Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Wave of Destruction webstory (Pg 1-3)

      14 198 1682

      Wave of Destruction
      ~A Webstory by Redchigh

      Moderated by REDchigh and ESPilot

      Governments (leaders) Shipcounts
      United Earth (Redchigh) 320
      Voinians (Cap'n Redeye) 300
      Emalgha (Aben Zin) 50
      Human Renegades (Spl_Cadet) 90
      Miranu Science and Diplomacy Department MSDD (Lord Asriel) 180 Freightors 😉
      Miranu Core Defense Admiral MCD (Admiral Benden*) 50 crescent fighters
      North Tip Renegades (Payback 37**) 100 (60 north tip, 40 south tip**)
      Zachit (Override 720) 50
      Adzgari (Background Development) 190
      Zidagar (Admiral Nelson) 170
      Igadzra (Battledoctor) 160
      Strandless Merc (ESPilot***) 20***
      NOTE: I made the ship counts as accurate as possible.

      Miranu have a low number of ships, but they have one of the highest production rates. Currently the miranu military consists completely of fighters.

      Payback 37, please notice, it would be extremely difficult to move ships from north tip to south tip or south tip to north tip.

      Espilot has conquered the strandless systems.. He has 8 ships immediatly under his control as escorts or whatever, plus the 20 used to protect his planets and such.

      Current -
      Emalgha vs Voinians
      UE vs Voinians
      UE vs Human Renegades
      Human Renegades vs Strand Renegades
      Strand Renegades vs Miranu
      Zachit vs Strand Renegades
      Strandless are independent.
      Strand Renegades vs Strandless
      All strands fight each other, and all strands fight the Renegades.
      Strand Renegades and Human Renegades are Xenophobic, meaning they'll attack any ship that comes in their space- at least thats how it starts, their leader can order this changed.

      Those are also the only current contacts- The UE have not met the Miranu or Emalgha yet, The Strand Renegades have little connection with human renegades. I have changed the map slightly, giving the Renegades and Zacha more planets, and making the independent planets split to either UE or Human renegade control.

      (url="http://"")WOD page(/url)

      Redchigh is in his office, on luna, staring at a screen watching a Voinian offensive on Outpost alpha, when an officer walks in.

      "Sir, we've having a problem with the human renegades again. They've gained control of a few of the independent planets to the south..."

      "Ignore them for the time being. They aren't stupid enough to launch an offensive. If they try, make sure they meet resistance." Red smiles... "The Voinians, however, are stupid enough. Move 5 Destroyers to each of our outposts on the Voinian front..."

      Adzgari begin vast shipbuilding sequences, upgrading shipyards, and decreasing their amount of raids on ther other two strands...They also send azdaras out in various directions, ready to live off the fuel of other ships, and see what information they can collect...
      "I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"
      "....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."

      (This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 12-21-2001).)

      (This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 12-21-2001).)

      (This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 12-21-2001).)

      (This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 12-22-2001).)

      (This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 12-24-2001).)

      (This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 12-25-2001).)

    • ESPilot sat at the controls of his Arada, the Wraith's Shadow. It was fitted with three swivelling phase cannons, a two pursuit missile launchers, about 15 missiles, with lots of speed upgrades; it was about as fast as a Crescent Fighter. But what made his ship a legend among the Strandless was it's mirror-like plating from engine to muzzle. The engine itselt had light dampeners, making it only a faint glow on visual scans. He was a spy, assassin, thief, bounty hunter, a master of cloak-and-dagger assignments. He had once been an admiral for the Zidagar, but had been exiled because of an accusation that he was actually gathering information for the Igadzra, and a young captain named Nelson rose to take his place. Afterwards, he had taken to helping Strandless militia against Renegades and angry Azdgari squadrons. He was an excellent hacker, and a dead shot with his phase pistol-rifle; basically a large pistol with an extended barrel.

      The Wraith's Shadow exited hyperspace into DSN-3587. He'd heard from a human merchant about a war going on between the humans and a race called the Voinians. From what he heard, if these United Earth guys were so desperate, they'd probably give him a healthy some of money for some down-and-dirty work. The radar indicated two ships, one large and one small. The Helian and Turncoat saw the Arada on their sensors, but they couldn't find it on the visual because of it's special coating. Thinking the ships were friendly since they didn't attack, ESPilot put in the course for the next jump, and the ship went into hypserspace.

