Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter VI

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      Posted Image
      Chapter VI
      Moderated by Esponer, Captain Carnotaur and Redchigh

      Factoid: Ross 154 is actually a star system
      (url="http://"")Milky Way(/url)
      (url="http://"")Ross 154(/url)
      (url="http://"")Eta Cassiopea(/url)

      Factoid: There are 16 topics between the first and second chapter, 21 topics between II and III, and 27 topics between the III and IV.
      (url="http://"")Chapter I(/url)
      (url="http://"")Chapter II(/url)
      (url="http://"")Chapter III(/url)
      (url="http://"")Chapter IV(/url)
      (url="http://"")Chapter V(/url)

      It has been said "Out of the frying pan and into the fire". This saying now means much to many galaxies as war and strife engulf them.

      The stalemate between the Confederate Alliance and Galactica Imperium seems broken as Galactica advances far into Confed territory, but the Confeds get help.

      The Haorn Empire strikes again, but this time with the help of the Confederate Alliance against Galactica. Recapturing systems once lost to the Galactica Imperium, the Confeds struggle to break the stalemate.

      Then the Raiek and Galactica ally and try to assault the Haorn frontier, which, though weak, holds them off resiliantly.

      And now, after the Prylak fail to breach the Terran defense line, the Terrans are left wondering when the Prylak will strike again.

      Reign of Chaos 3, Chapter 6

      If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

      (This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 12-15-2001).)

    • With Niot, Krraali, and Fridion now all back in the hands of the Confeds, they would now be able to move on and assault their final three targets; Romit, DSN-1156, and Tientu. All of these were vital because, without them, Galactica would still be able to easily maintain a strong border. With those systems in Confederate hands, however, the Confeds would have the upper hand.

      Before this could be done, however, work had to be completed on the three new battlestations in both Niot and Krraali. Though the moon in Niot had been blown apart, the planet remained mostly untouched, and so the Confederates began a terraforming project to make it habitable once again.

      The Haorn fleet, now down to 1200 ships, also needed to be reinforced by at least 200 ships. The Confederates were helping the Haorn build as much as they could, but that was slow going, even on rush construction.

      The new Confed and ECTA bases in the Milky Way were going quite well, and would soon be completed. The ECTA research base in Doskna would take a little longer though, because of its high complexity.

      The major base in DSN-8789 was completed. It's classification; practically impenetrable. If the Raiek did decide to attack it, they would fine that it would be very hard to do so. The base was littered with battlestations, defense pods, and was also equipped with the new Citadel Defense system. What was even better was the fact that each normal battlestation had 3 separate disruption web emitters, so that the station could fire 3 times in rapid succession. The big base station had 10 disruption web emitters.

      As work progressed on the Citadel Defense system, a slight addition was made. The Attack Bouys and Sensor bouys would now be equipped with a Disruption Web emitter. This was an easy addition, due to the special design of the bouys and disruption web and the fact that the bouys were designed to have an addition sooner or later. The change would only add an extra post or so to the upgrade project, and so wouldn't delay it much.


      (Message to Skraine)
      (From Carnotaur, Confeds)
      (We appreciate your good intentions, and you may continue with your building projects. Just note that we have temporarily cornered off the Senn sector, because we feel it needs to be carefully scanned for any dangers. If you want to, you can go around us, but we would like you to not venture towards the Senn sector until we say it is safe. - Carnotaur)
      (End Message)


      Scouts were sent out in the direction of the Senn sector, heavily laden with large amounts of scanning equipment. They were to hold position outside the sector first and scan the area from afar. Only after did they make sure that it was safe would they travel any farther.


      The battle between the Raiek and Haorn only looked that it favored the Raiek and Galactica forces. Never underestimate a Haorn. This saying became quite true as the Haorn regrouped and pummeled the enemy with heavy fire.

      Suddenly, a large battlegroup of fleet cruisers and destroyers flanked the Raiek position and attacked from behind. Taking down over two dozen gunships and a Galactica warcruiser, the Haorn ships then returned to their standard ramming technique. Pummelling into any nearby Raiek Lazerus, they were not as effective, but they still did enough. The disabled Lazerus exploded directly inside the Raiek line, causing massive havoc as another Lazerus was hit badly and started to imploded.

      The Haorn pulled back to avoid the shockwave as 100 more reinforcement ships arrived. Activating their Rift Generators, the Haorn slowly moved forward. The rift generators blasted apart many of the bombs and missiles sent towards the Haorn, and soon they were tearing holes in the Galactica line.


