Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Some questions

      Coyote has a couple of questions

      The first question I have to ask, in order to find out where I'm at on this board is this: Coyote hasn't played EVO for several years, and havent' played on this board in so many years that I honestly don't recall. I have a couple of questions about escorts, but the Escorts thread seems to deal with EV Nova (or, as I like to call it, "No Va," since it doesn't run on my computer), so is this the proper area in which to ask questions about EVO, rather than EVN with an EVO plug-in? I'm running a stock version of EVO, so while I have some questions about my hired freighters not being able to help me carry more cargo that I can, I need to know which version of Escape Velocity I need to have to get assistance?

      Coyote thanks you...

      War is like Wagner. It's loud, it lasts too long and you can only smoke and drink during intermissions.

    • You would ask here, in that scenario's forum. All requests for scenario-related information can probably be handled in their departments, with preference given to the original versions.

      So, yes, you've found the right place. Now and hopefully forever.


      This post has been edited by Consul Bob : 23 December 2005 - 04:21 AM

    • Cargo space—freighter-type ships, when you have them as escorts, either hired or captured (I honestly don't know about mission-granted ones, and I don't think that's a concern in the stock scenario) add cargo space to your holds that can only be used for commodity trading, not for mission cargo.

      So you can go get six Miranu Heavy Freighters (500 tons each) and a Crescent Fighter for yourself and trade metal and equipment back and forth between Gribn and Thehir in the Hatuli system until you've got a hundred million credits or whatever excessive amount you desire, but you can't do missions that require more cargo space that you have on your own personal ship.

      Other good trade routes include Pax Station, Omm and Verril Prime (I think, or maybe it's that other human system right next to it?) I can't remember exactly but I think it's medical supplies, crassworms (something like that...) and maybe metal.

      The best trade route, though, is Weapons from somewhere in Azdgari space (one jump south of Azdgari, or maybe two, I think) to Emalghion, and then River Eels from Kitrak to Zidagar on the return trip.

    • I'm pretty sure that mission-granted ships do not hold cargo, because they are not escorts in the classic sense of the 6 escort ships that you control.

    • Qaanol, on Dec 23 2005, 02:41 PM, said:

      Cargo space—freighter-type ships, when you have them as escorts, either hired or captured (I honestly don't know about mission-granted ones, and I don't think that's a concern in the stock scenario) add cargo space to your holds that can only be used for commodity trading, not for mission cargo.

      So you can go get six Miranu Heavy Freighters (500 tons each) and a Crescent Fighter for yourself and trade metal and equipment back and forth between Gribn and Thehir in the Hatuli system until you've got a hundred million credits or whatever excessive amount you desire, but you can't do missions that require more cargo space that you have on your own personal ship.

      Other good trade routes include Pax Station, Omm and Verril Prime (I think, or maybe it's that other human system right next to it?) I can't remember exactly but I think it's medical supplies, crassworms (something like that...) and maybe metal.

      The best trade route, though, is Weapons from somewhere in Azdgari space (one jump south of Azdgari, or maybe two, I think) to Emalghion, and then River Eels from Kitrak to Zidagar on the return trip.
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      Ah so deska! Korahso!!!

      Coyote thanks you all!

      Yes, Qannol , that was what I was asking about - I'm currently driving a Lazira with the legs to take on some of the 100 Kcr "Urgent" missions. But it was my impression that I could hire cargo haulers to help me out if I saw a mission on the mission computer that said that so-and-so needed a shipment of more cargo that I could put on my ship (got only 45 T of cargo space).

      To use an example: let's say that Coyote has accepted a mission to carry 15 T of industrial goods to Himgro. Coyote then sees that there's also a request to ship 60 T of medical supplies to Himgro. So I head over to the bar and see if there are any cargo humpers looking for a load, ok? Now these are your run of the mill cargo hauling missions - not any "critical mission" runs.

      But to get back to the point, the Official Overide Documentation sez that escorts "add to your cargo capacity, so you can make a real killing hauling goods around if you have a few freighters in your fleet. However (and here's where it gets ambigious) any special cargo you need for a mission must always fit into your ship's own cargo hold..." To me, "special" cargo means critical mission cargo, e.g., the Miranu contact mission, running goodies from Voinian space to help rebuild Paaren Station, carrying defectors, spies and the like; not your ho-hum ash and trash hauls. And Coyote doesn't bother with speculative commody trading anymore. Even considering the 45 T cargo space in Coyote's Lazira, I prefer the 60 Kcr "Rush" and the 100 Kcr "Urgent" missions. Up to over 12 Mcr now, and just hit "Dangerous," so Coyote is starting to think of looking for trouble - walking into bars on strange planets and seeing who (or what) tries to pick him up... ;-{)>

      Gib mir Schokolade und niemand wird verletzt sein!

