Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Silver Horizon - Part II

      16 211 2174

      Posted Image

      Created Captain Carnotaur

      Moderated by SilverDragon and Thunder

      RED HORIZON started by Roostersw
      GOLDEN HORIZON started by Captain Carnotaur

      (url="http://"")Official Story Site(/url)

      (url="http://"")Milky Way (unavailible)(/url)
      (url="http://"")Large Megallanic Cloud(/url)
      (url="http://"")Small Megallanic Cloud(/url)

      (url="http://"")Silver Horizon - Part I(/url)


      In the Small Megallanic Cloud, the X'el Virus has been unwittingly unleashed by the Shar'Nadda. The devastating effects of the virus are quickly felt as it rages across SMC, consuming everything in its path.

      The war between the Strand League and Shar'Nadda continues to its climax, where the route to the Large Megallanic Cloud galaxy is destroyed, and the Shar'Naddan race is eradicated by the virus and strand league. The SL suvivors or SMC quickly retreat, trying to avoid furthur contact with the virus, and wondering what will happen next.

      The the Large Megallanic Cloud, as the Valanor and Thalleon prepare for war against the corrupt Tronoak, the Teh'Rak and Gamaera clans continued to wage a seemingly endless war against the Strand League, Lavrii, Azdgari, Horosk, and Kayans.

      In Andromeda, the Rarkyl have begun a surprise attack on the Federation, and the Horosk are preparing to launch their own offensives against not only the Rarkyl, but the Asani Pirates as well.



      If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

      (This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 06-10-2002).)

    • Carno, you got 2 LMCs up there, and the first one doesn't work. It's supposed to be Milky Way, right?

      "I'm gonna drop you like Third Period French!"
      -Ocean's 11

    • "Sir, we got an unidentifiable message.. it's content leads us to believe is't from Kiran."
      "What did it say?"
      "here" Kace slowly reads Red the message.
      "Yes.. that must be him..."

      And Red set off for the designated warehouse...

      Message to: Esponer
      From: Azdgari IR
      We gladly accept. please give us whatever ideas you have, we'll decide how to research. thank you.

      Research and Development

      3. Phased Neutron Beamer
      ETA: 4 posts (research time) Advancement- Positive.(/i)

      4. Azdgari Arada Upgrade
      ETA: 3 posts (research time) Advancement- Positive.
      Shipyard Orders:
      50% of output is Kamikaze Azdaras. PP=20,000 T=80,000
      50% is working on a new Supercruiser. PP=1/25th T=4/25

      "And as the Darkness descends, do you follow the light, or embrace the darkness?"
      ~Diane Kinsman
      (little known philosopher, early 21st century)

    • Shrugging on his spacer’s coat, a fine jacket of blue old Earth wool, Sojin checked his wrist link, and more importantly, his weapon. The weapon, what he had used to down his last two would-be kidnappers. The manifesto had called it an Icarus blaster, or bracer. Sojin examined its power source, a small energy crystal, and nodded when he saw it was charged enough. Still, his belt held four more, two on either side in notches. He carried no other weapons, not even an old phase weapon.

      The captain walked down the silent corridors, not hearing a sound. Ever since he had arranged the meeting with the person who had sent the message, Raven had been silent. It was obvious she disapproved, considering she never talked to him when he truly risked his life and freedom. This time though, she was longer silent. He pondered on what it meant.

      So deep in thought was he that Sojin suddenly bumped into Raven, who stood looking up at him. She was quiet, her dark eyes calm as her face. "So you plan on doing this, aren't you?" Her voice was flat and emotionless.

      Sojin nodded silently and then took Raven into an embrace, holding her closely. There was a very likely chance he wouldn't survive this meeting. He kissed her then, deeply, before Raven broke away and murmured, "Just don't get yourself killed, Sojin." With that, she was gone.

      Sojin waited in the warehouse, silently counting the seconds in his mind. He faced away from the door, flexing his hands as if ready to open fire at the last moment. Then he heard the door open and close after a few seconds. Sighing, the smuggler decided to get this over with.

      "Three times," the smuggler said calmly, flatly, turning around, "you try snatching me from the streets or kidnap me after you offer me a job. That makes seven corpses for you to count, and seven people I really don't like. Now if you're trying to test me, then I understand, but otherwise trying to kill me is very bad business."

      He looked the leader of the Azdgari up and down, and his only comapnion as well before returning his gaze back to the leader. "I don't want any trouble, and killing the leader of a government is not good in my line of work. I'm here to listen and you're here to talk, so let us get this over with. I'm Sojin Kiran and you're Redchigh, so the introductions are past and done."

      He looked at the body guard that Redchigh had brought along and only raised an eyebrow before saying, "I would say you're a fool to bring just one, but I don't think you a fool. She must be very good with a blaster, or else an aid. I'm guessing the former. Whatever the case, if she's an exellent shot, I'm just as good or better. Oh, and don't bother trying to use comlinks; I've hidden a dampener in the warehouse."

      The smuggler just stood there, waiting silently for the leader to speak.

      (url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)

    • Persephone

      {From: Council of Four, Silverbridge}
      {To: Azdgari}

      Welcome to the Galactic Community, Azdgari friends. Our borders are as none from this moment - feel free to move about our space as you wish. The ideas we had in mind involve modifying the plasma siphon to work as a type of ion siphon or cannon. The ionisation effect could very well put ships temporarily out of action.

      Your TBSPs could be merged with the shield drone and equipped with an ion explosive to ionise a ship and pacify the crew efficiently. These "shield ticks" would be a fire and forget weapon, and make the disabled ship easy to capture.

      We're sending a courier escorted by one Zira and one Izagra. The courier carries designs for multi-emitter shielding, thoron engines, thoron reactors and the energy dampener as a sign of our goodwill.

      Consider all military actions of the Strand League your knowledge - we will keep you updated, and assume you will.

      {end transmission}

      {From: Council of Four, Silverbridge}
      {To: Kayans}

      We invite you to join the Galactic Community, an organised society to hold back the Akrahd and other threats. The United Strand League of New Gadzair has joined with the Miranu and Azdgari in this venture, and should you agree we will make available to all three of you all our technologies for your defence.

