Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Kestrel Vs Crescent Warship

      I have been playing both EV and EVO recently and I have got to the point where I have a Crescent Warship and a Kestrel. Both look similar (kind of) and both cost about the same (9M - 10M).

      I was wondering who you think would win in a fight? This is standard load out, no SAEs or anything. Personally I would go for the Kestrel, its Lightnings are far superior to the Crescent Fighters and their heavy rockets would give the CW a hard time. Also, its torpedos and missiles are more likely to find their targets than the SADs which tend to fly off in some strange direction. Up close, its proton turrets are beefier than the phase turrets. At medium range however, I reckon the phase turrets would have the advantage of accuracy. Also, the CF would be quite hard to hit with the semi-accurate proton turrets...

      Anyway, I think the Kestrel would just come out on top but it would be a very interesting fight...


    • Despite the fact that the Crescent Warship has superior shielding, I'd have to say the Kestrel. The Kestrel is faster, and more versatile, and I think that the proton turrets are actually better point for point. As for the Lightnings...they would simply slaughter.


    • Throw my vote in for the Kestrel.

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    • Interesting, yes.

      I think that the CW would be destroyed, but that the Kestral and it's fighters would be finished off by the Crescent fighters, which are faster than lightnings and would probably avoid avy heavy rockets, slowly hammering down the kestral's shields.

      "I dont follow the crowd.. I stand and make fun of all the people walking in a straight line." ~A. Rickman
      "....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."

    • OK. Please don't flame my obvious rookietude but what the heck is a Kestrel and where the heck can I get one?

      Phog (Rolling Out)

      "For a moment, even I was apalled. But only for a moment." - Brigadier Harry Paget Flashman, Ret.

    • The Kestrel is the a good ship in Escape Velocity, the game that was done before Escape Velocity: Override. Take a look at the board Escape Velocity, you will find many interesting other subjects.

      I do think that the Kestrel would win.

      As for the my favourite ship between the two, I would say the Kestrel too. For it is faster and the Lightnings seem to be more effective in EV than the CF in EVO. However, the fact that the Lightning bay cannot be removed is annoying. This is the other strong point of the CW with its shields.


      Mes plus sincčres Salutations ŕ la Vie,
      Reine de ce Monde.
      Under Cover Gentleman known as Admiral Nelson

    • goes off to make plug in to see who would win with game AI

      "I dont follow the crowd.. I stand and make fun of all the people walking in a straight line." ~A. Rickman
      "....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."

    • The other thing is, with EV V1.0.5. you can't have more than 2 lightnings, even if you disable other Lightinings and board them, they can only fly about as escorts. One of my favorite things to do in EV was launch 10 Lightnings and send them to demolish a Confed Cruiser.

      I have been re-thinking and I still think the Kestrel would win although the AI doesn't make much use of its speed, my upgraded Kestrel could do 375, almost as much as a standard Lightning! Also, I never realised how fast the Rebel Destroyer is, 450 with upgrades! That is seriously fast for a ship its size/power.

      Yes the CW has stronger shields but its armour is almost nothing and it is painfully slow in both thrust and turning. The crescent fighters would be a bit tricky but would probably meet their match with some missiles or if they flew to close too the Kestrel's proton barrage...

      Kestrel also wins on the style front, I always prefered the Kestrel over the gov. ships because it just looks cool. The CW looks OK but no-where near as sleek and deadly as the almighty Kestrel...


    • Hmmm, I'm not convinced of the Kestrel's superiority. As SpaceMonkey mentioned, turrets in EV have a tendency to fire in the complete opposite direction to your target, but if they fought in EVO I guess that would be fixed. Personally I think the CW's SADs would win the day, as the Kestrel would have no way of jamming them. They may even be able to take down the Lightnings before they get into heavy rocket range.

      We'll slide down the surface of things.

    • Considerations of accuracy and ranged combat are essentially meaningless in an AI vs. AI combat. We all know that the ships would end up overlapping each other, and hammering away with everything they have.

      Assuming that a ship with Kestrel stats was created in EV:O and encouraged to slug it out with a CW, the turret inaccuracies would be fixed. I have heard that only one of an AIs' turrets fire, though... It was mentioned in the discussions surrounding the ship modification contest. If true, this would diminish the apparent effectiveness of a multi-turreted ship, or one with superior turreted weapons.

      Eagerly awaiting Chigh's results...

      (url="http://"")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Tarquin:
      **Hmmm, I'm not convinced of the Kestrel's superiority. As SpaceMonkey mentioned, turrets in EV have a tendency to fire in the complete opposite direction to your target, but if they fought in EVO I guess that would be fixed. Personally I think the CW's SADs would win the day, as the Kestrel would have no way of jamming them. They may even be able to take down the Lightnings before they get into heavy rocket range.