      Greetings from your friendly local cannibal, put in your town by the federal government to keep the human population in check.
      Of all the people I've pummeled; unsuspecting and deserving, I've learned one thing: you can either run, or fight. All other strageties are variations of these. —Geglash
      All the lonely people, where do they all come from? All the lonely people, where do they all belong? —The Beatles

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Lord Asriel:
      I want the Miranu. Scientisting is fun.

      Didn't notice this, Red? 😉 I at least want to play for the Miranu, if I can't lead their government.

      "Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

    • OV flew his Zachit Arada towards Outpost Zachit. He was followed by 6 other Aradas and 10 Fighters. A renegade Crescent Fighter jumped in. The gighters sot their missles as we drove in for the kill. "This would be easy" OV thought as he set out a fire of Phase fire. The Crescent Fighter spiraled off and exploded. The Zachit officers docked at the station

      You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
      There are 9 people in this world. Those who can eat and those who don't know how to write a sig.
      The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)
      AIM: Overrider720, Ferazel17 or WhiteStreak7

    • OOC:I never said I wanted to lead the Miranu. I said I wanted to be a Fleet Admiral.

      "Take me to your dealer"-Bumper sticker
      "Brawl:Aussie for World War"-Quote from #ev3
      "You may not throw things at my dragon!"-The Skies of Pern, Anne McCaffery

    • OOC: Everyone happy now?

      A small fleet (3 destroyers and a carrier) watching out for renegade incursions notice a ship on their sensors. They look around, but can't see anything. They target their hunter missile launchers using the coordinates from the sensors, and send out a broadband message to the system.
      We dont know who or what you are, but under the authority of the United Earth Govt, We Demand that you state your intentions, or else be destroyed.

      The Carrier nervously launches it's fighters..

      "I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"
      "....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."

    • Nelson sat and looked at the map of the Milky Way. Seeing the Zidagar nation in purple gave him the blues. Not enough points were painted in purple.

      The Zidagar commune had decided to talk with the Zachit to temper the northern part of their space. The Ťraidsť done by the renegades were damaging the reputation of many zidagar corportations.

      ? ? ? ? Message to Zachit government (U b e) ? ? ? ? ?

      As you deeply know, the northern part of the Miranu and Zidagar space is under constant aggression from renegades. Though the Zidagar nation does not the magnitude of your power, we are ready to support an attack on the Rock.

      Nelson Flemming,
      commander of the Zidagar nation.

      ? ? ? ? ? END ? ? ? ? ?

      The other decision of the commune had been to research a form of attack device. In seven posts, the Z.N.N. would be equiped with this great weapon. Also, the commune had agreed on increasing the naval capacities of the Z.N.N. Over the next four post, twenty Zidara will be added to the total.

      Salutations Å• la vie

    • ESPilot got the transmission, and smiled to himself. "Militants of the United Earth, I wish to help your government against the Voinians. I would like to speak with your commander. Oh, by the way, if you fire any of your missiles at me, it won't do much good. The Wraith's Shadow can fly circles around one of those things, trust me."

      Greetings from your friendly local cannibal, put in your town by the federal government to keep the human population in check.
      Of all the people I've pummeled; unsuspecting and deserving, I've learned one thing: you can either run, or fight. All other strageties are variations of these. —Geglash
      All the lonely people, where do they all come from? All the lonely people, where do they all belong? —The Beatles

    • Asriel, chief of the Miranu scientists, sat thinking. The Science and Diplomacy Dept. had 180 freighters, and only a handful of measly Crescent Fighters to guard them. If the Renegades came in with even a pack of Laziras, the freighters were doomed.

      Obviously, new ships were needed. A good missileboat would be first. Asriel had drawn up plans for both a missileboat and a good projectile, the SAI. The Dryad-class missileboat would be fairly fast and well shielded, and be armed with fifteen or so SAIs. The SAI itself would be a modified SAD, equipped with a far better guidance system, and even more range than the SAD.


      Title: Dryad-class missileboat
      ETA: 8 posts

      OOC: The SAI research is included in the missileboat research.
      (edit)I'm upgrading a weapon instead of making a new one, so the research time should be a bit less.(/edit)

      "Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

      (This message has been edited by Lord Asriel (edited 12-22-2001).)