      {end transmission}


      Zirada Upgrade: 1/7
      Thoron Siphon: 5/6

      Cygna Cluster Outposts: 1/3 -halted-
      Aries Secondus Colonisation: 2/5

      *Naval Stats

      ZSN: 204,000
      IGNA: 204,000
      IXD: 50,000
      ZEN: 30,000 (Izirions = ZEN)

      -Lyat Esponer Corsair

    • Calla

      In a matter of seconds, the T.R.S.A. entered the system to help their compatriots. Three thousand and three hundred fighters swarmed the surprised Horosk ships with their anti-matter guns. The same amount of Missile boats shot at all Horosk ships in range with their anti-matter battery, canons and Typhoon missiles. 7 150 Defilers and Desecrators started to spread deadly plasma bolt from far way all over the ships coming from the Andromeda galaxy. As the 9 750 Dragons, Lion Spears and Necromancers started to blast their way with plasma, anti-matter, thoron, thorium, Typhoon, Hurrican, Hail and Storm ordinances, the Horosk started to fail. Their stealth and manoeuvrability abilities had to face the powerful, destructive and punitive force of 1300 Battleships that did not move a bit when they meet the enemy’s puny Concussion missiles. At close range, Teh’Rak ship cut through the packs of Horosk ships, helping the Pirates that had help them before.


      In Syter’s Space & Land Port’s Dock No2, Loke Humčne had awaited for an hour without seeing Sojin. Unless he came in the next five minutes, he would have to find someone else to perform the mission.

      Loke left Syter and headed for Homeward’s biggest city: Trall. There he had known a man that was had been part of many infiltration operations to get rid of black market dealers. They were also known as Pirates, but who cares, Xat Tax was know secretly known to accept a few more credits to find parts of old shuttles to rebuild one, now a spacecraft very much in demand by aristocrats.

      Little Alley, Trall, Homeward

      -Hi, how are you Mister Tax? I hope that your new house provides you all what is necessary to your comfort?

      -I am fine Uli, Little Alley was a great choice for a house: next to the Grand Way 3452 in direction of downtown Trall. What can I do for you?

      -Information to infiltrate the AEC. I presume they need some weapons and other stuff, but high yield bombs are not as available from AIR facilities then from the Pirates. So I’ll be the dealer and you will advertise myself.

      -You do know that I am out of the job for a decade, but I will see what I can do for you.

      -Thank you, what to you need for Lucy?

      -I am looking for the canopy in terapluel glass. Here is the account number of a man Y Qul, type it at any bank and you will be able to write to him what you sell, the system is encrypted by the LMCY Credit, a semi-existing bank, the encryption is change each hour and our little system self-encrypt itself and self-destruct itself as well. It is safe.

      -Otherwise, you would not have a shuttle in you backyard... Thank you, the canopy should come soon from Realm Retail Store.


      The building of a small outpost had started. It would help the constantly patrolling Battle Groups enjoy a better life.

      Parliament Hill, Teh‘Rak

      The decision of sending all Battleships up in the Four Arms had been approved. Over the next three posts, the concentration of capital ships in all Koellian would dramatically increase.


      Teh‘Rak Report

      () Thoron Energy Projector, 2 R& D posts left, 3 to implement.
      )Upgrade of the anti-matter weaponry, 5 research, 3 to implement.

      ()Colonisation of Harad: 7 posts.
      )Military Outpost Cheble: 4 posts.

      ()Bring all battleships to the front, 3 posts.
      )Pathogen: 1000 this post for 70 000 units;
      (*)Battleship: 203 for 24 360 units.


      -How many ships do you have RMA? I totalized 142 200 if you attacked three systems, plus those in Horath, I wonder how many are in Horosk in the Andromeda galaxy.
      -You wrote fighters, but just to make sure for me, are they heavy fighters or interceptors?

      Thank you.

      Mes plus sincčres Salutations ŕ la Vie,
      Reine de ce Monde.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Ne Demord Jamais:
      -How many ships do you have RMA? I totalized 142 200 if you attacked three systems, plus those in Horath, I wonder how many are in Horosk in the Andromeda galaxy.

      The Horosk navy is one million strong, not including fighters. I believe they have in excess of three million carried fighters at the moment, as well as having the 3rd most powerful primary weapon in the game (Kayan tachyonic pulse is second, duelbeam is first) and being almost impossible to target. Ahem...Horosk are, unfortunately, practically invincible.

      -Lyat Esponer Corsair

    • Upon recieving the message from the Strand League about the Galactic Community, Prime Minister Kyala was not sure exactly what to do. He knew his first action should be to consult with the Senate, and after a lengthy discussion they decided the only fair decision was to put it to a vote. Emergency broadcasts were activated and all Kayan citizens were informed of an important vote to be conducted on all worlds the next day. Heated debates sprung up on news programs and call-in holo-vid shows across the entire region.

      As the polls opened and the early returns began coming in, it was a close race. Many Kayans welcomed the stability and collective security that the Galactic Community would no doubt bring, while others were opposed to the idea of tying themselves so closely to the other races in the region. When all was said and done, and all votes were counted, the final tally was 62% in favor of joining, 38% against.

      "Well, I guess it's official, then," Kyala said, preparing a message to the Azdgari. "I hope this future will be as bright as we all hope it will be..."

      Message to the Strand League, Council of Four, Silverbridge
      Point of origin - Prime Minister's office - New Kayia - Galactica

      As you've no doubt heard from the MNN reports of the recent election, we have decided to graciously accept your offer to join the Galactic Community. We hope that we can work together for our mutual peace and safety, and we will be glad to share in the defense of the entire Galactic Community, as well as developing improved technology for us all to use.

      From this day forward, consider our space open to your people, and to all members of the Galactic Community. I look forward to working together.

      -Prime Minister Kyala, on behalf of the Kayan Alliance
      Message Ends


      Kayan Construction Update:
      Build a 6th tachyonic generator - 9 posts, 4 remaining
      Alter Supercruiser Plans to Kayan specs - 6 posts, 2 remaining

      "One day you'll find your whole life has changed - act quick, be brave, your heart will show you the way"

      (This message has been edited by Thunder (edited 06-09-2002).)

    • 8th Horosk Carrier Battle Group - Dilgu
      The Akrahd had fallen for it. They thought the had faced an easy target. For a start, the mere 7000 fighters and missle boats vanished under a storm of Horosk Heavy Fighters & Interceptors.

