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    • What is your favourite EV game?

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      Isn't it self explanatory?

      Poll: What is your favourite EV game? (27 member(s) have cast votes)
      What is your favourite EV game?
      Escape Velocity
      (4 votes [14.81%])
      Percentage of vote: 14.81%
      EV Override
      (14 votes [51.85%])
      Percentage of vote: 51.85%
      EV Nova
      (9 votes [33.33%])
      Percentage of vote: 33.33%

      Mine is EV Override because I like the story and I think its better for playing around with 🆒

    • Hello? survey? votes, please!!


    • Yep I fully agree. The Override story (stories really) rocks, I really enjoy the gameplay and balance, and of course the colourful ships :).

    • Oooh... It's a close tie between story and game balance.

      The other games don't come close to the feeling you get as you discover the game. You know of three solar systems. Then you take a brave jump into an "Unexplored System" Son, you discover a hostile alien race that will shoot you on sight, and a seemingly inpenetrable wall of hostile systems to the west. Then, you either discover the Miranu or the Strandless, and a large wealth of crescent technology. The first time playing, you will probably end up inadvertantly getting sucked into one side of the strand war. When I first played (seems like ancient history), I remember my Dad telling me how he got a call from his friend (all three of us had just started playing EVO), who woke him up at midnight to tell him "He had opened trade with the Miranu".

      Game balance is also much better. There are many different weapons to choose from, but they each have a unique purpose.
      Rockets and Hunter missiles are extremely different in use and strategy, "Radar or IR missiles" is just a matter of personal preferance.

      Seeing all the projectiles, they are all usefull for different situations, when you think about each one, you can think of a situation for each where they would be good or bad.

    • yeah thats a good point
      I should have put that in the choices. The game balance is really good.

    • I just realised, I'm bound to get only EV Override votes seeing as I'm on the EV Override web board

    • Nova is way better. It has Animations.

    • @cpt--mackyboy, on Apr 9 2006, 09:43 AM, said in What is your favourite EV game?:

      I just realised, I'm bound to get only EV Override votes seeing as I'm on the EV Override web board

      I was wondering if you noticed... try the banter and brawl?

    • Override is far better. It makes choosing outfits far more difficult, and the prices of things are much greater. Also in Nova there is no mission ships to capture and abuse the game in. 🙂

    • Yes, but it has its fair share of "Overpowered ships" cough raven cough.

      Honestly, something that big shouldn't be that fast.

      And I like mission ships. It makes the game more interesting.

      I mean, honestly, who doesn't think it's fun cruising around in an Azgari Enhanced Arada, or kicking crescent butt in a Voinian Dreadnaught (sp)?

      The ABILITY to abuse the game does not worsen it in my opinion, you don't HAVE to capture the voinian dreadnaught. The dreadnaught missions make the game more fun, the option of capturing it doesn't make the game bad.

      If the game didn't have the dreadnaught missions, it would actually worsen the game. In the same way, because NOVA doesn't have many mission ships, it's a worse game.

      Nova doesn't have that many animations... just the gambling....

    • the ships in nova aren't that overpowered

    • Yeah they are! what about the Aurora Cruiser and Carrier? and the bloody Polaris ships?

    • @slim-shady, on Apr 12 2006, 08:06 PM, said in What is your favourite EV game?:

      Yeah they are! what about the Aurora Cruiser and Carrier? and the bloody Polaris ships?

      I dunno. I always got annoyed with Nova because it seemed that most of the ships sucked. Most of the mission strings are really stingy with credit rewards so you really have to work hard to get the top ships, and they tend to be really disappointing. I managed to get a Raven once, only to discover that it didn't stand any chance at all against the post-string Bureau fleets, unless I cloaked and used the rather cheating cloaked wrathii blasters or whatever. Even when I struggled up to outfitting it rather nicely it was pretty hard going.

      Ships in Nova both look and feel really fragile compared to their EV/EVO counterparts. I never ever felt vulnerable in an Igazra :).

    • The EV board version of this poll was far more entertaining for all involved.

    • just coz it got spammed...

    • Déja vu sans mods.

    • Suggested improvements: more poll options.

    • hmm... Well, its a close tie between Nova and Overide, but i'm gonna have to go with Nova on this one.

      In story they tie in my opinion. In terms of quality I love them both, Overide has the advantage of being able to do more than one without changing your ship, but Nova Strings are much easier to get into and less frustrating.

      Graphics werent much of an issue, as I'm using Cold Fusion which basically makes Overide look alot like Nova.

      Overide pulls ahead in the money department for a few reasons. 1: Theres no rediculious Earth-Europa run. There are a few trade routes that are similar, but nothing nearly as rediculious. 2: The Story missions actually make you quite alot of money, and you can actually buy and upgrade a good ship without abusing trade runs.

      However, Nova wins simply in game balance. Lets face it, missles SUCK in Overide. They take up a ton of room and arent really that good. In Nova theres a good balance between Cannons and Missles in my opinion, not to mention there are way more ships.

      Also, I like how the Nova pirates actually act like pirates by boarding you and taking your sh*t rather than simply blowing you out of the water

    • For the included universe, Override is my favorite EV. I just like having an entire universe to explore, rather than having a storyline force hand-fed to me. A storyline-centric universe is just fine as a plug/TC (I really liked FH/FF), but as a base universe it gets old fairly fast.

      For the engine, on the other hand, Nova wins hands-down. The range of possible things you can do with the Nova engine is truely incredible (case in point: there's a topic in the EVDC right now outlining how to turn Nova into a hot-seat multiplayer turn-based strategy game). As coming up with really exotic things to do with the engine is what I enjoy most about plug-design, it doesn't really matter to me if it is more difficult to create a complete plug-in for Nova.

      So, it's a toss-up which I should vote for. As "Game Engine" isn't an option for "why", I'll go with EVO.


    • I LOVE the Hellhound missiles in Nova. I agree with Shen Igasho as far as the money issue, I had a hard time making cash in Nova. Looting pirates was hard work for the amount of cash they had. In EVO, Zachit can earn 100,000 for escort missions. That's an easy way to make millions.