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    • Why Can't We All Just Get Along?

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      Why do the Strands bother fighting each other, does anyone know what started it?

      My Theory: 3 guys named Azdgari, Zidagar, and Igadzra are sitting at a table.
      Each one of them owns a chunk of the galaxy. They are planing to unite
      their chunks into 1. Just as they are about to sign, what happens.
      Some bloddy renegades come in, kill everyone, and bust up the place
      so it looks like they killed each other. The rest is history,
      or Chaos?

      What's the point of homework, don't teachers think we have a personal life?


    • actually, the three strands were in the galactic council together, and were all happy for millenia. then there was an argument over what planets to take, seeing as all of them wanted everything, and then everyone took what they could get, and have been fighting ever since(correct me if im wrong, my histories a little fuzzy)

      and doesnt it make you feel better, the pigs have won tonight. They can all sleep soundly now, and everything is all right

    • My opinion is:

      The people of Gadzair became strong, and sought to travel to a new galaxy, after
      seeing no-one of interest in this galaxy <this would be thousands of year ago>.

      They travelled to a new galaxy, but what they found there they could not contain...

      The aliens pushed through, and laid waste to the Gadzairian empire, destroying
      Gadzair completely. Refugees scattered, into three different strands - the Igadzra,
      the Azdgari and the Zidagar. Each had their own leader, and they began to become

      But not all had fled from Gadzair. Some had stayed - and survived the massacre. They
      built Council Station, and they comprised of the holy men of the Gadzair people.

      The newly formed Council sealed the gate to the new galaxy, but soon realised that
      others could open it, and the Council could not protect themselves, or anyone else,
      unless they did one thing.

      Made a war.

      They took the three bands of refugees and organised them into a senseless war, giving
      "religious" advice to manipulate them. The most fanatic and useful of these were
      the Igadzra, who were manipulated into paranoia and silence.

      Meanwhile, the Council continue their manipulation, requesting resources from all
      the Strands, and they work to hold up the strange barrier which is Crescent
      Station, and hold back the aliens from beyond..........


      Sorry. I'm in a creative mood. 🙂

      Jude's left. sniff
      We'll miss you/are missing you!
      sniff sniff

    • Can you say, 'overcreative'?

      Recently started playing ROTUE, haven't got too far, haven't seen any new ships.

    • Okay, here's my (stupid) theory:


      Long, long time ago. Gadzair was a peaceful planet, with 2 distinct types of people; the <insert name here>(let's call them the wise ones) and the Gadzair. The Gadzair were dedicated to serving the Wise Ones and were completely peaceful. T some point however, the Wise Ones were killed off, probably through a plague. The Gadzair were full of mourning and terror. Various factions of the Gadzair appeared, specifically the ones oknown as "Garneem" who decided that with the destruction of the Wise Ones that they shouldn't have to be pacifist anymore. The Gadzair were aghast at them, and forced them to leave. And, the Garneeem left. As they went, another group also left. They too were against the pacifistic peace, but, unlike the Zairneem, they wanted to have to conquer the galaxy. The Garneem fought them and, during a great war against them, three great leaders came to the Garneem: Zida, Igda, and Azda. They were all incredibly brilliant, and had huge personal followings. At one point during the war, the renegades decided to attack Gadzair itself. The Garneem learned of this and, for the next 5 days discussed what to do, for if the renegades did this, they would leave all their bases open. Once the conference was in its 5th day, Igda left, saying: "I will have no more discussion. The time to act is now!" He organized his fleets, followers, and bases to leave the Garneem, and help the Gadzair. They arrived 8 days after the conference had started and started evacuating Gadzari citizens onto a mobile base that they had brought along in one of their warships.

      Meanwhile, the remaining Garneem bickered and decided to attack the renegade bases. They arrived in Renegade space 11 days after the conference began. They began firing at the renegade base that was in their range, when the Renegade fleet set upon them. It turned out to be a trap. The secretary for the meeting was found beaten to death in a deserted closet, and all notes taken. The Garneem fleet reatreated, it was't powerful enough to take the Renegades head on. Meanwhile, as the Gazdari were being evacuated, a small renegade warship jumped in. It evaded Igda's ships, because that was before the Izdgari ships were fast. It then rammed into Gazdgari, firing as it went. This by itself would have been awful for the citizens near it, but nothing that the planet couldn't handle, but the Renegades had had a secret weapon under their sleeves. The ship was full of high power weapons, each one of them equivelent to 5 hydrogen bombs. The ship had 75 of those. Most of Izdga's fleet was destroyed, and the mobile base that the Gadzgar were on was thrown out of orbit, spinning into asteroids.

      The remaining Garneem blamed each other and went their separate ways. Fighting to the end of days.


      So? How unlikely is that ;)?

      Lead plugin programmer, Corsair Development

    • Here's my theory. The Strands wre all one race. They had an argument (who cares what it was about) and split into 3 different factions. They fight. The End.

      Sorry, but I feel like hell.

      If a tree falls in the forest when nobody's around, WHAT COLOUR IS THAT TREE?

    • Hmmm....... No-one likes my idea! Heh.

      Sorry you aren't well, Jess. But I'm sure you'll do well in your SATs.

      Jude's left. sniff
      We'll miss you/are missing you!
      sniff sniff

    • Quote

      Originally posted by SilverDragon:
      **Hmmm....... No-one likes my idea! Heh.

      Your idea is the most creative... I like it! 🙂

      (Maybe someone could make it into a plugin?)

      The dragon awaits no whims but his own...
      Doom, gloom, and things that go boom!!
      Die Voinan Die!!!!!!!

    • I love your idea! Very Imaginative! I feel much better now. It's just that I listened to happy hardcore for an hour then spent 15 minutes trying to explain the meaning if irony to my friend. :rolleyes: I hate living in Derbyshire. Why didn't I go to St.Mary's?

      - The inventor of Happy Hardcore

      (This message has been edited by Jess (edited 04-24-2001).)

    • Thank you all! I made it up on the spot, but that's not to say I didn't put some
      work into it. 🙂

      Jude's left. sniff
      We'll miss you/are missing you!
      sniff sniff

    • it's always encouraging to see people come up with non-canon ideas for the origins of the strand conflict. my only wish is to see more people develop playable plug-ins for it (Mr. Turner, are you reading this?). i'm trying one myself, but i don't have a knack (or much time) for computers and it's a painfully slow process.

      but it would be great to see plugs for each of the ideas expressed in this topic.

      coming soon: (url="http://"")War Without End(/url), a continuation of the Strand saga

    • Quote

      Originally posted by SilverDragon:
      **Hmmm....... No-one likes my idea! Heh.


      That's nothing. More importantly no one likes mine! 😉

      Lead plugin programmer, Corsair Development

      (This message has been edited by diddlysquat (edited 04-24-2001).)

    • Has it occured to any of you that (at least) the Azdari are a different species than the
      Why would they be on the same planet, then seperate?

    • All this dust is making me cough.

      And yes, I can see the gashes in logic hidden among those posts.

    • Rameretz, on Oct 12 2005, 04:55 PM, said:

      Has it occured to any of you that (at least) the Azdari are a different species than the
      Why would they be on the same planet, then seperate?View Post

      Reality is weirder than fiction.

    • You didn't beat ankhwatcher's gravedig, if that's what you were after..

    • The Apple CÅ™re, on Oct 12 2005, 08:16 PM, said:

      ankhwatcher's gravedigView Post

      Oh, the profound depth! Just one of many reasons why I avoid ATT. 😛

    • That fate may or may not await the BnB.

    • Yea, verily. 😕