      The Horosk capital ships where simply outnumbered. Then Fleet Admiral Jani, with 1300 more Main carriers, 2600 Light Carriers, 20800 Cruisers, and 62400 Frigates appeared, surrounding the Akrahd fleet. 195000 Interceptors and 26000 Heavy Fighters swarmed about them. And at the center of it all, a Phoenix Class battleship, one of the most powerful ships in existence. The initial wave of concussion missile blasted the Akrahd ships across the system, the massive impact proving devastating.

      Under cover of hundreds of frigates and cruisers, the Phoenix-Class Battleship powered forwards. It fired its concussion railguns in a constant stream of energy, devestating Akrahd ranks. Finally it closed, and the frigates and cruisers pulled away. A green flash enveloped the Battleship, and it smashed straight into the Akrahd battlecruiser line. Many ships simply immolated themselves against the energy matrix, others being smashed away and into other ships, smashing themselves to bits. The Akrahd simply didnt have anything which could penetrate it.

      Fleet Stats when Fleet Admiral Jani appeared:
      1480 Main Carriers
      2960 Light carriers
      23680 Cruisers
      71040 Frigates
      215000 Interceptors
      28000 Heavy Fighters
      1 Phoenix Class Battleship

      The Horosk took the Kavrii back, and replied, 'I expect my governemnt would be most interested in your Polaron Cannon technology for its disruption capabilities. For your perusal, I have a list of Horosk technology.'

      Horosk Heavy Fighter
      Shields: 150
      Armor: 110
      Energy Armour:11
      Weapons: 5 Swivel PM Cannons
      2 Horosk Rocket Launcher & 10 Rockets
      2 Stalker Missile Launchers & 100 Missiles

      Horosk Clipper
      Shields: 200
      Armor: 180
      Energy Armour:18
      Weapons: 4 PM Cannons
      2 PM Turrets
      1 Tractor/Repulsor

      Horosk Interceptor
      Shields: 100
      Armor: 50
      Energy Armour:5
      Weapons: 6 Swivel PM Cannons, 1 Stalker Missile Launcher, 10 Missiles

      Horosk APB Interceptor
      Shields: 100
      Armor: 50
      Energy Armour:5
      Weapons: 3 AP Beam Strips, 1 Stalker Missile Launcher, 10 Missiles

      Horosk System Defence Drones:
      Shields: 180
      Armor: 180
      Energy Armour:18
      3 Anti-Proton Beams
      3 Photon Matrix Turrets
      2 Tractor/Repulsor
      1 Concussion Missile Launcher + 12 Ammo
      1 Horosk Rocket Launcher + 12 Ammo

      Horosk Frigate
      Shields: 1200
      Armor: 500
      Energy Armour:50
      Weapons: 4 PM Turrets
      3 Concussion Missile Launchers - 30 Concussion Missiles
      3 Horosk Rocket Launchers - 50 Horosk Rockets
      2 Turreted Anti-Proton Beam
      2 Tractor/Repulsors

      Horosk Cruiser
      Shields: 3500
      Armor: 2500
      Energy Armour:250
      Weapons: 8 PM Turrets
      5 Concussion Missile Launchers - 60 Concussion Missiles
      7 Horosk Rocket Launchers - 150 Horosk Rockets
      2 S-Concussion Beam
      2 Turreted Anti-Proton Beams
      4 Tractor/Repulsors

      Horosk Carrier
      Shields: 3750
      Armor: 3000
      Energy Armour:300
      Weapons: 12 PM Turrets
      1 S-Concussion Beam
      4 Turreted Anti-Proton Beams
      4 Tractor/Repulsors
      4 Horosk Fighter Bays - 20 Horosk Heavy Fighters, 30 Interceptors

      Horosk Light Carrier:
      Shields: 1500
      Armor: 500
      Energy Armour:50
      Weapons: 2 PM Turrets
      3 Anti-Proton Beam Turrets
      1 Tractor/Repulsos
      3 Horosk Interceptor Bays-60 Interceptors

      Phoenix Battleship
      Mission: Heavy Assault Warship
      14 PM Turrets
      4 Concussion Railguns
      6 Anti-Proton Beam Turrets
      4 Concussion Missile Launcher + 200 Ammo
      1 Energy Shield Matrix Emitter
      Shields: 22500
      Armor: 11250


      Proton-Matrix Cannon/Turret
      Armor Damage: 15
      Shield Damage: 40
      Speed/Reload: Slightly faster than Phase Weaponry

      Anti-Proton Beam-Turreted
      Armor Damage: 8
      Shield Damage: 16
      Speed/Reload: Longer range than Phase weaponry

      AP Beam Strip
      Armour Damage:9
      Shield Damage:18
      Speed/Reload: Longer than AP Beam Turret, beam

      Concussion Missile
      Armor Damage: 150
      Shield Damage: 250
      Speed/Reload: Hunter Missile except with a lot more hit power

      Horosk Rocket
      Armor Damage: 150
      Shield Damage: 560
      Speed/Reload: Rocket

      Concussion Beam
      Armor Damage: 10
      Shield Damage: 25
      Speed/Reload: Particle Beam (EV)

      Sub-Space Flux Mines
      The mines hide in Sub-Space, hidden from sensors. Even sub-space can have trouble locking on, since the mines themselves are stealthy, and they have a fairly low power output. They have the ability to appear within a medium radius in normal space, due to directing the sub-space field that conceals them and then transports them. On entering normal space, the explosive power of the mines can either be unleashed in all directions, or channelled towards a specific target. Usually several mine will reenter normal space, to ensure a target is bracketed from all sides, thus preventing avoidance.

      Structural Field Reinforcement
      The Horosk found this a very useful invention of the Horoth, since it allowed their previously (relatively) weakly armoured ships to absorb far more damage. It is far more energy efficient than it was before, and slightly more effective. On all Horosk Ships

      Multi-Adaptive Shields
      These shields encompass advanced shield technology which intergrates stealth abilities and jamming. They are highly effective, especially now that they have been upgraded with EMCs allowing them to adapt during battle.

      Sub Space Folder
      Cloak. Ships can come in close to an outfitted ship and be hidden by it as well.

      Energy Armour
      Energy matrix taking a solid form, acting as armour. Fast regeneration.

      Mass Duplication
      Allows the Horosk to produce lots of stuff.