      Ion Cannon - 2 Posts
      Spectral Armor - 1 Post


      Citadel Defense System
      Installation Project
      ETA: 3 Posts

      Anti-Gravity Engines
      Upgrade Project:
      ETA: 1 Post

      Alliance Flagship
      Upgrade Project
      ETA: 2 Posts

      If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • The planet in Niot had been completely whecked. First of all by the antimatter mines implanted in the crust, which had set off massive tectonic disruptions, and then pieces of the moon had begun to fall on the planet. Their was no hope at terraforming it, the dust cloud in the atmosphere would take decades to disperse, and the radiation would permeate the surface for millenia. Zidagar had a better chance of being terraformed.

      (OOC:I did say antimatter mines had been on the planet. If Zidagar can be wrecked by a few missle warheads on the surface, a few thousand antimatter warheads buried beneath the surface is going to do a lot worse.

      I've also just checked out how nasty antimatter is, and if I stuck to it, the planet in Niot would be chunks. Since the moon is a fair bit smaller than the planet, it is definately in little bits. It also blasted apart a lot quicker. Therefore your losses would have actually been higher. Antimatter reactions are even nastier than I'd thought.

      On a further note, we'll pretend the massive missle bouy and drone network in DSN-7617 never existed, but was for some reason left in DSN-8906, making the defences their even heavier.)


      In Fridion, the Confederates found that Galactica knew how to set a time delayed fuse. The bomb disarming teams hadn't even gotten to any of the bombs. Every single bomb on the planet exploded, and massive chunks smashed into space. The Confederate/Haorn fleet got smashed into by lots of large chunks of matter. They took pretty bad losses for people who had already seen the result of other explosions.


      In Romit and DSN-1156, the stations where being dragged away from their original positions, towards each systems sun. They where less than mere specks against their suns, but they set to work. No noticeable change was seen, but the Confederates would find out something far worse than any antimatter reaction when they attacked.

      The systems antimatter minefields where deployed in shells around the hyper exit points, ensuring no derilicts could take them all out. The normal proximity detonators have been disabled, and are instead going to be controlled by subspace communication. Derilicts therefore wont have much of an effect on the minefield, and the Confederates know nothing of this.

      Missle firing plans had been reorginized, specifically to counter the disruption webs. The Confederates would find Galactica could adapt.

      In both systems, Galactica was using its new Hyperspace carriers wisely. A number sat in the hyperspace links leading to the systems, in constant communication with the fleets in each system. They couldn't be taken by surprise now.

      (Message to:Skraine Coalition)
      (You are welcome to talk to all the refugees from the planets we have had to evacuate before the onsalught of the Confederates and their lapdogs, the Haorn. The citezens have not even been ours long, only recently liberated from the Confederates tyranny, but we will protect them. We recommend you take procautions when travelling through this area of space. It is no longer safe.

      On another note, Galactica is interested in colonising the systems near its current space. The systems we are interested in are Ancros, Ecrosedna(already the home of a protection fleet), Mesak, and Hoth X. The Confederates have been colonising many systems recently, and we feel it is our right to these systems, with your consent. We await your reply.)
      (Message Ends)


      In Eta Cassiopea, Galactica has the oldest colonies of the new governments in the galaxy, and their production is large. Massive reinforcements from them have been sent back to the Milky Way. The remaing production still outnumbers the lesser Confederate colonies, but new colonies are now planned.


      Improved Shielding ETA: 4 posts

      Heavy Beam Cruiser ETA: 2 posts

      If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

    • OOC: Just as a note, I now have 150 ships in each one of my border systems, with an extra 50 ships for Plogok. I have 4200 ships total. I have 600 ships total in Eta Cassiopea. I have 150 ships defending each of my capitols, which are also guarded by my massive battlestations.


      Fortunately for the Confeds and Haorn, their fleets had already withdrawn from Romit, leaving only 10 ships behind to monitor the base. Those were destroyed, and the planet made useless. However, it was found that after the planet was destroyed, the wreckage had released large amounts of molten iron ore into the system. And so, the Confederates began setting up several mining and shipyard stations in the system after the explosion had disipated.

      Despite the fact that Galactica was reconfiguring their missiles, it wouldn't help them, especially seeing that Disruption Webs fired waves in all directions at once. There was no blind spot.

      The Confeds, in the meantime, were working on ways to get around Galactica's planet suicide attacks. Scorcher was worried that Galactica wouldn't stop till all of Old Voinian space was asteroid fields and blasted planets.

      Terraforming work was cancelled on the planet in Niot, and the resources that would have been used were instead used now for completing the three battlestations.

      The Confeds now had 400 ships in Niot, 400 ships in Blaga, and 500 ships in Plogok. They also had 1,200 Haorn warships in Krraali, and 100 ships in Niot. The first advance would now be made. The ships in Niot advanced the DSN-1156 system. However, they did not charge. Instead, they used up most of their missile/torpedo artillary (which was now highly accurate with Anti-Gravity Engines being equipped on all missiles, torpedoes, and ships) on Galactica, while keeping enemy barrages at bay with careful usage of disruption webs.