    • OOC: Asriel, keep in mind you have access to strand technology- You have SAD, Lazira, Pursuit missile, Crescent Warship, and Arada plans already, all you have to do is act upon them, and re-design/enhance them if you wish. Of course, you are free to design the new ship, I just wanted to make sure you knew.

      The Destroyers ponder the thought of this strange ship being an ally, and decide to allow it clearance to Luna. It is escorted to Luna, and then brought to REDchigh's office...

      RED sizes this alien up, then speaks..
      "So I hear you wish to work for the UE? We may pay you a little, but our biggest item we can give you for payment is a prototype cloak. We'll give it to you after you prove yourself to us."


      A single Azdara arrives at north tip station. It moves around the system, avoiding the Crescent fighters and Aradas chasing it, while it hails the station.
      Message to Strand Renegades
      From: Adzgari
      We wish to initiate an alliance. We will share with you our perfected shield recharge and tell you how to increase the speed of your fighters, in exchange for a cease-fire agreement and your... cooperation.......

      Another Azdara reaches Gorky- a Human Renegade base. The Needle missiles manage to hit the Azdara, but it's shields refil the damage done by each missile in a matter of seconds. It hails the planet as well.
      Message to: Human Renegades
      From: The Adzgari
      We wish to have an alliance. We will supply you with advanced ship designs, Weapon Designs, and an easy enhancement to your Needle Missiles, in return for your... coorperation...

      Finally, a single Azdara reaches the Emalghion system, and hails the planet.
      Message to: Emalgha
      From: The Adzgari
      Greetings. We are the Adzgari. We wish to warn you of a race, even more deadly than the Voinians, that is heald back by a thin voinian defense line. This race is called United Earth. While the Voinians are Conquerers, The United Earth humans are Slaughterers, that will wipe out your population without a second thought. We will help you fight the Voinians, and later the UE, in exchange for simple cooperation between our two govts.

      3 more azdara's are still scouting...

      "I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"
      "....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."

    • spl_cadet read over the reports brought in by his underlings. So far the UE was leaving them along but that wasn't good enough. No matter who won the war between the Humans and Voinans, the winner would start coming after the Renegades afterwards. After reflecting on this, spl_cadet made his decision and communicated back downwards.
      New Project: 6 posts long
      Dryad-class miner. Carries 10 space mines and deploys them in a field or whatever pattern may be neccessary. Also has 3 blaze turrets.
      25 Turncoats to be added to fleet over next 4 posts.

      Mechanical engineers build weapons. Civil engineers build targets.
      "It's up to God to forgive bin Laden. It's up to us to arrange that meeting!"-Marine Corps bumper sticker.
      (url="http://"")Coming soon, spl_cadet shipyards!(/url)

    • To: Azdgari
      From: Human Renegades
      We gladly accept this alliance. Feel free to visit our worlds if you would like to. I'm sure that we can help you in just as many ways as you can help us.
      End Message

      Mechanical engineers build weapons. Civil engineers build targets.
      "It's up to God to forgive bin Laden. It's up to us to arrange that meeting!"-Marine Corps bumper sticker.
      (url="http://"")Coming soon, spl_cadet shipyards!(/url)

    • As Zachit forces started grouping around the outpost, a message came in from Nelson.

      (Message to Nelson(
      (From OV)
      I will gladly help take down the rock but first I want to enlarge our fleet. We will fight them later but I will send occasional battle groups around your territory

      (Message End)

      Extra ships: Adds 25 Aradas and 10 Fighters
      ETA: 6

      You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
      There are 9 people in this world. Those who can eat and those who don't know how to write a sig.
      The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)
      AIM: Overrider720, Ferazel17 or WhiteStreak7

    • @ @ @ @ @ Message to Zachit Government (UH e) @ @ @ @ @

      Our space will be free to your Zachit vessels to raid renegade's bases. When the time to attack will be fine to you, send to us a message. If any other support is necessary, a squadron of one Zidara and four ZF on both Pozdag and Outpost Terapin are at your disposition.

      Nelson Flemming,
      commander of the Zidagar nation.