      But wouldn't it be the same for the CW with the missiles and torps from the Kestrel?

      Who needs a belt? I have a belly! - Alex North

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Mazca:
      **But wouldn't it be the same for the CW with the missiles and torps from the Kestrel?


      That's strange -- I've never seen a Kestrel fire torpedoes.


    • Remembering well or not, when I was in a Kestrel fighting other Kestrels, they shot me with torps and when I was flying a fighter, they shot me with missiles. But I am not sure.


      Mes plus sincčres Salutations ŕ la Vie,
      Reine de ce Monde.
      Under Cover Gentleman known as Admiral Nelson

    • Ne Demord Jamais is right,

      If I was in a big, slow ship they used torpedos then their missiles. In a fighter they would use missiles. AI showing how competent it can be sometimes...


    • Hmmmmmmm... Another age-old question is ressurrected... 😉

      I'd probaby have to say the Kestrel, but it would definitely be a close fight. The CW has superior shielding, and its Crescent Fighters are not only pretty sturdy, but they could easily run circles around the Lightnings, and SADs are very nasty. On the other hand, Lightnings and the Kestrel are both LOADED with heavy ordinance, so I'd probably say the Kestrel.

      If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • You know, this is going to look like a repeating pattern, but I might change my mind here... (no, Carny, I'm not just disagreeing with you on everything)

      Lightnings, hands down, are the better fighter complement. Maybe not so good against Crescent fighters (maybe), but they can deal hundreds of shield damage in a matter of seconds. Kestrels, however, are slightly weaker armed. Torpedoes aren't much better than SADs, and the C. Warship does has dispersal rockets.

      Close fight. I'd go for the Lightnings dominating it, and maybe the CFs taking them down from behind.



    • Since when did a default AI CWs have dispersals? A standard CW has 3 phase turrets, 2 SAD launchers, 15 SADs, 3 CFs, and nothing else. Now, if the CW did have dispersal rockets, it would most likely win. If the Kestrel went head to head against a CW, it would most likely win; it has better maneuverability, but although the CW's phase turrets do more damage to shields than armor, the Kestrel's Proton turrets do equal damage to both, so it has no trouble with the CW once it's shields are down. The CW's SADs are very powerful, but they take longer to hit the target, jamming or no jamming, mainly because they tend to zigzag around. But the Kestrel's torpedoes are almost as damaging and go straight to the target. And the Kestrel's Lightnings, focusing all firepower on the CW along with the Kestrel, would also put the battle in the Kestrel's favor. Now, Lightning vs. Crescent Fighter is a different story. It would be quite easy to dodge the Lightning's rockets and outrun the missiles, and the CF's Phase Cannons are very good against shields, and Lightnings have little armor. But unfortunately, AI's tend to just charge straight at each other, ignoring any strategic possibilities, and if such a thing were to happen, bye-bye CFs. And, even if the CF's did destroy the Lightnings, the Kestrel should have enough missiles to cripple the CFs and move in for a quick kill. So, in my opinion, the Kestrel wins.

      Greetings from your friendly local cannibal, put in your town by the federal government to keep the human population in check.
      Of all the people I've pummeled; unsuspecting and deserving, I've learned one thing: you can either run, or fight. All other strageties are variations of these. —Geglash
      All the lonely people, where do they all come from? All the lonely people, where do they all belong? —The Beatles

    • Kestrel Vs Crescent Warship?

      Human Vs Human/AI, the Kestrel wins - it, and the Lightnings have enough missiles to deal with the crescent fighters, and a competent pilot should be able to evade the SADs, and then deal some nasty damage to the CW with lightenings and torpedoes.

      AI Vs AI, the two tend to go straight for each other - i rekon that the CW would be destroyed, but so would the lightenings, and the kestrel would have a very hard time fighting off the crescent fighters.

      "Its better to burn out
      than to fade away" -
      Neil Young

    • Quote

      Originally posted by SilverDragon:
      **You know, this is going to look like a repeating pattern, but I might change my mind here... (no, Carny, I'm not just disagreeing with you on everything)

      Lightnings, hands down, are the better fighter complement. Maybe not so good against Crescent fighters (maybe), but they can deal hundreds of shield damage in a matter of seconds. Kestrels, however, are slightly weaker armed. Torpedoes aren't much better than SADs, and the C. Warship does has dispersal rockets.

      Close fight. I'd go for the Lightnings dominating it, and maybe the CFs taking them down from behind.



      1. CWs have no dispersal rockets
      2. How is that disagreeing with me? 😛
      3. One or two heavy rockets, and a CF is toast
      4. Don't forget that Torpedoes (which go straight for the enemy as long as your pointing at him) generally hit a lot more than SADs (which spin off in every concievable direction and THEN head towards the target).

      If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).