posted by Firebird: Perhaps an investigation beyond the crescent and beyond Beyond the Crescent is in order (I didn't particularly like the way that plug-in treated it, since EV classic was really in another universe).
Yes. I completely agree. BTC was interesting, but by far insufficient to address the mystery surrounding the Council.
posted by UE Patriot:
...a continuation of the UE string leading to the UE conquest of Voinia.
With a massively huge and powerful warship thrown in, right? 
Seriously, I would like to see an expansion of the UE string, and ROTUE's plot is only one way to resolve the Voinian war - there are other possiblities. (Although there seems to be only one set of ROTUE and ROTVs each, there have been several plugins dealing with the Rebel conquest of the Confederation in EV.) Also, how about some Strand-UE involvement? (UE Warship!!) Some unresolved issues could be explored, such as how the Voinian fleet arrived in the Eltor system during the Pareen station missions.
Aaaah yes, the Eltor issue. I've had MANY thoughts about what to do with that one. Way ahead of you there.
**Also, if the plug will be ported to EVN... ship variants. For example:
(insert variant ideas)
Yes, definitely. More about the EVN "port" in a sec.
**In any case, some ship's I'd like to see are:
UE Gunboat. I heavier fighter than the AF-37 (the UE Fighter) this ships spouts more than 4 guns plus a turret, with a considerable missile/rocket load as well.
Zachit Warship. The mercenaries need a capital ship of their own, especially one which can carry Zachit fighters.
Izgadra Fighter. The other strands have fighters, why shouldn't they? (Coming soon: Izdgara, Carrier Variant)
Also, some landing pics would be nice. Earth, Voinia, Mira and the Starnd homeworlds could use some "unique" pictures. A well-done total re-rendering of Freeport station (assembled from wrecked spacecraft) would rack as well.
That's all for now.
God bless,
UE Patriot
That latter part goes without saying. Nova uses different size landing pics than EV/O, so re-renderings would be essential.
Okay. I may as well be honest about my intentions. I was thinking this plug would be only EVN. That way, I could write the engine stuff in right from the start. Nova is the future, and I'd think every good Override fan has purchased it. Besides, I'll likely need the engine to fit in all my plot ideas; that doubled mission capacity and the possibilities w/ ncb's are too tempting to ignore. My idea is that by using Nova exclusively for the plug, I can rework the EVO universe a bit & add in my own ideas and concepts to create something truly great, something that even people who've played through Override a dozen times (or two dozen, or three) would want to go back and experience.
To sum up the concept: Override Nova-style, with more expansion than you can fire a rocket at. 
I hope you guys agree that this would be the best course of action. If not, tell me why.
So yea, this is an "official" project of mine. I'm serious about this one. This is my "ideas/concepts/writing" stage, where I map out what I want to do and write mission text (and descs as necessary) well ahead of time. Then I will purchase a cheap older iBook so I can use Port Authority & NovaTools to start writing the plug itself, and hopefully line up a damn good graphics artist or two to make EVO's graphics Nova-worthy.
Please note that there is no deadline for this, and don't expect to see this soon; I am a college student, and I can't start until I acquire a cheap G3 iBook and PortAuthority is released. I likely won't even code the missions until they're written, and I'll take as long as I please to finish that stage since awesome plots & missions are the soul of any good plug-in.
Thanks for your ideas guys, keep em' coming via responses or e-mail! Assuming I finish, I want this to address the desires of the community as much as possible. I want this to be the definitive Override plug-in. Its an ambitious dream, and I need your help to make it real.