      The Horoth brought with them plans for a highly adaptable Tractor/Repulsor, and it is now standard on many Horosk ships. It is capable of neutralising a targeted ships momentum and holding it in place even with a projecting ship of less power. A simple switch will repel a ship away at high speeds.


      Multi-Emitter Shield & Energy Dampener Intergration
      ETA: 3 posts

      Deployable Defence Platform
      ETA: 6 posts

      Horath Outpost expansion
      ETA:3 posts


      Horosk Shipyard Construction
      Construction rate at 100%

      If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

      Voted most likely to be a serial killer by Insane Asylum - 2002

      (This message has been edited by RMA (edited 06-09-2002).)

    • Persephone

      {From: Council of Four, Silverbridge}
      {To: The Galactic Community}

      The specifications for the following Strand League technology has been sent to you all immediately to aid you. We hope that it is an adequate gift to our friends, the Miranu, Kayans and Azdgari.

      Duelbeam Weaponry, Scarab Disc, Particle Railgun, Kyhdron Weaponry, Anti-fighter Rockets, AX Calibration Weaponry, Thoron Reactors, Thoron Engines, Multi-emitter Shielding, Energy Dampener, all other older weaponry.

      Our ship specifications are not enclosed, but if you are in need of them, we will send them immediately. As we are currently in the process of recovering from a great loss, we will be unable to provide pure military aid for some time. When we have managed to re-organise ourselves, the Council of the Strand League would suggest that a council of war be held.

      Thank you again,
      Council of Four
      United Strand League of New Gadzair

      {end transmission}

      "You called?" Dacona asked, stepping into Lariat's office, which was notably more cluttered than usual.

      Lariat wasn't sitting behind his spartan, usually bare desk, but was seated on a small stool in a corner, surrounded by various computers and piles of paper. He seemed entirely immersed in a large datascreen that rested in his lap, and was scribbling down what seemed to be calculations on a piece of paper at his side. "Yeah, I wondered if you could h-"

      Dacona quickly crossed the distance, not taking any apparent effort in avoiding the mess. "So busy?" he asked coolly.

      Lariat looked up, and his eyes were dark with lack of sleep. "The twentieth anniversary of the Strand League will be held in only nine days, Dacona. I'm in charge of security."


      "There has been some mention of underground movements within League space working against the union that the Galactic Community brings. This is the perfect opportunity for any of those movements to strike," Lariat replied wearily as if explaining himself to a child.

      "So?" Dacona repeated in exactly the same tone. "We tighten security a bit. Lariat, this has never been a problem before. What's really wrong?"

      "Dacona, I don't have time for this. Will you help or not?"

      Dacona laughed. "Isn't that a file on the Izar? You've got yourself really worked up about matching ZSN's new Zirada, haven't you?"

      Lariat sighed. "There are reasons."

      "Oh, I'm sure you are. Don't even try it, Lariat. I could probably do it, but she'd wipe the floor with you. Anyway, I'd hold back on the upgrade. We've got the thoron siphon in development, and after that I have two other ideas - one to replace Scarabs with some sort of hyper-velocity rocket, and the other involving enhancing the railgun from 12 km/s to 20 km/s."

      Lariat put the datascreen to the floor. "What about the pressures on the rails? They already get damaged enough in a half-hour long engagement to lower the speed from 12 km/s to 10.6, and loses out on accuracy and reload too. 20 km/s would be useless in a long engagement."

      Dacona shook his head. "I cooked up a little trick on my Izar a few years back, you know. Four rails instead of two, they took turns."

      "What about the size?"

      "The rails are tiny. It's the linear accelerator, power generators and other stuff that take up the space. Trust me, it won't effect the size, weight or necessary power much. Each pair of rails takes 'turns' to fire, being fully regenerated in the short gap. As it stands, the gap of one second between firing isn't really enough time to regenerate the rails, but this method should be able to repair them almost completely. A half-hour long engagement shouldn't have too much effect then."

      Lariat grinned. "If we upgraded the railguns like this, do you think the Izar might-"

      "If you added a thoron siphon and replaced the Disc launchers with turntable rocket launchers with six hyper-velocity rockets each..."

      "How long have you been planning all this?"

      "Oh, a while. The railgun upgrade, by the way, should plant it at about 5/6 of a second for reloading - less than before - as well as firing the pellets further and with more force. 12 to 20...I'd imagine that the mass damage will be increased in that ratio, and about half of the energy damage also - the rest is from the microscopic P501:504 warhead, and won't be effected."

      Lariat, however, was too busy with his pen and paper, scribbling down more calculations.

      "Nice to see you too," Dacona said dryly. "I'm off for a week - and hopefully not too much longer. 'should be back for the singing and the dancing and the festivals and the attempted coup and all that. Be good, 'kay?"

      Dacona winked, turned on his heel and left the room.

      The man who they called the Razor Breeze, an aging pilot who was still classed as one of the most proficient dogfighters in the galaxy, left the Gateway, Cerberus Prime and the star system of Cerberus itself, aboard an unmodified Izar. In Draco he was met by four more Izars, a Lazira and a Starglider, all pre-arranged to be there. They made their way to DSN-4266, which had been for a period of four years a military-controlled system, now long since abandoned.


      Zirada Upgrade: Completed
      Zidara & Zira Upgrades: 6/6
      Thoron Siphon: 4/6

      Cygna Cluster Outposts: 1/3 -halted-
      Aries Secondus Colonisation: 1/5

      *Naval Stats

      ZSN: 207,250
      IGNA: 207,250
      IXD: 50,000
      ZEN: 30,000 (Izirions = ZEN)

      -Lyat Esponer Corsair

      (This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 06-09-2002).)

      (This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 06-09-2002).)

    • Message to: Strand League
      From: Admiral Lancaster
      Although our leader and second is... unavailible, we appreciate your tech trade. If any one of our techs is needed by you, just say the word. We know of your losses, so we are also offering our help... We know you will not be launching any offensives soon, but we would like to send a few fleets to your space, to prevent incursions.
      Angien just looked at Redchigh... "They couldn't have been our men.."
      "I know. Tell me, Sojin, what kind of weapons did these would-be kidnappers wield?"
      "Phase, why?"
      "Ah yes! phase! that proves that it wasn't anyone from our military or even port authorities that harassed you. Although they could have been citizens, I'm willing to bet they were rebels... see, we've been having trouble with a terrorist group based on several of our planets.... You probably deserve a reward for taking the terrorists out of commision, but for now, let's get to business. This..." Red makes a sign towards Angien.. " my second in command. She's the best fighter in our space. I don't think we'll get to fighting... we're civilised, right angien?"
      "Well sojin, how about it? do you wanna be on the Azdgari IR payroll? We're currently fighting the Akrahd clan Teh'Rak, and the pirates, and most of your work would revolve around strategic movements towards those two races. First of all, however, we'd want to test your ability, by getting us shield frequencies of the Teh'Rak warships... Either a fighter, a shield generator, or just a detailed report... either would satisfy us...."