      Once that was done, the Confederates charged slowly, using up some more of their artillary, before charging the fleet. While most of the fleet kept as far away from the stations as they could, a group of 50 damaged ships charged them. Ravens and Corsairs rammed the station, setting off massive explosions which obliterated two Galactica battlestations in the system while loosing only a few ships in the process.

      The Confeds and Haorn then went all out in their attack against the fleet, weapons ablaze and energy leeches sending silent invisible death against Galactica. Galactica was pounded heavily and suffered major casualties early on.

      Meanwhile, the 500 ships in Plogok were preparing for battle. About 30 ships from the defense fleets of Plogok and Namot had secretly been brought to the Plogok system, making the fleet now 560 ships strong. Another 50 ships had also been allocated from the Plogok defense fleet, now making the Confeds 610 ships strong. At the same time, 30 ships from Tollb, Chak, and Molar had been assembled in the Molar system, making a fleet of 90 ships.

      At the correct time, the two fleets jumped into Leka. The second they entered Leka, they opened fire with a massive barrage of missiles which streaked lightning fast towards Galactica, hitting them before they even knew that a fleet had entered. The Confederates then used their disruption webs to fend off the first enemy missile barrage, then charged the Galactica fleet.

      Firing Plasma Webs, the newly aquired tech from the Skraine, at Galactica, soon over half the enemy fleet had been encased in plasma and their shields were slowly draining. Charging forward, beams of white and cyan shot forth, carving huge holes in the Galactica line as 700 Confederate ships rained down fire. Galactica lossed 200 ships early on to the Confederates, who in turn lossed almost 100 ships.

      As that was going on, 40 ships in Plogok and 60 ships in Molar stood by, ready to bring assistence if it was needed. Hopefully, it wouldn't be needed.

      In Eta Cassiopea, the Confederates were doing just as good as the Galactica colonies, mainly because of all the funds that they got through the ECTA. The Confeds were very careful in what they colonized, and all of the systems they had helped them in at least one way or another.

      Anti-Gravity Engines are now installed on all missiles, torpedoes, fighters, and warships in the Confederate fleet. Small Anti-Gravity engines were even installed on trans-phasic bombs, allowing them to be more accurate, and making them practically impervious to the Galactica gravity well. An additional advantage of the new engines is the obvious; it makes the ships much more faster, and second, that the more and more ships that cluster together, the less and less Gravity wells work. Missiles and bombs can sometimes even be thrown off course by 200 or more vessels using the engines.


      Citadel Defense System
      Installation Project
      ETA: 2 Posts

      Anti-Gravity Engines
      Upgrade Project:

      Alliance Flagship
      Upgrade Project
      ETA: 1 Post

      If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

      (This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 12-15-2001).)

      (This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 12-15-2001).)

    • In DSN-1156, Galactica showed that a disruption web couldn't stop everything. The missles arrived continuosly, in a never ending stream. The Confederates could stop some, but the barrage never gave them a chance to rest. Their cockiness in the disruptions web infallibility wiped over half of them out before they realised Galactica had adapted. The disruption webs had no time to regenerate. They where outnumbered 2:1 by the defence fleet, and the fixed defences tipped the balance even further. The new acuracy of the Confederate missles changed nothing, large amounts of them still being drawn off by the ecm drones. The improved accuracy actually made it easier for Galacticas ion miniguns to target and destroy them. Galactica also learned valuable data on the anti-gravity engine. The COnfederates had no chance of winning, having entered the system with less ships than the defenders had.

      (OOC: My reason for this? simple: 'They also had 1,200 Haorn warships in Krraali, and 100 ships in Niot. The first advance would now be made. The ships in Niot advanced the DSN-1156 system' Not my fault if that's all Carnos ends to attack. Bit late to change it now.)


      The Confeds found themselves in trouble as they set off for Gadzair. The fleet from Plogok ran into the fleet in Leka, which had been collecting their to attack Azdgari space. The fleet only had 500 ships, but it had heavy fixed defences on its side, including large minefields. The Confeds lack of preperation meant the forefront of their fleet smashed staright into the minefield, obliterating scores of ships. Galactica obliterated the unprepared ships with a massive missle barrage, the Confederates disruption webs not being ready. The Confederate fleet was now smaller than the Galactica one, and Galactica still had fixed defences on its side. At that, point, the fleet form olar entered the system,a nd ran into the minefield protecting that hyperexit point. The Missle Dornes and bouys not within rnage of the fleet from Plogok promplty opened fire, and obliterated even more ships. Even with the surviving reinforcements, Galactica still outnumbered the Confederates, and the ships that protected the station in Gadzair had set course for the battle already. They would arrive soon.

