I was just thinking about the lack of expander plug-ins for EVO, and I'm wondering why exactly it is that no one has made simple little mission only expanders for the various storylines.. Think about it.. Really, they're has only been expanders for the UEs and Voinians, but the Strands, Zachit, Miranu, Renegades and Strandless are without even the simplest of 15-20 mission expanders.
So basically, what I'm saying is, why doesn't someone just sit down one weekend and make some? Really, the basic knowledge it takes to make a mission expander is so simple, and even adding a ship or two wouldn't stretch the production very much. Is it because there is no interest left? Or is just because everyone's still gone onto EVN?
So now, you're wondering, where the hell am I going with all this? Well, it's something I would do myself, but I've already done so many plug-ins for EVO, and I'd really like to see other people's ideas on what could happen in the galaxy after the game missions end. That, and I don't have a Mac here at school. So really what I'm getting at here is, wouldn't it be cool if some people got some going? Real simple, missions only, just to help expand the EVO galaxy?
"I want to tell you about a time I almost died...."