      "And as the Darkness descends, do you follow the light, or embrace the darkness?"
      ~Diane Kinsman
      (little known philosopher, early 21st century)

    • Message to: Strand League
      From: Admiral Lancaster
      Although our leader and second is... unavailible, we appreciate your tech trade. If any one of our techs is needed by you, just say the word. We know of your losses, so we are also offering our help... We know you will not be launching any offensives soon, but we would like to send a few fleets to your space, to prevent incursions.
      Angien just looked at Redchigh... "They couldn't have been our men.."
      "I know. Tell me, Sojin, what kind of weapons did these would-be kidnappers wield?"
      "Phase, why?"
      "Ah yes! phase! that proves that it wasn't anyone from our military or even port authorities that harassed you. Although they could have been citizens, I'm willing to bet they were rebels... see, we've been having trouble with a terrorist group based on several of our planets.... You probably deserve a reward for taking the terrorists out of commision, but for now, let's get to business. This..." Red makes a sign towards Angien.. " my second in command. She's the best fighter in our space. I don't think we'll get to fighting... we're civilised, right angien?"
      "Well sojin, how about it? do you wanna be on the Azdgari IR payroll? We're currently fighting the Akrahd clan Teh'Rak, and the pirates, and most of your work would revolve around strategic movements towards those two races. First of all, however, we'd want to test your ability, by getting us shield frequencies of the Teh'Rak warships... Either a fighter, a shield generator, or just a detailed report... either would satisfy us...."

      Phase-Neutron Beamer- ETA: 3 posts

      Azdgari Arada- ETA 2 posts
      pp=20,000 Kamikaze Azdaras. T=100,000
      Supercruiser PP- 1/25 T=5/25

      "And as the Darkness descends, do you follow the light, or embrace the darkness?"
      ~Diane Kinsman
      (little known philosopher, early 21st century)

    • NRPG: REDchigh, Thunder, Rima, you all have ambassadors at the Citadel of the Tribunal of the Arbiters of the Lavrii Union. In case you didn't see my post on the old topic, Kai'asi has gotten down to buisness and requested a technology trade, although he hasn't specified technology. Go back to the old topic, take a look at the Lavrii techs, post your own techs, tell Kai'asi what interests your faction, and I'll decide if it's doable.

      (url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

    • On Lavrii Prime-
      "Well, speaking for my leader, the only thing that would interest us is the Concussion Blaster, but it's really only be useful if it's turreted.... is it? If so, we'll give you designs for.. hm... concussion weaponry wouldn't exactly turn the sides of any battle... we'll give you... well, you can have aerodynamics datato upgrade the maneuverability of your vessels... or... phase neutron weapons perhaps.... or even arada plans..."

      "And as the Darkness descends, do you follow the light, or embrace the darkness?"
      ~Diane Kinsman
      (little known philosopher, early 21st century)

    • Thunder requested the Kaivrii. As soon as he recieved it, he began speaking. "I have reviewed your list of technologies, and I can tell you for a fact that the Kayans will be quite interested in your Shield Regenerator technology. Our ships are heavily shield oriented, and it would be quite useful for us. " Thunder then pulled out a datapad, and handed it to Kai'asi. "Here is a list detailing Kayan technologies and ships. If you see something you might be interested in trading for your shield regenerator, please say so and we'll see what we can do."


      Kayan Technology:

      Tachyonic Shielding -
      The Kayans have spent a great deal of time and effort studying and experimenting with tachyonic energy over the past two decades, and one of the results of this study was the development of tachyonic shield generators. They significantly increase the strength and durability of a ship's shields, but require that the hull of said ship to be very light in order to be successfully installed, in most cases reducing armor to almost nil.

      Tachyon Pulse Emitter-
      Another technology developed as a result of extensive tachyonic studies, the Tachyon Pulse is a primary weapon equipped on most larger Kayan vessels. Instead of firing in a beam or a projectile form, the pulse fires in a 120° arc from the front of the vessel. As with most Kayan technology, it is particularly effective against shields.
      Shield/Armor damage: 50/10
      Reload: 25 (about 1.2 shots per second)

      Stalker Missile -
      The Stalker Missile is a descendant of the Pursuit Missile. It is very slightly upgraded in terms of firepower, but most noticably in terms of speed and size. The missile is small and light enough (weighing only about 50 kilograms per missile) to be carried by even the smallest of Kayan vessels - the agile Firefly. Upgraded with Kayan sensors, it can keep a lock on it's target in even the densest nebula or asteroid field. It also integrates the defense pod technology that matches it to the frequency of the launching vessel.
      Shield/Armor damage: 75/40
      Speed: 1500

      Tachyonic generator -
      Considered the last line of defense in a doomsday scenerio, the tachyonic generator erects a barrier of tachyonic energy around an entire system, strong enough to bounce any incoming vessels back toward their system of origin. The result: nobody in, nobody out. Unfortunately, the generator requires a massive amount of energy to run for any length of time, and due to their complexity and difficulty to build, only five are currently in existence.

