Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • What in EVO do you dislike?

      I am considering making a plug in EVO that fixes some problems or things that people hate. I want to make this plug to enhance EVO and not as a cheat. Now I must know what the heck in EVO do you guys think needs changing?

      This might be the first time I have posted on these boards being registered but I have been reading them for quite some time and know how they work. No need to tell me to read the FAQ's or anything. 😛


    • The ONLY thing I would change about EVO is the cartoonish look of the graphics and the sounds. Perhaps that is why I like Meowx Studio's MAGMA plug-ins so much. However, if you are a graphics whiz, which I definitely am not, please design a new look for EVO. It does not have to be anything like MAGMA because new interpretations bring a new feel and appeal to the game.

      If you are like me and lack the software to design all new graphics, it may be an unfortunate fact that everything else has already been tried in various combinations. I am currently at a loss for ideas myself, and I have made several plugs (not all of them have been uploaded because others have beat me to the punch).

      Oh, wait a second. There are a few members that have posted links to websites wherein they have new ship designs available for download. Perhaps some of them would not mind the free advertisement space in this discussion to repost those links rather than make us search old threads for them. Then Kap can borrow some of those designs and incorporate them into an otherwise original plug (be sure to give proper credit to the graphics designers).

      Just a suggestion. I hope that it helped.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Kap:
      **I am considering making a plug in EVO that fixes some problems or things that people hate. I want to make this plug to enhance EVO and not as a cheat. Now I must know what the heck in EVO do you guys think needs changing?

      This might be the first time I have posted on these boards being registered but I have been reading them for quite some time and know how they work. No need to tell me to read the FAQ's or anything. 😛

      The problem is, almost everyone has EV-Edit or Resedit, and simply makes their own small plug-ins. If you made a larger plug-in incorporating several ideas, you'd probably end up with a product few people actual liked.

      Instead, I'd advise you made a series of small plug-ins and made them available to download in a pack. One could change one thing, see where I'm going. A few ideas might be original descriptions for ships and planets, modified ship stats allround (you don't need new graphics, just give the game new life with a different balance), perhaps along the lines of more powerful capital ships.

      'have to dash. Welcome to the boards, happy posting.



    • Quote

      Originally posted by SilverDragon:
      **The problem is, almost everyone has EV-Edit or Resedit, and simply makes their own small plug-ins. If you made a larger plug-in incorporating several ideas, you'd probably end up with a product few people actual liked.


      I agree. Instead I would just make a Ship and Weapon/Outfit addon plug. I always felt that EVO lacked a good all-rounder ship (I.e Rebel Destroyer in EV). But the main thing that bugs me is the fact that a Turret takes up a turret slot AND a gun slot.

      Do you want to know my signature?

    • I didn't really like EVO. It's main superiority to EV was the gameplay length, as the EV universe was rather small. I think it was the lack of novelty. What made EV novel was the ships, ship appearance, star names, star dëscs, layout, etc...I guess it really is hard to have a comprehensive universe.


      Lequis Design

    • Hmmmm,

      I had EV on my old crusty powermac and I spent monthes playing, it was just so addictive (like smarties then) and I couldn't get enough. We sold our Mac so we could get a PC (so it was compatible with my Dad's office) and I never saw EV apart from on my friends Mac which he kept in his attic...

      Then I discovered the world of emulating and I am playing EV and EVO again. I love both for different reasons. EVs universe feels more like "home" but I love the various factions in EVO, how certain weapons and ships only brlong to certain races.

      Complaints? After EVO the ships in EV seem a little conservative (apart from the Kestrel that will live with me forever in electric dreams) and the weapons in EV seem a little limited. Also, the galaxy feels small, yet this is all in retrospect. Ask me 3-4 years ago about EV and I wouldn't have made any of the above complaints.

      EVO on the otherhand, is a little hard to fault. The AI isn't as great as it could be, after mastering the Monty Python in EV, their are little challenges (unlike the Aliens in EV which where hard as nails). Also, it seems a little easy to unlock the races ships, I did bugger all to buy Zidaras which IMO are the best ships. Other than that, EVO is brilliant. I downloaded it about a week ago and I have been playing 4-5 hours a day solid and I am still not bored. MOH:AA has sat gathering dust on my shelf...

      Just a question, is EVO set before EV i.e. are they supposed to be the same galaxy? Is EVO a prequel? There are hints in the game, the SADs and phased beams resembling the Alien weaponry of EV. Maybe the crescent unite and try to crush the humans? Just a thought...


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Zax:
      **But the main thing that bugs me is the fact that a Turret takes up a turret slot AND a gun slot.


      There is a couple of plugs which takes of that

    • Quote

      Originally posted by SpaceMonkey:
      Just a question, is EVO set before EV i.e. are they supposed to be the same galaxy? Is EVO a prequel? There are hints in the game, the SADs and phased beams resembling the Alien weaponry of EV. Maybe the crescent unite and try to crush the humans? Just a thought...

      They are not the same galaxy; Escape Velocity and EV Override are completely separate games designed by different people, and are held together only by a common engine and a similar theme. While EV Override takes place 100 years earlier than does Escape Velocity, it is no more a prequel than Star Wars (set 'a long time ago') is a prequel to Star Trek (set primarily in the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th centuries).

      David Arthur
      (url="http://"") MissionComputer and the Talon plug-in for the original Escape Velocity
      New MissionComputer 1.3.0 Features Escape Velocity Support

    • I don't know if this can be fixed, but one thing that bugs me is when you go to a fight and your enemies don't show when you press the "closest target" button. You can only find them by cycling through every ship in the system with the "target select button," (TAB by default.) This doesn't seem to be as big a problem with renegades, mostly when you get called to participate in the strand attacks. Sometime an attack is over before I even get to kill someone--bummer.