      @ @ @ @ @ END @ @ @ @ @

      The new pilots of the Z.N.N. will be trained under new conditions in order to make them more ready to combat foes. In three posts, the Z.N.N. recruits will be more experience than any other nearby force.

      Salutations Å• la vie

    • Admiral Paul Benden stood in front of the Monetary Council, and looked over his request for additional shipyard funding before he transmitted it to the councils screens. "Our ships number less every day, and our economy is hurt by the Renegades with every freighter they damage. We need warships patrolling our space. In order to make this happen, I am requesting your permission for an immediate 80m credit payment into the Defense budget, and an increase of 10m for the next ten years. This will help insure that we will no longer be troubled by the Renegades, and will allow us to help pursue more trading agreements with the Strands and with other races we may find in the galaxy."

      He waited for a few minutes as they read over the last of his report. "Very well, Admiral, plan approved. The credits are being transfered right now. Have fun with your new toys, and try to keep them in one piece." Paul smiled. He thanked them for their generousity, and quickly left for the shipyard and drydock refit shops. He had reserved 24 Crescent Warships, 6 Laziras, and 12 Arada's for immediate purchase, and enough drydock shops to refit them all. He went to the shipyard, and transfered the funds to the correct accounts, and signed all the needed papers. He then flew each on to a different dock and left orders as to how each one was to be outfitted.
      *Crescent Battlecruiser Refit(12 CWs):
      +1 Phase turret
      -Fighters and Bay
      +4 Shield Capacitors
      +4 Mass Expansions
      +1 Engine Upgrade
      +1 Acceleration Upgrade
      +125 SAD Ammunition
      *Crescent Command Ship Refit(12 CWs):
      +1 Phase Turret
      +4 Mass Expansions
      +4 Shield Capacitors
      +45 SAD Ammo
      *Lazira Battleship Refit(6 Laziras):
      +3 Mass Expansions
      +1 Phase Turret
      -1 Dispersal Rocket Launcher
      +1 SAD Launcher
      +5 Disp. Rockets
      +10 SAD Ammo
      *Arada Frigate Refit(12 Aradas):
      +2 Mass Expansions
      -2 Phase Cannons
      +2 Phase Turrets
      +2 Pursuit Missile Launcher
      +20 Pursuit Missiles
      *All Refits will take 5 Post
      OOC:I think I did the math right.

      "Take me to your dealer"-Bumper sticker
      "Brawl:Aussie for World War"-Quote from #ev3
      "You may not throw things at my dragon!"-The Skies of Pern, Anne McCaffery

      <edit>Changed Production Rate<edit>

      (This message has been edited by Admiral Benden (edited 12-22-2001).)

    • OOC: Everyone, half your production rate. I cut down the ship counts quite a bit from the game to decrease complexity. It would ruin it (in my opinion) if the Miranu could have more ships than the UE in a few posts. Double the amount of posts or half the output, then it'll be perfect.

      Benden, I'm afraid it'll take longer than 4 posts to do all that... You're creating 4 new classes of ship. Since they're improvements, I'll let you get away with a ship design every two posts, and you can build 3 of the new (cw-based) ships per post.
      Everyone can build 3 warship-class per post, Zidigar, it's 4, and the Igadzra, then it's one.

      Everyone, you can build 1 heavy warship class (Voinian Cruiser, Igadzra, UE Cruiser), 3 warship-class(cw, Voinian Frigate), 4 light-warships(Lazira, Emalgha Warship, Zidara,Turncoat), 5 Heavy Fighter/Arada Class (Aradas, Helians, Voinian Fighters) OR 7 Fighter class...

      A UE Scoutship reaches Miranu space, and they send a message-

      Message to "Miranu" (Forwarded to Lord Asriel)
      From: United Earth
      Greetings. We are representatives from the United Earth govt. We have a lot to learn from each other. Let us meet your leader.

      Plans for Dispersal Rockets and SAD's are quickly sent to Gorky, along with some tips on how to increase the speed of the Helian, and Shield Regenerator plans (standard, not enhanced) are sent over, to be used on the Krait.