      Enhanced defense pods -
      A hybrid between the space mine and defense pod, the enhanced defense pod is a freefall bomb/mine of sorts, dropped from mid to large sized Kayan ships. By integrating the technology that allowed the defense pod to match itself with the launching ship's shield frequency, the enhanced defense pod does no damage to the launching vessel, even if it is caught within the blast radius.
      Shield/Armor damage: 400/250

      Defense drone -
      The defense drone is a remotely controlled missile platform placed in orbit of Kayan worlds. It has a strong armament and shielding for it's size, but in exchange for this power it forfiets it's mobility altogether - indeed it has no hyperspace capability and remains in the system it is deployed in unless towed to another.
      Shields/Armor: 600/5
      Speed: 10
      Accel: 5
      Turning: 360°/sec
      Weaponry: 3 Proton-Matrix turrets, 2 tachyon pulse emitters, 3 stalker missile launchers w/ 300 stalker missiles, 1 SAI launcher w/ 50 SAI modules, 2 Defense systems w/ 100 enhanced defense pods

      Kayan ships:

      Firefly -
      The firefly is a quick, agile light fighter - arguably among the quickest and most maneuverable in the galaxy. They are a common sight in Kayan systems, flitting about with blazing speed, or as a carried fighter aboard Gunships. Such agility requires a tradeoff in armor and armament, though.
      Shields/Armor: 52/3
      Speed: 800
      Accel: 1100
      Turning: 270°/sec
      Weapons: 2 Proton-Matrix cannons, 1 stalker missile launcher w/ 50 stalker missiles

      Arada -
      While most races have let the Arada fall from popularity, it retains its place in the Kayan military. Though the Arada is a relatively old design, it still proves a capable heavy fighter when upgraded with technology such as tachyonic shielding and SAI modules.
      Shields/Armor: 120/5
      Speed: 500
      Accel: 725
      Turning: 210°/sec
      Weapons: 4 Proton-Matrix cannons, 2 stalker missile launchers w/ 150 stalker missiles, 1 SAI launcher w/ 30 SAI modules

      Lazira -
      Another classic design, the basic architecture of the Lazira has changed little since the Kayans first used it several decades ago. The current design sports a lighter and much more agile hull, tachyonic shielding, and and an assortment of Kayan weaponry. As a combat vessel it performs a versatile role somewhat between that of a heavy fighter and a light warship; a jack of all trades, it is an ace of none.
      Shields/Armor: 350/15
      Speed: 350
      Accel: 475
      Turning: 165°/sec
      Weapons: 2 Proton-Matrix turrets, 1 tachyon pulse emitter, 1 Defense System w/ 20 Enhanced Defense Pods, 2 SAI launchers w/ 50 SAI modules

      Gunship -
      The Kayan Gunship was the first uniquely Kayan design, looking somewhat like a hybrid of a Lazira and Crescent Warship, all with the sparkling white hull that is common to all Kayan vessels. Until about five years ago it was the largest of Kayan vessels, though it tended to fight more as a pocket warship, unable to match the cruisers of other races in brute force, but instead relying on agility and fighter support.
      Shields/Armor: 550/15
      Speed: 290
      Accel: 400
      Turning: 150°/sec
      Weapons: 2 Proton-Matrix turrets, 2 tachyon pulse emitters, 2 Defense Systems w/ 40 Enhanced Defense Pods, 2 SAI launchers w/ 75 SAI modules, 1 Firefly hangar w/ 5 fireflies.

      Hive Class Carrier -
      The largest and most recently developed Kayan vessel, the Hive Class carrier is designed to take advantage of the greatest Kayan skill in battle - swarming the enemy with small, agile ships (i.e. Fireflies and Aradas). It lacks the heavy armor or armament common to most carrier class vessels; that space is instead used for hangar bays to carry a veritable swarm of Fireflies.
      Shields/Armor: 1500/25
      Speed: 250
      Accel: 350
      Turning: 120°/sec
      Weapons: 2 Proton-Matrix turrets, 3 stalker missile launchers w/ 500 stalker missiles, 10 Firefly hangars w/ 50 Fireflies


      Kayan Construction Update:
      Build a 6th tachyonic generator - 9 posts, 3 remaining
      Revise supercruiser plans to Kayan specs - 6 posts, 1 remaining

      "One day you'll find your whole life has changed - act quick, be brave, your heart will show you the way"

      (This message has been edited by Thunder (edited 06-09-2002).)

    • Sojin raised a skeptic eyebrow and even smiled skeptically at the mention of rebels. His other eyebrow rose at the introduction of Angien and her response at being civillized. Smile and skeptism vanished when Redchigh started talking business and Sojin's face became as stone.

      Sojin shook his head and laughed softly before holding up a gloved fist. One finger flicked up. "One, I don't belong on anyone's payroll. I just accept jobs, no more and no less." A second finger flicked up. "Two, I don't give a care about your wars, espically against scattered packs of pirates. You just help kill the competion for me."

      A third finger. "Akrahd are very harsh on smugglers, even more so of their own clans. Stealing shield tech however is something I can do, so I'll consider it. Just a little side trip, but all Akrahd shielding is basic in the core." A fourth came up. "You say your second is the best you have, and like I said, I'm just as good or better."

      Suddenly, Sojin thrusted his arm forward and fired his bracer. The energy bolt shot forward and passed between Redchigh and Angien to catch the shadow that skulking behind the pair in the chest and basicly punching a hole through his chest as the corpse was hurled back. Sojin swiveled to aim at Angien, a smile on his lips. "Five. I hate interruptions and people who kill potential clients. I also hate it when people try pulling a weapon on me."

      Sojin lowered his hands and said finally, "I accept your contract. On one extra condition: I have a bounty on my head in Leauge space. I want full immuntity until this contract is ended. The question is: when do you want me to depart?"

      (url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)

    • OOC: Pirates have about 250,000 vessels. Well, actually, about 300,000 now. Ne Demord; since I don't have any other players to control them and I don't want the job I'm leaving you in command of all pirate activities and such. However, I think SilverDragon wanted to make some sort of development post for the pirates to get them a bit more unified. Oh, btw, most Pirate ships now have Storm or Hail Missiles as an added bit of firepower.

      Grunadulater; glad you could play with us.

      MODERATION: RMA, I've just looked over some of your posts, and you make me sick. From now on, you cannot advance your research projects with message only posts!

    • OOC- Lavrii shield technology is all interlinked (it may not be specifically stated in the tech. list, but that is an oversight.) Specifically taking only their regenerative capabilities - it's like using tachyonic shields but "keeping" your armour, or in RoC3 using thoron beams without any effect to your shielding. And anyway, Thunder / the rest of you, Lavrii shield regeneration capabilities without a loss of shielding would make you all invincible (as it stands, trying to destroy the Lavrii's main fighter with primaries is verging on suicidal).


      {From: Council of Four, Silverbridge)
      {To: Azdgari}

      If you would, we would be extremely grateful, although your ships may be better suited to your own agenda - we can defend our own border for now, as the situation appears to be somewhat stable in this area.

