Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • EVO Galaxy Replacer

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      on the way... (hopefully)

      Just a little update.

      Some of you might remember me putting up a post abouta new plug-in, EVO Galaxy Replacer (this was about a year ago). The basic idea is what its says - the ships, governments, wars and so on are all kept the same but the systems have all been replaced.

      So far the size has exceeded the EVO galaxy and is still increasing. I know quality is better than quanitity but the storylines have been pretty radically changed, so it will look a very different galaxy to that in original EVO.

      What I want to know, is there any point in me carrying on? I have made over 500 systems that cover Voinian, UE and renegade space so I have yet to even touch the Strands. As far as I'm concerned, the EVO playing community has been reduced to a mere handful. If I'm going through all the effort to make this thing, is anyone gonna actually play it?

      I know there are a few EVO to Nova converters, but I am not at all farmiliar with NovaTools and the Nova engine in general. I would not be able to program missions or systems so is it worth continuing?


    • Go ahead with it. At least two people will look into it, and if necessary, I suppose I could always port it-given enough time and boredom.

      Whatever happened to your original EV plugin about the Confederation, by the way? I seem to recall you saying you had finished one, a long time ago.


    • I would play it on Override, definately.

    • Nova isn't really hard to pick up, especially if you're experienced with EV/O. And the editors just make it all so much easier. If you're interested in doing so then SpacePort should have no problem converting all the systems you've done so far.

    • If it doesn't involve too much effort on your part, I'd go ahead with it...I'd play it, and I'm sure that people will eventually come and discover it and play it if they feel the need to return to the EVO side of their roots. Basically, I just would hate to see something that's taken so much effort go to waste.

    • I'll play it, I've got a download file on my computer to go back to my old iMac when I dig it out of storage next. There'll be hours of fun EVOing.

    • Thanks for the support guys. I don't know if I ever will release, just because it is so bloody big it'd take yonks of time to complete it. But still, it is an interesting take on the EVO universe - I started off by just making it 'EVO' style, a little bit airy fairy. Then I thought, what's the point of making something that works just like the EVO universe except bigger?
      So I radically changed the storylines and added a rather darker element to the game... for instance it might not have been the Voinians who started the war...

      I'm sure I could get my head around the Nova way of programming, but right now I'm so good at programming on the old system I can create chunks of game at a time. If I switched over it would take me 50 times longer and I would just end up leaving it.

      I am particularly fond of the Human-Voinian storylines that I have made up, which means that I will be taking sole control of the mission stories for those governments. However, the scale of these is again massive so I might need help with the Miranu/Strand side of things. I'll have to think about this because if I switch over to the Nova engine, it might not be worth programming missions in EVO. Like I say, I'll have to think about it (and with my brain, this may take some time).

      So sit tight everyone, something bloody amazing is on the way. And Consul Bob, I did make a Confederate plug-in but for some reason I never uploaded it. I will be getting internet on my home computer around december time, so I'll upload it then. If you need a good plug in the meantime, try Voinian Exodus (it's called 'CdH' in the plugins file) which is about 90+ missions to keep you busy.


    • Oh, and I forgot one more thing. I made a plug-in for the Frozen Heart, about 50 mission working for the Rigellian Empire. Pretty good, where the lead character (you) starts off a young hopeful but you end up getting just as bent and corrupt as the empire you work for.

      But when I spoke to Martin Turner he refused to let me publish it because he was scared it would change the way people saw the game. He also said it might interefere with future plugins he would release for it... chance would be a fine thing...

      So I might let someone take a sneaky peaky just to make the work worthwhile, but out of respect to FH's author I will not make an official release.


    • I'd be interested in playing both, unfinished or not. But I probably won't get around to it for a month or two, I'm a tad busy now. You can email them to me, unless you have a linky.

      Edit: :mad:

      This post has been edited by wondergirl : 29 October 2005 - 03:43 PM

    • I will probably just upload them all on EVula's site if its still running. I don't like to be big headed but I've played through them all again and they are bloody good, a lot more original than some of the s###e I've played. Hope you guys enjoy them when they're on the net.

      Okay, EVOGR update. So far we've gone past the 500 systems mark, and I havn't even started on Strand space! Bloody nora!

      But I had to spend a day or two going over the WHOLE thing again, changing all of the planet descriptions to make a more believable scenario. before that, it was all a load of:

      "such and such a planet is a heavy industrial world, producing blah blah blah for the UE government who find it quite useful blah blah boring...zzzz...."

      Now it's a bit more grimy. Each planet has it's own little story, and they are no longer just industrial worlds, shipyards worlds, farming worlds and so on. Thank god for that.

      I also thought the EVO original graphics made it so unbelievable, I am now using the MAGMA graphics to add that darker look to it. I think it suits my scenario quite nicely, I can't wait to release a screen shot or tester version.

      What I want to know is, am I ever gonna get these missions done?

      More tomorrow


    • I'll definitely play the plug if you succeed.
      When it comes out, spread the word on B&B and JC, I'm sure we can get some of the old people to pick up EVO again. Posted Image
      There's many people on the boards who never really liked Nova that much.
      It was EVO that dragged many of them here, perhaps they can be brought back.
      Reminds me, it's been a while since I've played myself.


    • Cheers Opalius. Nice to know there's a few oldies around.

      I've now completely revamped UE space. Gonna finish Voinian space now. I'm half tempted to just release the scenario as it is (500 systems) with just UE and Voinian missions/space, but it wouldn't feel right... I think I'll see this one thru to the end.

      Pretty exciting stuff actually. All I need is someone to write me some Strand missions - I'm not too hot on the alien stuff. Any takers?


    • I'll play it when it's done. Universe-wise, Override was always my favorite of the three. I'm interested to see your take on it.

    • Phew, I'm back.

      Didn't get much done over the last week, what with it being holiday and everything. But now I'm back and we're crackin' on with the work.

      Started doing UE mission strings. I can really get stuck into the missions now, all of the systems and planets have been done apart from the Strands. I'm going to ignore them for now, and maybe do a pre-release with just the UE/Voinian space and missions. We'll see.

      Check back here for more updates.


    • I'd be interested in playing it. I'm going to be picking up a B/W G3 in a while (my iBook is too new to have OS 9) so I look forward to it.

      And if you could e-mail me your other stuff or whatever works for you.

    • I'll play when it's done. How big is the file now? And how much memory does it take up?

    • Havn't even checked but so far the stats are -

      500+ new systems
      8 new governments (plus all of the old ones)
      2 new ships (modified graphics only I'm afraid)
      A few extra graphics
      Loads and loads and loads of really good missions (when they are done ha ha)

      So it really shouldn't be all that big. When it is released, I'll do several versions. The full one will include MAGMA (which is the graphics used for it) as well as music, extra graphics and so on. But I'll also release a version of the plug only, so that people who have MAGMA don't have to download the full version.

      Remember this is mainly a system/mission plug, there is no real memory eating features on it.

      And thanks for the support guys, it's good to know that I'm doing this for someone other than myself.


    • p.s has anyone played Exodus lately? (the one that is called 'cdh' in the plugin pages)

      I never really got any feedback on it so I don't know if it's good/bad/buggy as s###.

    • Sorry, I haven't played it. For quite a while I was pre-occupied with playing through all the Empire plugs for EV, and am now in the middle of FOTVE for EVO. I just added it to the top of my list of plugs to check out, though.

    • Update -

      30+ missions added
      New feature - ship classes (similar to NOVA)
      Many small tweaks and bug fixes

      more later...
