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    • Guide to EVO

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      I found it

      I found a guide to EVO here:

      It doesn't have the cresent missions or my favorite trade route:

      1. Buy fertiliser at Atlantic Station. 2. sell fertiliser at New Centauri.
      3. Buy food at First Centauri. 4. Sell food at Earth.
      5. Buy metal at Earth. 6. Sell Metal at Atlantic Station.
      7. Repeat.

    • Heh - try this:

      I made all my money in EV:O with tourists.

      This post has been edited by Shrout1 : 27 December 2004 - 11:51 AM

    • Shrout1, on Dec 27 2004, 04:50 PM, said:

      Heh - try this:

      I made all my money in EV:O with tourists.
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      :huh: But EVula's survival guide is only for EV and EVN.

    • EV for EVer, on Dec 27 2004, 12:50 PM, said:

      :huh: But EVula's survival guide is only for EV and EVN.
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      Hmmm. True. Oh well. 😄

    • I made all my money disabling and boarding Igazra's in the Neholl and Grooz systems. Approx 500,000 CR each!

    • wondergirl, on Jan 1 2005, 01:15 AM, said:

      I made all my money disabling and boarding Igazra's in the Neholl and Grooz systems. Approx 500,000 CR each!
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      How? Igazras contain too much firepower for my taste. For me to ever try that. I remember being in a Igazra myself in the Miranu exploration mission where you have to kill one, with Dospect Armor, and 25 SAEs. I fired 25 SAEs, and first then engaged in a stand-off primary weapons firefight... I still went to armor. I just cant fathom how you did it, unless you never fought with primary weapons, and only used SAD/SAEs. Or a Voinian Cruiser... its armor should be strong enough to even fight a Igazra with primary weapons only.

    • Well, there's always the Monty Python maneuver...if you have no qualms about using a cheap tactic of course...(still more respectable than cheating)

      There are, of course, other tactics (like circling fast enough to avoid turret fire) that are fairly effective in successfully engaging enemies with superior primary weapons firepower.

    • General Cade Smart, on Jan 1 2005, 07:49 AM, said:

      How? Igazras contain too much firepower for my taste. For me to ever try that. I remember being in a Igazra myself in the Miranu exploration mission where you have to kill one, with Dospect Armor, and 25 SAEs. I fired 25 SAEs, and first then engaged in a stand-off primary weapons firefight... I still went to armor. I just cant fathom how you did it, unless you never fought with primary weapons, and only used SAD/SAEs. Or a Voinian Cruiser... its armor should be strong enough to even fight a Igazra with primary weapons only.
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      I read how to do this on a website a while back: said:

      Hint: Easy credits:
      This trick exploits the fact that Igadzra warships have a lot of armor. Go to an uninhabited system near a Zidagar/Igadzra border (in other words, a place where the Zidagar and Igadzra are fighting frequently). It needs to be uninhabited as you will become a criminal to the Igadzra and they will open fire on you on sight in an inhabited system. For example, use Grooz between Terapin (Zidagar) and Mark (Igadzra.). Land on Grooz, then leave. Check how many Zidagar and Igadzra are fighting. If it appears as if the Zidagar are losing (which they will if there are less than two of their warships to one of the Igadzra), land on Grooz again. If it appears as if the Zidagar are going to win, then approach one of the Igadzra warships (resemble big bananas). Let the Zidagar disable it. They will keep hitting it, but because of its armor you have a few seconds to position yourself to board. If you succeed, you will get between 300,000 and 700,000 credits (averages about 450,000 to 550,000). Using this technique, you can pull in 1,000,000 credits about every fifteen minutes. Note: It is recommended that you at least have an Arada before you trying this, although it is possible to do with a scoutship. You can also try it on Adzgari Crescent warships, but they are quite a bit harder to board because they do not have as much armor.

      It works pretty well.

    • Heh...reminds me of when I'd use a similar tactic (finish up a ship that's being destroyed by another ship) to boost my combat rating to ludicrous levels.

    • General Cade Smart, on Jan 1 2005, 04:49 AM, said:

      I just cant fathom how you did it, unless you never fought with primary weapons...
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      Honorable Rebel General,
      You have to have a fast enough ship that can out-turn and out-accelerate the Igazra.
      I only fly Laizra's - size isn't everything.
      I usually let fly about 12 Hunter Missiles, then close in real fast and get right up to the ship, with my primary phase turrets blasting non stop, and accelerating the whole time (which causes us to spin around and, for the most part, keeps me out of their firing range).
      Even with extra armor, shielding and Adzgari upgrades, I do lose a lot of shielding from the SAD's, and get down to barest of armor.
      It's still worth the half-mil credits, though. And quite satisfying, too.