      Also, may we ask about your leader and second? We wouldn't want any harm to come to them - is there anything we can help with?

      {end transmission}

      The abandoned military outpost known as "Tetra-Alpha" lay dead in a system dominated by a massive asteroid belt. The tell-tale signs of previous Strand League colonisation remained - lasting traces of thoron drives, derelict solar refineries, and even ionised particles that were once ships destroyed in battle. NSI-4266 was a ghost system, with not a ship even passing through in years.

      However, from the moment Dacona entered NSI-4266, his hunch was proven correct. There was a trace of a thoron trail leading from Rekbudlar, only days old, and emissions from Tetra-Alpha suggested that the core, somehow intact, was once again online.

      "How'd you know?" asked Tassar, who had been "passing through" the Large Megellanic Cloud from IXD Outpost in the Milky Way. He was wearing well, even though he was fast approaching old age. They both knew that this was, most likely, going to be Tassar's last ground operation. There simply were no opportunities open.

      "A few things," Dacona replied with a shrug. "Scattered rumours of ship passage and the like. Do you realise that only one government controlled system - Sheagi - has to be traversed to get here from pirate space? And considering the news from the Azdgari...I'm not particularly surprised."

      "How the hell were they expecting to get onto Gateway by the festival, though?" Tassar muttered. "This is all very sloppy, Dacona. Anyone could have done a better job."

      "Pirates aren't known for their education. I'd assume there's a leak, though, who planned to help them be in position for the festival."

      "A leak??" Tassar demanded, half shocked and half sardonic. "I thought the Strand League was supposed to...ah, what was it...have 'the highest security of any other government in the galaxy'?"

      Dacona laughed bitterly. "Yeah, whatever. And immense loyalty, too?"

      Tassar grinned faintly, but it faded quickly and settled into a strained frown. "If they have a leak, why didn't they just slip through our main worlds instead of coming around the long way?"

      "Some things are more difficult to explain than others."

      "A few independant star captains wanting to take a look at Tetra-Alpha is more difficult to believe than a group of people who mysteriously appeared in Strand League space from nowhere wanting to be on the Gateway by the time of festival?"

      Dacona rolled his eyes and sighed. "What is it with you children? Can't you leave the bigger picture until you have more to go on than idle speculation?"

      "Children?" Tassar growled. "I'm at least-"

      "I'm not interested in age, Tassar," Dacona replied calmly. "Forget it - we have business, remember? Were you able to bring any equipment?"

      Tassar looked for a moment like he wouldn't 'forget it', but then he seemed to control himself. His humour was almost completely gone other the years, battered down by too many wars. "Some. I wasn't able to find some of those mechs, but I have the strat mines."

      Dacona nodded. "They'll almost definately be able to defend themselves. This won't be too easy, you know. I have about thirty six marines with me and a M-27 Arachnid mechanoid."

      "Consider fifty more marines ready for action," Tassar replied, "and a pair of Falcons."

      "Falcons?" Dacona asked. "I've been around a bit, but I don't recall any-"

      "Patrol bots. We upgraded the basic police version with a P501:504 grenade launcher and a pair of fast firing pulse beams."

      Dacona blinked. "You're using patrol bots? That's something I never would have considered."

      Tassar shrugged. "They're small, fast, and can cover turns. They aren't shielded, and a 5mm plate hardly counts as armour these days, but they should provide some support. How do you intend to get an Arachnid along corridors? Those buggers are big things."

      "I'm thinking. The main corridors should be large enough, and anyway, we'll be up against Wolverines here. We need cover. A pair of Wolverines will tear through infantry - even ones with personnel shielding - ten at a time."

      Tassar shivered. "I hate those."

      "My sentiments exactly."


      Zidara & Zira Upgrades: 5/6
      Thoron Siphon: 3/6

      Cygna Cluster Outposts: Completed (finally take off hold)
      Aries Secondus Colonisation: Completed
      3 Aries Colonisation: 4/4

      *Naval Stats

      ZSN: 210,500
      IGNA: 210,500
      IXD: 50,000
      ZEN: 30,000

      -Lyat Esponer Corsair

      (This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 06-10-2002).)

    • _OOC:Carno, the reason you cant find the Asani Pirate system I'm attacking, is because I'm not attacking an Asani Pirate system. Try reading a bit closer. Plus your posts managed to ignore all stealth and jamming aspects, and general Horosk fleet tactics.

      Also, please do not just blame me for what many other people are doing.

      You make me extremely sick with your constant disregard for any 'special' techs I have, as well as tactics I actually use. Since this is apparently okay for you to do, my battle posts from now on are going to have the enemy making the worst possible tactical decisions possible._

      8th Horosk Carrier Battle Group - Dilgu
      The Akrahd and Pirate fleet had begun badly. The Pirate fleet had been surprised to begin with, and then the Akrahd reinforcements had fared even worse. Now, hardly any enemy ships remained, and the Horosk fleet reigned supreme. Already, deployements to all enemy and uninhabited systems near and in enemy space had been despatched. They would warn the main fleet of any ships heading for the Dilgu system, so that the Horosk could be ready. Any enemy ships entering the system would just find a large amount of debris.


      Horosk Prime
      Government House - Cabinet Office
      Special meeting of Defence Ministry
      'Chairman RMA, the H.N.S. Ternatha has been sitting in storage in the Horosk Minor system for months, with no sign of it being refitted. As it stands, it is useless. The ship itself took years to construct, but it has not been used once. It is the recomendation of the Defence Ministry that it is refitted as soon as possible,' High Admiral Yelni spoke, several other high ranking military officials showing signs of agreement.

      'The reason the project has been delayed', Chairman RMA replied, 'is due to your previous recomendation that it be outfitted with Thorosk technology.'

      'The teams searching the Thorosk and surrounding systems said they would find technology far faster. They have complained of their sensors not being advanced enough, and have requested Sladerei sensors. Therefore we feel that the ship may as well be put to use in its intended manner.'

      'Submit a full report, and estimates of refitting time, and perhaps the shipyard can find the room to refit it.' Witht hat, Chairman RMA dismissed the Defence Ministry, and floated off to his office thinking about how he could fit the refit into the hectic shipbuilding schedules.