    • Sorry Coyote, I think you're not fully understanding what the documentation is saying. When you accept a mission from the Mission Computer, you're effectively taking on a contract to deliver goods or passengers from one place to another. This cargo is very much what can be considered "critical mission cargo." The critical modifies "mission cargo," not "mission." Thus, you can't trust your escorts to help you carry the stuff you need for those urgent, rush, or even regular deliveries; you have to do all that by yourself.

      I hope that clears things up a bit. And, as you say, walking into bars at this point is definitely the thing to do now that you're reasonably wealthy. You should have more than enough money to get by.

    • Firebird, on Dec 31 2005, 12:22 PM, said:

      Sorry Coyote, I think you're not fully understanding what the documentation is saying. When you accept a mission from the Mission Computer, you're effectively taking on a contract to deliver goods or passengers from one place to another. This cargo is very much what can be considered "critical mission cargo." The critical modifies "mission cargo," not "mission." Thus, you can't trust your escorts to help you carry the stuff you need for those urgent, rush, or even regular deliveries; you have to do all that by yourself.

      I hope that clears things up a bit. And, as you say, walking into bars at this point is definitely the thing to do now that you're reasonably wealthy. You should have more than enough money to get by.
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      Firebird , Coyote thanks you as well! That does indeed clear up all remaining confusions. And I have started walking in to bars to see who/what tries to pick up Coyote (and for what purposes... Don't care what "Speaker to Seafood" sez, Coyote doesn't do strange , and let's not go there, ok?).

      So... right now, I'm caught in 3 mission threads: Trying to "intercept" a Miranu ship in Grivok for the Igadzra; walked into the bar on Himgro to try to hire a couple of escorts and wound up with thethe Miranu medical mission, which led me to accept the mission to pick up some leaves from Muab. Naturally, I stopped off at Zachit and walked into the bar to see about hiring some escorts. So I got into a pissing contest with a Zach who got into my personal space and sez, "Coyote, I understand that you're considered pretty hot shiat for a human (or words to that effect). Want to come hunting with us?" Naturally, I accepted the challenge! Next thing I knew, I found that I had accepted the kill the Nereid mission...

      But Coyote didn't get to his advanced age by being trusting - he backs up his pilot file every chanch he gets. I've saved all of my old pilot files and am going to try to do one mission string at a time.

      War is like Wagner. It's loud, it lasts too long and you can only smoke and drink during intermissions.

    • Well, you can try to do multiple missions, but it gets confusing after a while, and some of them are time sensitive so you could end up failing a mission.

      I found the only good thing about hiring escorts is for making money and eliminating ships. I could never control them well enough to just disable a ship. And if you don't have enough credits to pay them, they will take off with their cargo and some of yours. <_<

    • Callide, on Dec 31 2005, 03:06 PM, said:

      Well, you can try to do multiple missions, but it gets confusing after a while, and some of them are time sensitive so you could end up failing a mission.

      I found the only good thing about hiring escorts is for making money and eliminating ships. I could never control them well enough to just disable a ship. And if you don't have enough credits to pay them, they will take off with their cargo and some of yours. <_<
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      Truth it is, Callide! I think that is what blew me out of the water (so to speak) when I first tried the ski lodge (ski jump?) string - too time sensitive. And I didn't have any escorts then! Well, if Coyote ever loses his escorts to enemy action, I might try again. Ah, Coyote seldom hires escorts - he just drops down to the South side and goes trolling for Renegades... Currently has 2 Renegade Aradas and a Helian (had 3 Helians once, but they're a bit too fragile for the North side). And what I do is keep my finger posed over the "C" button and when a target gets disabled, I rein my wolf pack in and tell 'em close on me! Then I go in and pick up the pieces (and see if I can capture another wolf...).

      Yah, Coyote having saved a back up of his pilot file before going in to Miss Kitty's Bar and Grill on Kitrack and accepting the Igadzra string, thinks that he'll try doing the strings one at a time... Perhaps I'll try the skiing missions again. Whatever...

