Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • New Life

      27 369 706

      This board is almost right next to my father. New life must be breathed into it. I've found webstories to be effective in doing that. Nothing special, no real work, just from the start of the game. Call it New WoD if you will. for those that don't remember, Wave of Destruction was originally for new and inexperianced players(to show them the ropes). Does anyone agree with my idea?

      Insanity has its advantages

    • Sounds like a good idea to me!

      -Zaphod Beeblebrox - President of the Universe
      All hail El Presidente Beeblebrox

    • If it happens, I want to be United Earth or Miranu.

      -Zaphod Beeblebrox - President of the Universe
      All hail El Presidente Beeblebrox

    • Huh? What do we do?

      What about WOD? I d really like the bourds to get a bit more lively but HOW?!


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Cooldude:
      **Huh? What do we do?

      What about WOD? I d really like the bourds to get a bit more lively but HOW?!


      uhm, did you even read my post?
      i dont want to piss anyone off by posting a webstory. If you object please say so.

      Insanity has its advantages

    • I usually don't like webstories, but since the EVO board is rather dead, something to breathe new life into it is fine with me.

      (url="http://"")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
      (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") :: (url="http://"")Lair Forums(/url)
      (url="http://"")pftn(/url) | (url="http://"")dreamwave(/url) | (url="http://"")davidarthur(/url) | (url="http://"")ucplugs(/url) | (url="http://"")jager(/url) | (url="http://"")stark(/url)

    • Well, for those that happen to read this topic, there is no set date for startup. It will start when i feel it is ready(enough players to get things going). I'll be writing up a set of rules. I may forget some things however.

      Insanity has its advantages

    • I wouldn;t mind the Zachit.


    • Very well.

      Beeblebrox : Miranu or UE(pick please)
      Kauthor : Zachit
      U.E. Admiral : unknown

      It would be nice if Shade would join but i havn't seen him here for a long time.
      Insanity has its advantages

      (This message has been edited by U.E. Admiral (edited 10-21-2002).)

    • I am UE! United Earth! United Earth!

      Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- The only presidential candidate with two heads, three arms and a personality as nice as your Mum

    • ok, Mr. Enthusiastic. You're the UE

      Insanity has its advantages

    • This will be the first time I have participated in a webstory.
      I want to be Human Renegades.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Zurg:
      **This will be the first time I have participated in a webstory.
      I want to be Human Renegades.


      Well ,you will enjoy it. If oyu wnat, read up on past webstories including the current Escape Velocity one to see how they are done.

      Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- The only presidential candidate with two heads, three arms and a personality as nice as your Mum

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Beeblebrox:
      **Well ,you will enjoy it. If oyu wnat, read up on past webstories including the current Escape Velocity one to see how they are done.


      The one on the EV board is different than the one i have planned.
      Zurg, search for Wave of Destruction and read the chapters 1-3. You'll get the general idea.

      Insanity has its advantages

    • Er - could somebody give me a description of what these Webstories are and how to play them?

      Douglas Adams, "I love deadlines. I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by."

    • Quote

      Originally posted by phantompenguin:
      **Er - could somebody give me a description of what these Webstories are and how to play them?


      Search for Wave of Destruction. read chapters 1-3 and you'll have the basic idea.
      {EDIT}I'm also thinking about hiring Carno for moderation. Anyone object?{/EDIT}
      Insanity has its advantages

      (This message has been edited by U.E. Admiral (edited 10-23-2002).)

    • I will take the role of the Emalgha, if at all possible.

    • (EDIT)scrap that, can I be Lothe Prime?(/EDIT)
      (url="http://"")Solar Knowledge(/url)|(url="http://"")Solar Quiz(/url)|(url="http://"")Image Gallery(/url)|(url="http://"")Fribbles!(/url)|
      (This Message has been edited by a garden troll)

      (This message has been edited by Zax (edited 10-24-2002).)

    • New WOD? Ah, Im so proud.. sniff How about moderation power to you're old buddy? since I'm letting you use the name and all..

      WoD is a multi-player story- Each player picks a race, and it's written like any rpg. You only control your own race, and the one-sided interactions with other players. Races can have more than one leader, split however the players of the race decide. It starts at the beginning of the EVO storyline- Voinian-UE Stalemate, Strands - UE completely clueless about each other.
      This board used to be ripe with stories, but they've disappeared and are a rare sight. much like me posting now days.
      well, good luck UE Admiral... I'd like to be in it as a private captain. Email when it starts at or preferably both.

      "And as the Darkness descends, do you follow the light, or embrace the darkness?"
      ~Diane Kinsman
      (little known philosopher, early 21st century)
      Proud Member of the (url="http://"")Webstory Developer's Commune(/url)

    • Nice, UE Admiral, restarting the dead webstory.

      I'd like to be the Miranu once again. It was fun the first time, and I need to channel my writing somewhere.


      Cogito Ergo Cogito
      United we stand, so I wandered off and got me a chair.