      Or you can do like Destroyer E suggests. Thats what I do in smaller ships. Just wait until the Zidagars have worn down the shielding, and finish them off.
      But you can't always count on this, because the Zidagars sometimes completely destroy the ship.


      PS - About Galaxy's Edge. I said I wouldn't give up trying to figure out what was wrong with that plug. Well...
      "Uncle, frackin' uncle!"
      I never could figure out why the visbits didn't set, and couldn't continue play. Too bad, so sad.

    • A safer way of making big money is going to an azargi (you know, the speedy guys in the cresent) world where you can buy a commodity called weapons then sell them on the Emalgha home world (it's north west of UE worlds). Even selling one tonne of these things makes more than 1000 credits.

    • While that is probably true, a trade route from the Adzgari to the Emalgha covers basically the entire EVO universe, and takes a lot of time (and fuel) to work...and I don't think there is a return commodity you can take from Emalgha to the Adzgari, making it a long one way route.

    • but you make more than 2000 credits for every tonne sold! Come on, it's definitly worth it!

    • Alright, I'll give it that, but it still takes a long time to huff it from one end of the galaxy to other. That's the main problem I have with it. The most efficient trade routes are the ones that require the least amount of time to execute, but still have a relatively good pay off. It's kind of like pay divided by time, or something along those lines. Then again, I never really traded all that much when I played...

    • I've been to that site before, fine place. It gives you honest comparisons without raw statistics (ie survivor guide style)

      BTW, I made most of my money by waiting on the uninhabited planets east of Igadzra and waited for one-on-one battles between Igazras and Azdgari Warships. When one is disabled I disable the weakened other. Pays about 1.5 million each time, good way to get easy cash.

    • ~vIsitor~, on Jan 18 2005, 11:59 PM, said:

      BTW, I made most of my money by waiting on the uninhabited planets east of Igadzra and waited for one-on-one battles between Igazras and Azdgari Warships. When one is disabled I disable the weakened other. Pays about 1.5 million each time, good way to get easy cash.
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      Thats an awsome tatic. I destroyed a UE destroyer with a UE fighter by doing that. I was doing it so I could land on vonian planets. It worked but the vonians still attacked me. :mad:

      P.S: Has anyone captured an Igaza
      P.P.S: I captured a UE destroyer with a UE fighter. Can't get luckier than that!

      This post has been edited by blah sailor of the seas : 20 January 2005 - 06:08 PM

    • blah sailor of the seas, on Jan 20 2005, 07:07 PM, said:

      P.P.S: I captured a UE destroyer with a UE fighter. Can't get luckier than that!
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      Actually, I once managed to capture a Fed Carrier with a manta once. That was probably the luckiest thing I've ever seen.

    • I have raided MANY of the Igazdras and Zidagars...after they beat each other up. I usually just wait near a big battle and raid the disabled ships...IF they are the invaders. I always leave the homeboys alone.

      BTW: Anyone know what those nifty beam weapons are? If they are tractors or repulsors, have you found a good use for them?

    • Dannyalcatraz, on Feb 1 2005, 06:56 PM, said:

      BTW: Anyone know what those nifty beam weapons are? If they are tractors or repulsors, have you found a good use for them?
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      Repulsor beams are useful for slowing down groups of incoming fighters. Just keep tapping R etarget a lot. This gives you long enough to hurt them, when normally they would overfly, and rebuild their shields.

      Tractor beams can also be used to tie down a single fighter, to stop it flying away, while you nail it with turreted primary fire.

      Another really cool use of tractor beams is to tow disabled fighters back over their disabled mothership. It hoovers them up! Then, when you board the mothership, you can take the fighters in the way that you normally salvage ammo. Why would you want to do this? Beacause it allows you to exceed the maximum number of fighters your bay can normally have.

      Proper beams that actually cause damage are a lot more useful, though.

    • So what is the best trade route?

      The trade route that I've always exclusively used is Earth to New Rome - Tourists going to New Rome, Food coming back to Earth. It's 4 jumps and usually pays off about $250,000 creds each loop if you have 5 freighter escorts. In an hour I can make a few million.

      I've looked for better routes to speed things up, and even tried hiring all Miranu Heavy Freighters but the profitability of that route doesn't go up by much - it's about 337 cred/ton for tourists and about -20 cred/ton for food - hauling food back just helps to offset the cost of using the escorts.

      Any better routes out there?