      "I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that makes living worthwhile?"
      Death thought about it.
      CATS, he said eventually, CATS ARE NICE.
      -- Terry Pratchett, Sourcery

    • Yeah, EVO always liked time-sensitive missions, I ended up downgrading my ship more than a few times just for the extra speed.

    • mrxak, on Jan 2 2006, 03:23 PM, said:

      Yeah, EVO always liked time-sensitive missions, I ended up downgrading my ship more than a few times just for the extra speed.
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      Humm... Well, Coyote has never "downgraded" his ship (per se), but after learning that it took 4 days to round up his escort crews, sober them up and get them fit to launch after getting a time-sensitive mission, I learned to factor that time into my calcs before I accepted any time crit missions.

      I have a mind like a steel trap - rusty and illegal in most areas.

    • My favorite thing to do with escorts is to get a full fleet of shuttles( or something more sturdy), and then go on a mission like the one where you have to attack that renegade place, and make your escorts stop moving. Then you have a living shield against the storm of kraits!

    • Rameretz, on Jan 3 2006, 08:00 PM, said:

      My favorite thing to do with escorts is to get a full fleet of shuttles( or something more sturdy), and then go on a mission like the one where you have to attack that renegade place, and make your escorts stop moving. Then you have a living shield against the storm of kraits!
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      Ah... friend Rameretz , don't know what you're driving, but if you're worried about swarms of Kraits, Coyote seriously suggests that you upgrade to a better grade of ship and weapons before you go wandering into the east side of Cresent space - them green "Humming birds from Hell" will surely rip you a new "4th point of contact" (as we used to say back when I was a UE Marine Fleet Recon Commando during the war...).

      Heh, with a Lazara and phase turrets, Kraits pop like corn in a microwave (but with less effort and even less taste...)


      Gib mir Schokolade und niemand wird verletzt sein!

    • And if you're really worried, you can just bribe the carried fighter Kraits. Incidentally, bribing carried fighters is the only way to beat Attack the Rock in a Shuttle.

      (insert off-topic paragraph about capturing Dreadnoughts, Enhanced Aradas, and The Nadir here)

    • Qaanol, on Jan 6 2006, 11:31 AM, said:

      And if you're really worried, you can just bribe the carried fighter Kraits. Incidentally, bribing carried fighters is the only way to beat Attack the Rock in a Shuttle.View Post

      Bribing = goodness. I completed a few missions this way. Seriously, it was the only way I could get through them.

    • Coyote Jack, on Jan 3 2006, 10:20 PM, said:

      Ah... friend Rameretz , don't know what you're driving, but if you're worried about swarms of Kraits, Coyote seriously suggests that you upgrade to a better grade of ship and weapons before you go wandering into the east side of Cresent space - them green "Humming birds from Hell" will surely rip you a new "4th point of contact" (as we used to say back when I was a UE Marine Fleet Recon Commando during the war...).

      Heh, with a Lazara and phase turrets, Kraits pop like corn in a microwave (but with less effort and even less taste...)
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      In the mission I referred to, there is about 12 turncoats to fight, and they each have what, 4 kraits? That's a lot of kraits to take on in a lazira....
      It's also a fun trick to use whenever, mission or not, just enjoying the idea that you are surrounded by a living wall that only you can shoot through.

    • Rameretz, on Jan 6 2006, 11:06 PM, said:

      In the mission I referred to, there is about 12 turncoats to fight, and they each have what, 4 kraits? That's a lot of kraits to take on in a lazira....
      It's also a fun trick to use whenever, mission or not, just enjoying the idea that you are surrounded by a living wall that only you can shoot through.
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      Ah well, just completed the Zatchit testing mission so now Coyote is a Zacha and just got himself a new Renegade Arada (from the north side) in the process, so now I have 3 Renegade Aradas as my personal escort. Used to have a Helian, but we lost him on a run to Ubotit on the south side. And yah, when Coyote knows that he's gonna be going into harms way, I hire a couple of Aradas to keep me company. But shuttles?!?


      Cats keep their claws sharp because they know that sometimes a purr may not be enough.

    • Coyote Jack, on Jan 7 2006, 11:17 AM, said:

      And yah, when Coyote knows that he's gonna be going into harms way, I hire a couple of Aradas to keep me company. But shuttles?!?


      Cats keep their claws sharp because they know that sometimes a purr may not be enough.
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      Shuttles are cheaper to have as escorts, if you are doing it just to have them die as a living wall.

    • Dreadnoughts are pretty cheap escorts as well.