      They are left with a short message, telling them to simply decrease their raids, in leu of a greater offensive...
      (NOTE: It will take the Human Renegades 6 posts to implement the above technology (Dispy's on Helians, SAD's on turncoats, Shields on Krait, and Maneuverability on Helian) on all of their current ships)

      At Outpost Terapin, without warning, the Zidigar are ambushed by 60 Azdaras and 2 Warships, which quickly sweep through the system, destroying the defense fleet in a matter of moments. The Zidigar fight bravely, but to be blunt, they didn't have a chance. The last Zidara is destroyed, however instead of destroying it, The Phased beams are ripped off of the hull, and the information on the Zidara is sent to the closest adzgari base. The Adzgari prepare to jump out, and escape, just as the Zidigar reinforcements jump in.
      (Zidigar losses: 5 Zidaras, 8 fighters
      Adzgari losses: 6 Azdaras)

      (I know, this is hitting below the belt, a one-post battle, but this is important for future BD's 😉 )

      An Azdara reaches Igadzra space, and hails the planet with an interesting preposition...
      An coordinated assualt by the Adzgari and Igadzra on the Zidigar core worlds...

      "I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"
      "....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."

    • OOC: Red- If were keeping this to EVO wouldn't the Azdgari have shot down the Igazdra and no peace would be made? Also wouldn'y battledoctot have to do that?

      (Message To Mrianu)
      (From The Zachit)
      The renegades have disapeared. Occasionally 1 or 2 Fighters come around are system but that's no big deal.

      We would also like to work on a gunship for your people. The Miranu Gunship. It will help greatly. We have begun constructing it already

      (Connection Terminated(

      Extra Ships:
      ETA: 5

      Miranu Gunship: 6

      You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
      (url="http://"")GameRanger--Sß-Overrider720(/url) | (url="http://"")BoardGame(/url) | (url="http://"")MaG League- Overrider(/url)
      The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)
      AIM: Overrider720, Ferazel17 or WhiteStreak7

    • OOC: I'm assuming that the Miranu can research multiple things at the same time, since in the game, they are the most prolific researchers. Is two-three things to research at once all right?


      Asriel read over the Zachit's message. Being the Director of the SDD (Science & Diplomacy Dept.), he was free to respond to messages dealing with technology or proposed upgrades.

      (From Asriel, Miranu SDD)
      (To Overrider, Zachit)

      We thank you for your generous offer of a new ship. We would also like to know what weapons this ship will have, if it is not too much trouble. I await your response.

      (END MSG)


      With Admiral Benden of the MCD (Miranu Core Defenses) starting on four major ship upgrades, the Miranu freighter fleet would be safe for a long time to come. Asriel could now focus on more weapon upgrades, such as the SAI (Search and Incinerate) that would be put on the Dryad missileboat, when they were done.

      The phase turret itself needed a fair amount of upgrading. It was already becoming outdated, and enhancing it would give the Miranu even more of an edge against the NT renegades. Asriel began would working on a new generator for the cannon that would: 1. Enhance the phase cannon/turret's range, and 2. Make it fire slightly faster. It would do nothing for the power of the cannon, but that could be taken care of later.


      Title: Dryad missileboat
      ETA: 7 posts

      Title: Phase cannon generator upgrade
      ETA: 4 posts

      "Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

    • The designs for the Dryad-class miner were complete. The refits of the main fleet were going great. In short, everything was going perfectly. spl_cadet decided that the renegade fleets needed something more however. The renegades needed to strike terror into the UE, striking where they were least expected. That would obviously be Sol. But to attack there, even with the support of the Azdgari, would be suicidal. spl_cadet mulled it over for a little while before he finally decided.
      Cloaking device: 5 posts.
      10 Dryad-class miners. 3 posts.

      Mechanical engineers build weapons. Civil engineers build targets.
      "It's up to God to forgive bin Laden. It's up to us to arrange that meeting!"-Marine Corps bumper sticker.
      (url="http://"")Coming eventually, spl_cadet shipyards!(/url)

    • OOC:First off, these are just mods to the ships, something you could just go off and do in the game. I saw purchasing warships was the fastest way to build up our fleet. All these ships are being worked on in different dry docks, so the work is progressing pretty fast for 42 ships. Oh, and this post doesn't count towards the refit time.

      "Take me to your dealer"-Bumper sticker
      "Brawl:Aussie for World War"-Quote from #ev3
      "You may not throw things at my dragon!"-The Skies of Pern, Anne McCaffery