found my bubble burst in all those ways, and more. To be specific, UE Fighters and Voinian Interceptors had their protection cut off at the ankle. The Krait fighters I once feared were now suddenly harmless flies despite their new advanced AI, because their shields didn't regenerate. I would like to know why these rather large changes were made.
Next, there's the small matter of galactic terminology. You gave the more advanced section of the known galaxy a name - The Crescent. You never gave a term for the area that our lovely little species and our adorable adversaries inhabit. If you don't have one on file, make one up so that I can save a few words whenever I'm on the subject.
Last I have an observation that I would like input on. Between my own thoughts and your descriptions here, one synonym is springing to mind. The Roman Empire. From the attitude presented, the actions described and made, the motives you explained... Hell, right down to slavery. Their style of combat, focus on brute force, armor, and training - And then never change. The continuing tradition of military commanders earning immense and somewhat eternal glory, like Caesar, and like Borb. Well, if all this is in error, there's still the Voinian comm message "Take care, human."
As I understand what I've read...
They're stagnant and resistant to change. They are by no means, however, varelse. You have said how any Voinians not slain were deported back to the Empire and such, which gave me the impression you hadn't intended them to be capable of integrating with us and their former slaves. By the same token, you imply that any Voinians captured by former slaves are... Well, not heard from again.
Should this area of the plot play any role in your project, I might suggest a section based around the former slaves' response to the crimes of the Empire. Their grief, and hunger for vengeance shaping them into the very enemy they are so adamant to destroy. In their desire to repay the suffering done unto them, they find themselves committing the very same atrocities to groups of Voinians that are no more deserving than the slaves had been.
I think the concept, when developed by someone with some writing prowess, could do a fair bit explain how everyone is equally capable of the same evil and preferably also virtue. Come to think of it, that right there could open some eyes toward current events. And perhaps to my own folly, I've been reading too much of the Ender's Game series. Time will tell, I suppose.
Yeah, so this post ended up being about four times as long as I intended. I'll close out with another pair of hands giving you nice little shove to get this show on road, or rather hyperlink, my good Sir.
Oh, and I'm sorry I plundered your Arada all those dozens of times.