Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Questions about Override

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      I'm a newbie in the Override galaxy,

      sorry if this questions argue you!

      1. Where is the best trade route?
      2. Is it possible to get a Voinan Dreadnought?
      3. What goverment is the best?
      4. Can I really do more than one major storyline per pilot in EV:O?

      Thanks for your answers!

    • Frequency 245, on Jul 2 2005, 07:01 AM, said:

      sorry if this questions argue you!

      1. Where is the best trade route?
      2. Is it possible to get a Voinan Dreadnought?
      3. What goverment is the best?
      4. Can I really do more than one major storyline per pilot in EV:O?

      Thanks for your answers!
      View Post

      2. Yes, if you accept one of the missions involving it, go to the system where it is, abort the mission, disable the dreadnought and board it. However, the chances of capturing it are very slim as it has a huge crew.

      3. Best is a point of view :). All of the major governments give you access to special technologies when you progress far enough with their storylines. The Voinians are the best if you want heavy armour. The Azdgari strand in the crescent is best if you want the best shields and fastest recharge rate, and if you want what some consider to be the best ship in the game. The Igadzra have arguably the best secondary weapon and the warship with the most shields (not to mention the best looks). There are similar examples for the others but that'll do for now.

      4. Yes. In normal circumstances you complete a) either the UE or Voinian string; 🆒 either the Azdgari or the Igadzra or the Zidagar string; c) the Miranu 'string' ending in exploration of the nebulae, all with one pilot. There are also other minor strings: UE, human renegades, north tip renegades, Zachit, which can be done in combination with the others. This, IMO, makes the game far more interesting than EV Nova as one pilot can do much more and there is more point to it than just getting the next mission.

      As for 1., I'm not a trading man myself so I'm unsure on that account. The various mission strings generally give you sufficient credits for a nice upgrade path.

    • Regarding trade routes -- there are some trading guides available on the add-ons page, I believe, that should be able to help you out.

    • I could see at the screens of Override a shipyard with a Voinan Dreadnought in it, do Ambrosiasw use plugs???
      Is there a plug that enables you to buy the Dreadnought?

      I can't find the last Paaren Station mission! What do I need to get it?

      Problem question:
      I downloaded plugs for EV:O, but I only get a white page picture instead of the plug-in picture. I tried to stuff it, but I didn't work! What must I do?

      This post has been edited by Frequency 245 : 03 July 2005 - 08:29 AM

    • I know one trade route you can try, and I think its the Himgro/Dewe route. You buy alot of medical supplies, sell them at Dewe, but before returning to Himgro, you buy alot of munb leaves so you can make a profit in Himgro.

      I've done this before and made lots of cash, but I first went to an uninhabited system to try to disable all the Miranu heavy freighters so I could carry as much load as possible. (its a bad idea to disable a freighter in Miranu space hehe).

    • Coraxus, on Jul 4 2005, 08:47 AM, said:

      (its a bad idea to disable a freighter in Miranu space hehe).
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      I prefer to disable pirate ships. It does a few things things:

      1. Takes less time than cargo runs (sorry Coraxus, I think this is slow and boring).
      2. Boosts your pilot skill rating.
      3. Boosts your standing in the nearest systems.
      4. Allows you to loot credits and you can sell the cargo or weaps.
      5. Provides opportunity to capture a better ship than you already have.
      6. Can use said ship for escort.

    • Frequency 245, on Jul 2 2005, 03:50 PM, said:

      I can't find the last Paaren Station mission! What do I need to get it?

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      You probably need a higher combat rating, or a better status with with the UE governmant.
      The mission also appears at random, so perhaps you've just been unlucky.

    • The Thehir-Gribn run (also known as the Miser's Funeral) is arguably the most lucarative route in the game. Both planets are in the same system, Hatuli, and you can hire frieghters (the human kind) on both worlds. Be sure you have a sturdy ship yourself however.

    • I've still these questions:

      Frequency 245, on Jul 2 2005, 02:50 PM, said:

      I could see at the screens of Override a shipyard with a Voinan Dreadnought in it, do Ambrosiasw use plugs???
      Is there a plug that enables you to buy the Dreadnought?

      I can't find the last Paaren Station mission! What do I need to get it?

      Problem question:
      I downloaded plugs for EV:O, but I only get a white page picture instead of the plug-in picture. I tried to stuff it, but I didn't work! What must I do?
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      I've a combat rating of Mostly Harmless, I'm a Good Egg in UE systems and I tried to find the last Paaren Station mission over 1 hour!
      Where and how can I get the first mission of a major storyline?
      Which are the best (pirate) ships to capture?

      Thank you for your answers! (especially ~visitor~ for his/her good trade route!)

      EDIT: The dissappeared picture of my quote (and the one how it should be):

      This post has been edited by Frequency 245 : 05 July 2005 - 07:17 AM

    • Frequency 245, on Jul 5 2005, 05:11 AM, said:

      I've a combat rating of Mostly Harmless, I'm a Good Egg in UE systems and I tried to find the last Paaren Station mission over 1 hour!
      Where and how can I get the first mission of a major storyline?
      Which are the best (pirate) ships to capture?
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      It seems many mission strings require a Deadly rating for you to continue.
      You can do a search for storylines, there are many posts regarding this topic.
      I like the Laizra first, because it is fast. Then the Crescent Warship, because it is larger, and it has a bay.

