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    • Poll: Emalgha vs. Voinans

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      Which is better?

      Poll: Emalgha vs. Voinans (53 member(s) have cast votes)
      Which do you think is the better race overall?
      (29 votes [49.15%])
      Percentage of vote: 49.15%
      (30 votes [50.85%])
      Percentage of vote: 50.85%

      I just wanted to put in a fun poll on this board here. I'm curious to see what people have to say on this age old rivalry. 🆒

    • This is even disputable? The Voinians would own the Emalgha hands down.

    • Um, are we supposed to be able to choose both?

    • Not much of a debate here. I can see a few people have voted with their hearts tho'

    • Unfortunately, the Emalgha would would not withstand a long time against the Voinian forces. But if a certain mercenary captain would help... 😉

    • @crow-t--robot, on Mar 2 2007, 07:18 AM, said in Poll: Emalgha vs. Voinans:

      Unfortunately, the Emalgha would would not withstand a long time against the Voinian forces. But if a certain mercenary captain would help... 😉

      What he said. :laugh:

      It actually looks like the Elmagha are on the losing end of a duel with the Voinians when you arrive in their system. Now, if someone were to create a plug that improved their technology once the UE pitched in to help...

      The possibilities are endless, gentlemen. 😉

    • Good input. I voted for the Voinans, I think. The Elmalgha have good technology to own the Voinans, but the Voinans are better in combat against a wider range of enemies. The Elmalgha basically fight the Voinans. No one else. The Voinans have a few more enemies. This makes them build better ships and fight more aggressively.

    • The Voinians have stronger ships. The Emalgha have weapons designed to punch down armor on those ships, Voinian ships have very little shields, but lots of armor. But even though the Emalgha have weapons designed to kill Voinians, they don't have any real warships. Just converted freighters. They're on the short end of the stick for resources as well. The only reason they can do anything to the Voinians more than a slowly degrading holding action is the assistance of an alien like you.

    • I choose both because I can.

    • Lol. And your exactly right, CaptJosh. Exactly how I wanted to phrase it.

      Edit: Look up the original meaning behind the phrase "the short end of the stick". It's kind of hilarious, but a little nasty, too.

      This post has been edited by duke_juker : 08 March 2007 - 01:11 AM

    • Which is better? I guess I'd say define "better", the poll is somewhat ambiguous. Voinians are better fighters, have better tech overall. Emalgha are better "charactered", and have the Disco Bison! I apologize for that poor phraseology.

      Also, duke_juker, it's Emalgha, not Elmalgha. Still, I voted for them.

      This post has been edited by Callide : 08 March 2007 - 08:20 AM

    • Thanks for the correction. I haven't played in a while. I'm a little rusty on names. For the sake of this poll, I'll define better as the two races fighting each other. Fair enough?


    • Emalgha are winning!

    • Drat! A tie. Guess it will just stay that way unless we grave dig this topic later or someone wants to break the vote now.

    • Didn't you guys ever learn in school that no race is better than another and everybody is equal?

    • emalgha+UE=winsauce.

    • All of the Voinians weapons are long range and very damaging , and the Voinians have a lot more ships than the Emalgha , Voinian ship are also faster than Emalgha ships , so the Voinians can just pound the Emalgha to peaces , fall back a bit , fire some more , and so on. 😄

    • Though what you say is ture, mrxak, grenth does make a very good argument. But that's considering the Voinians have the intelligence to fight from long range and not just rush in. 😛

    • @duke_juker, on Apr 3 2007, 08:23 PM, said in Poll: Emalgha vs. Voinans:

      Though what you say is ture, mrxak, grenth does make a very good argument. But that's considering the Voinians have the intelligence to fight from long range and not just rush in. 😛

      so, in the original EV:O, the voinians get pwnd because they refuse to use their range advantage, but in EV: N O the voinians use their range and pwn all (with the propper AI tags, of course)

      and i vote emlagha, Disco Bison ftw

    • I think if the EVO universe was allowed to 'progress' on its own, the Emalgha would be utterly defeated within about 2 months. Their race would be enslaved and they would be forced to fight U.E. (not that I would know or anything....)


      I'm laughing insanely because none of you know what I'm talking about. Don't feel insulted though; no-one knows what I'm talking about except me.

      This post has been edited by Starbridge21 : 11 April 2007 - 07:40 PM