      Multi-Emitter Shield & Energy Dampener Intergration
      ETA: 2 posts

      Deployable Defence Platform
      ETA: 5 posts

      Horath Outpost expansion
      ETA:2 posts


      Horosk Shipyard Construction
      Construction rate at 100%

      If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

      Voted most likely to be a serial killer by Insane Asylum - 2002

    • Quote

      Originally posted by RMA:
      (i)Also, please do not just blame me for what many other people are doing.


      Originally posted by RMA in Chapter I, all breaking this rule:
      Message To: Strand League
      Message From:Horosk Union
      The Horoth well remember the Igadzra crusades against the Akrahd, and they thank you for them. In the galaxies, having friends is indeed an asset, and we welcome your offer. We invite you to come to Horosk Prime for discussions.
      Message Ends


      AP Beam Strip Technical Information
      Linked Ap beam strips have stopped exploding after some hard work, and now scientists are busy seeing what happens when they link more than 2.
      ETA:6 posts

      Horosk Shipyard Repair Information
      Repairs continue, and shipyard efficiency has been boosted to 79%. Work is going well.
      ETA:3 posts


      Horosk Shipyard Construction
      6200 Ships Produced

      If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

      Voted most likely to be a serial killer by Insane Asylum - 2002

      (This message has been edited by RMA (edited 05-25-2002).)

      Message To: Strand Union
      Message From:Horosk Union
      Currently the Horosk are recovering from an invasion by the Rarkyl, which was luckily repusled with the help of the Sladerei. The Ediens still amass on our border, and we have a slightly hostile species to the galactic north of us, who seem to dislike us for actions by individual members of our species. We hope that the fact that a large number of them have set themselves up as Pirates will cause them to reconsider. The Federation has almost closed its border with the Ediens, with barely any contact. The Voinian Empire fights bravely against the Ediens, and it takes much pressure off of our allies, the Sladerei.

      We wish your diplomat a quick journey.
      Message Ends


      Message To:Azdgari Empire
      Message From:Horosk Union
      The Horoth thank you for your message, and the Horosk Union thanks you for remembering. We invite you to Horosk prime for talks. We wish you speed.
      Message Ends


      AP Beam Strip Technical Information
      The emitter linkups have gone well, and now scientists are working on improving the emitter matrix.
      ETA:5 posts

      Horosk Shipyard Repair Information
      Repairs continue, and shipyard efficiency has been boosted to 86%.improvements.
      ETA:2 posts


      Horosk Shipyard Construction
      6760 Ships Produced

      If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

      Voted most likely to be a serial killer by Insane Asylum - 2002

      (This message has been edited by RMA (edited 05-25-2002).)

      OOC:Sharborg, you can go off and do what you want as well, not just responding to what other people do. If you aren't sure of something, just ask. I really dont want my ally dropping out in the future. Go and develop characters all you want, you might convince some of us more lazy people to do the same.


      Message To:Sladerei Alliance
      Message From: Horosk Union
      Subject:Edien Border
      A detachment in the form of the 123rd Carrier Task Force has been ordered to the NGC-3776 systems to provide defence and security to our convoys to provide secure passge through the NGC-3776 system. Horosk construction ships will arrive soon and begin the deployment of a minefield to prevent Edien incursions.
      Message Ends


      Energy Matrix Computer
      ETA:9 posts

      Sub-Space Fold Frigate Upgrade
      Upgrade Program is continuing apace. 38% of the Horosk navy has been refitted, and all such units have been asigned to the First Horosk Navy for the Rarkyl invasion
      ETA:5 posts

      Minor Colony in Ven'Tan. ETA:Completed

      Expansion of Colony in Ven'Tan and preliminary outpost construction in adjoining systems. ETA:2 posts


      Horosk Shipyard Construction
      Construction rate at 100%


      Datalink:Horosk Naval Divisions
      The Horosk Navy is divided up into Carrier Task Forces, each of which is composed of 100 Mainline Carriers, 200 Light Carriers, 1600 Cruisers, and 4800 Frigates. Each Carrier Task Force is a sub-component of a Carrier Task Group, which is composed of 5 Task Forces. 2 Task Groups then make up a Carrier Battle Force. 2 Battle Forces then make up 1 Carrier Battle Group, which is approximately 1/6th of the total Horosk Navy. More than 2 Battle Groups operating together are generally reffered to as The Horosk Grand Navy.

      If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

      Voted most likely to be a serial killer by Insane Asylum - 2002

      (This message has been edited by RMA (edited 05-28-2002).)

      Message To: Azdgari
      Message From: 8th Horosk Carrier Battle Group - Sheagi
      Subject: Pirates
      To secure the area, the 8th Horosk Battle Group is moving to assault Dilgu. We will clear the system of Pirates and secure the system. You are welcome to assist.
      Message Ends


      Multi-Emitter Shield & Energy Dampener Intergration
      So that a refit of the Horosk navy can take place, Horosk scientists are intergrating multi-emitter shield tech with Horosk multi-adaptive shields. Experiments with the energy Dampener are proceeding at the same time so that any refit can be performed well. Results are expected to be good. Research.
      ETA: 6 posts

      Deployable Defence Platform
      So that the Horosk can quickly tighten their grip on systems they assault, Scientists are looking into constructing a platform capable of being deployed quickly. It is likely it will be based on a frigate sized hull. Research
      ETA: 9 posts

      Azdgari ship refits. ETA:2 posts


      Horosk Shipyard Construction
      Construction rate at 100%

      If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

      Voted most likely to be a serial killer by Insane Asylum - 2002

      (This message has been edited by RMA (edited 06-08-2002).)

      Message To: Council of Four, Silverbridge
      Message From: Horosk
      Subject: SMC
      The Horosk understand what has happened, but your call for help, which we answered, and then you turned away has angered our populace. If you need help soon, do not ask us.
      Message Ends


      Multi-Emitter Shield & Energy Dampener Intergration
      ETA: 5 posts

      Deployable Defence Platform
      ETA: 8 posts

      Azdgari ship refits. ETA:1 posts


      Horosk Shipyard Construction
      Construction rate at 100%

      If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.
      Voted most likely to be a serial killer by Insane Asylum - 2002

      Twice as many posts have between two and six lines of actual IC text, and you have not made one attempt out of most likely over 20 posts to develop your character.

      As for "what many other people are doing", may I note that outside of you, this has occured three times; once by me when I was in a rush, and twice by Shade.

      -Lyat Esponer Corsair