      EDIT: You need to have a Dangerous or greater to get the Azdgari or Zidigar missions.

      A BETTER EDIT: (thanks to a Mazca post)

      UE missions - any UE bar with any combat rating - it starts as a shipping mission.
      Emalgha missions - Emalghia, on the other side of Voinian space.
      Voinian missions - Pax in the Dogovor system.

      You can do either the UE and Emalgha missions or the Voinian missions, not both.

      Once you have done the Miranu contact mission (available in the Mira bar in Mirava) you can do the following major strings:

      Nebula Exploration string - Station Pybin in the Priat system (need Deadly combat rating)
      Zachit missions (need Dangerous combat rating, go to Outpost Zachit in the Zachit system)
      And any ONE of the following Strand strings (need a Dangerous combat rating for all)
      Zidagar missions (Pozdag-3 in Pozdag)
      Igadzra missions (Kitrak in Kitrak)
      Azdgari missions (South Tip Station in Akrayhek)

      To 'complete the game' with a pilot you must complete the 3 major objectives. These are: push back the Voinians (at the end of the UE/Emalgha string), Destabilise the strand war (complete the missions for one of the Strands) and explore the nebulae.

      Frequency 245, there are the North Tip Renegade and Captains of Freeport missions also.
      Hope this helps,

      This post has been edited by wondergirl : 05 July 2005 - 11:56 AM

    • Thank you again!
      What's now with the 'plug bug'?
      Which ship has the most money on board (I like trading, but I love pirating!)?

    • The ships that are worth the most will have the most money. Your best bet for cash is to go for big, non-government ships - crescent warships for example.

      UE and Voinian ships dont carry credits

      I can't remember about the strand ships but something tells me they do

      It is unwise to pirate miranu ships as they generally have the best outfits on their planets and not being able to land in that vast area of space is a pain in the arse

      Hope it helps mate


    • I think I stuck in Emalghia missions. My last Emalghia mission was some thing like 'Transport Emalghi Ambassador'. What do I need to get the next mission?

    • I think you mean transport an ambassador to Emalghion, then at some point I think, you should find a mission on Gurado, one of Emalghion's moons, I don't remember it's been awhile though.

    • How is the last mission of each major (minor) storyline called?
      In Override isn't a transport to an ATMOS planet after the completion of a major storyline and I don't find walkthroughs for all of them, so I've problems to know, when a storyline ended and I would like to complete every storyline.

      Help, please!

      EDIT 1: I still stuck in the Emalghia string! <_<
      EDIT 2: And I can't find the Nebula Exploration missions! I've deadly and an Igazra.
      EDIT 3: And I can't get the zachit missions.
      Here's my pilotlog (I hope it works, normally I do that only with Nova):

      This post has been edited by Frequency 245 : 10 July 2005 - 12:56 PM

    • Patience is a virtue.

      Frequency 245, on Jul 10 2005, 05:51 AM, said:

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      My Advice To You: The Search tab is your friend! Up toward the top of this page is a blue bar, with the word Search in it. If you click on that, you can do a title search in the EV boards, and come up with many posts regarding your query. That way you will receive your answers quicker.

      1. The major storylines end with text saying you have completed one of the major EVO objectives, sorry, can't remember how they begin.
      2. EVO does not end like Nova, where you are transported to another system
      3. Can't remember Emalghia string. Try going to all their planets, or back to Earth or Luna.
      4. The Zachit mission string is not 100% available. Keep going back to their Outpost.
      5. With all missions, if they don't appear in the bar, just accept a bar mission, then before leaving the bar, click on the bar tab again. Sometimes the mission you are looking for will come up. Then just abort the first mission you accepted.
      6. Nebula Exploration string - Station Pybin in the Priat system.
      7. Pilot logs are only useful for Nova.

      Hope this helps.

    • I meant I can't GET the Nebula missions, you already said where I should get them, but I can't. Sorry!
      EDIT: What happenes if I do all 3 major objectives?
      I stuck in an Azdari mission. I shall 'Lead Squadron Firebird' to Garit, but where IS Garit????

      This post has been edited by Frequency 245 : 11 July 2005 - 10:49 AM

    • Get the full EVO map here.
      Garit is up near the northern renegades, to the very north of the map.
      What happens if you complete all major objectives, is that you're gonna feel really glad and satisfied 🙂
      See this thread on how to complete more than the 3 main objectives.

      (edit) Iirc, you need an ultimate combat rating for the nebula missions. Just go and kill some Voinian ships.

      This post has been edited by Opalius : 11 July 2005 - 04:15 PM

    • Personally, I think the Igadzra are the best. If we're still talking about that. For some reason, I can't get enough of that plasma siphon.

    • Yeah, it's really good at handling incoming fighters.
      I prefer maneuverability over power tho'
      Azdgaries all the way.