@qaanol, on May 23 2008, 09:56 AM, said in New EV Override port:
Wow Guy I can't believe I never noticed that! Who knew the people of Hizdriar also make shoddy duplicate blaze cannons? =p
And they still try to sell them at full price!
@qaanol, on May 23 2008, 09:56 AM, said in New EV Override port:
Geek, seriously, stop trying to mislead people. Conveying false information as the truth is unacceptable. I mean, really, this is the internet , you just can't do that kind of thing here.
Wait, that actually was a joke of sorts. I was angry but didn't want to be mean by firing a real tester (I need you guys!) so I picked on Geek instead. Seems he's learnt his lesson now 
Colosseum will be awesome :). Reckon you can get it done that soon? I know we have most of the process automated now but I'll understand if we have to wait til next weekend.
@godzfire, on May 23 2008, 05:42 PM, said in New EV Override port:
Okay okay........in all seriousness, is this EV4 for real? Does it have anything to do with EVO, the best of the three EV's? Will it be simply a graphics revamp and maybe extra missions? (which I can deal with)
I'm just porting EVO. I can't comment on anything else.
@callide, on May 23 2008, 05:55 PM, said in New EV Override port:
No need to apologize. I was just a tad confused. 
Oh, and you aren't anymore?