    • For the record, I've already got something like this going on... it's called Moderation, and while the EVO version is a bit later down the road, the EV one should come out rather soon (hehe, I've been saying that for a few months...).

      (url="http://"")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
      (url="http://"") | (url="http://"")
      (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"")

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Denizen:
      **I don't know if this can be fixed, but one thing that bugs me is when you go to a fight and your enemies don't show when you press the "closest target" button. You can only find them by cycling through every ship in the system with the "target select button," (TAB by default.) This doesn't seem to be as big a problem with renegades, mostly when you get called to participate in the strand attacks. Sometime an attack is over before I even get to kill someone--bummer.


      Do you mean to say that enemies (i.e. renegades) aren't targeted by this? Because whenever a ship is attacking me (currently targeting me, so he's labeled as red), hitting 'R' works just fine.

      I don't know if it'd be a good idea just to automatically target your enemies by that; it then wouldn't allow you to target the closest thing attacking you. Plus, often times you wouldn't know something is an enemy. That Helian attacking another Helian right next to you might be a militia Helian, not a renegade one.

      Though I don't know if I understood you correctly.

      Mike Lee (Firebird)

    • That idea of bundling a set of separate small plugs together is a good one because players could activate and deactivate each feature as they decide without having to go all-or-nothing. However, I must caution you that having too many plug-in files may result in conflicts during loading, which causes the data to become scrambled, so you get bugs or may even crash the whole game.

      If you bundle plug-in files, it is imperative that you do NOT use the same resource IDs repeatedly. In other words, if you open a plug-in file with Res-Edit and open any particular resource within it, the numbers appearing in that list should not be in the same resource within a different plug-in file in that set. For example, the Star Wars plug-in set has 6 files if you include the cheats and the extra ships files. Many people that placed all 6 files into their plug-ins folder all reported the same bug: weaponsfire would circle around the player's ship in a halo. The problem was that several of those separate files had overlapping resource IDs. The fix was to copy-and-paste all resources into a single file to preclude the possibility of data errors during loading.

      I recommend that one plug-in have just outfit and weapon resources, whilst another have ship resources, and perhaps another would have systems and space objects. See where I'm going with this? If you do have two or more files with the same types of resources, be sure that none of the same ID numbers appear within the windows when you open the resources. That way you will have a set of bug-free plugs that we on the boards can rave about. 🙂

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Firebird:
      **Do you mean to say that enemies (i.e. renegades) aren't targeted by this? Because whenever a ship is attacking me (currently targeting me, so he's labeled as red), hitting 'R' works just fine.

      I don't know if it'd be a good idea just to automatically target your enemies by that; it then wouldn't allow you to target the closest thing attacking you. Plus, often times you wouldn't know something is an enemy. That Helian attacking another Helian right next to you might be a militia Helian, not a renegade one.

      Though I don't know if I understood you correctly.

      No, I mean sometimes your "enemies" don't identify you as an enemy, thus they aren't labeled red. This isn't a big problem, but I have gone to an attack and I can just sit there in the system and watch the whole fight go on because I'm not attacked, i.e. not identified as an enemy--I don't know why.


    • The only thing about EV:O that really bugs me is the non-American English spelling. 😉

      Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"")!
      "What a piece of work is man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculties! in form and moving how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the world! the paragon of animals! And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?" -- Hamlet, Hamlet , II.ii

    • Quote

      Originally posted by shayborg:
      The only thing about EV:O that really bugs me is the non-American English spelling.;)

      Oh no, not again... 😉

      David Arthur
      (url="http://"") MissionComputer and the Talon plug-in for the original Escape Velocity
      New MissionComputer 1.3.0 Features Escape Velocity Support

    • You mean the English spelling? (Also known as Standard English, International English, but generally just as 'English', to distinguish it from American-English).

      Just clarifying here - I realise that your perspective may be colouring the way you see the programme organised.



      M A R T I N • T U R N E R
      (url="http://";=plugins&display;=downloads&file;=FrozenHeart104.sit.bin")Frozen Heart(/url)
      (url="http://";=plugins&display;=downloads&file;=FemmeFatale.sea.bin")Femme Fatale(/url)
      (url="http://";=Frozen Heart - the No.hqx")Frozen Heart - the Novel(/url)

    • Hmm yeah, aka proper English :). Just getting to the very centre of the matter, with a few rumours about Voinian heavy armour.. marvellous!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Denizen:
      **No, I mean sometimes your "enemies" don't identify you as an enemy, thus they aren't labeled red. This isn't a big problem, but I have gone to an attack and I can just sit there in the system and watch the whole fight go on because I'm not attacked, i.e. not identified as an enemy--I don't know why.


      Well, I don't see this is as a problem, the way I understand it. Say you jumped into the Bakka system and there's a bunch of Voinian warships fighting a UE fleet. The Voinian ships don't attack you. I don't see what's wrong with that; they're all busy fighting the UE of course, if you wanted it to be more realistic, some of them might notice and break off to engage you, but EVO's AI can only go so far.

      Mike Lee (Firebird)

    • I think that maybe there should be more civilian ships for the humans. I mean you look at a good planet in EV and you see a big full shipyard even with no missions you see kestrels defenders scoutships argosys I could go on for a while. But in EVO you see shuttle scoutship transporter and freighter and that's about it unless you do lots of missions. So if your not one to do missions you don't have much of a selection unless you jump to the crescent and back again.

      I may only lead a trade fleet but attack my transporters and feel the power of my mighty ship!