      (OOC:Read my sig.)


      In Eta Cassiopea, Galactica didn't have a seperate trading company, but it did have an intergrated one. Without all the extra beaucracy, and Galacticas distain for excess red tape, it was extremely efficient and streamlined. Creating hundreds of extra companies for various activities just seemed wasteful to Galactica.


      Improved Shielding ETA: 3 posts

      Heavy Beam Cruiser ETA: 1 posts


      (Edit:Please note Carno changed his post after I'd posted. In my opinion, that's a big no no, changing your attack after you've already done it.)

      (Edit 2:Carno altered the bit about the Niot fleet a well.)

      If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

      (This message has been edited by RMA (edited 12-15-2001).)

      (This message has been edited by RMA (edited 12-15-2001).)

    • MOD: RMA, please edit your post. My head hurts and it's hard to consontrate, especially with system names. I just made a few mistakes. I'm sorry for making that mistake. I'll try and be more carefuly. I'm attacking DSN-1156 with 500 ships total, and attacking Leka with 700 ships total.


      The Confederates in DSN-1156 easily outnumbered their Galactica foes, and so delt heavy losses to the enemy fleet. Their 500 ships launched massive streams of missiles into the enemy, obliterating the last of their battlestations, and tearing apart the remaining enemy forces.

      Galactica was down to 50 ships, verses the Confeds 350 ships. The Confeds closed in, weapons ablaze, and finished off almost all of the enemy ships before they turned tail and retreated towards Tientu.


      In Leka, the Confederates and Galactica were of about equal sizes, but the Confeds had lossed about 100 ships to the well placed anti-matter bombs, and Galactica had a slight advantage. However, the Confeds still outnumbered Galactica a little, and as the 60 ships from Molar and 40 ships from Plogok arrived, the Confeds were even with Galactica.

      The Confeds first concern was to make sure the stations were taken out. Using a few Ravens and Corsairs which rammed them, the stations blew up in the middle of the Galactica fleet, taking down 100 Galactica ships along with only 12 or so Confederate ships.

      As Galactica was left stunned and disorganized by the explosion, the Confederates encircled them, and then charged. The Galactica fleet took heavy losses from the combined power of Confederate weapons, and through the fact that half of their ships had almost no shields due to the Plasma Webs the Confederates were using to great effeciancy. The Confederates also easily outmaneuvered Galactica, which gave them a good advantage.

      However, the battle was hopeless. After getting specific orders from Scorcher, the fleet split up and immediately withdrew to Molar and Plogok, and quickly reorganized to standard defense fleet sizes and 250 ships were stationed at Plogok and Molar both. Around 200 ships had been lost in the attack.

      If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • Some lovel comments from my chat with Carno over AIM:

      CaptainCarnotaur: First, I am a mod. Esponer said I would be a mod on Chapter VI, so don't dispute that. Second, look at this rule (quoted from chapter 1 or RoC 3):

      • If a moderator says "no", this usually means "no".

      I say "No" to your post and I mean "No", so accept it.
      CaptainCarnotaur: I'm allowed to rewrite mistakes
      RichMA2: well, this is called a conflict of intrest
      RichMA2: interest
      RichMA2: which is not allowed
      RichMA2: you cant use the rules to improve your situation
      RichMA2: changing it to improve your situation
      RichMA2: especially after th eother person has already posted


      CaptainCarnotaur: It wasn't a tactical blunder you mispelling jerk
      CaptainCarnotaur: I made a spelling error
      RichMA2: some spelling error
      RichMA2: they have one letter in common Leka and Gadzair
      RichMA2: and Gadzair has 3 extar letters


      RichMA2: anyway, I'm still not accepting you changing your target
      CaptainCarnotaur: You will
      RichMA2: I wont, since it's cheating
      RichMA2: plain and simple
      CaptainCarnotaur: IT IS NOT CHEATING YOU MORON


      CaptainCarnotaur: How editing my post to fix a spelling mistake is cheating, I don't know
      CaptainCarnotaur: *mistake
      CaptainCarnotaur: *mistake concerning system names
      RichMA2: I dont call those spelling mistakes
      CaptainCarnotaur: Doi
      CaptainCarnotaur: That's why I corrected myself
      CaptainCarnotaur: And said "Mistake concerning system names
      RichMA2: actually, you only just said that. Coming up with new reasons now?


      CaptainCarnotaur: Good day Mr. Jerk


      Now, I really am fed up. Being called a 'jerk' or a 'moron' isnt exactly the pinicle of insults, but it's not nice. I also dont like it when people keep coming up with poor excuses(how you can mistype 'Leka' as 'Gadzair' I dont know), and then change their reasoning when they think of a better excuse.

      The thing which annoys me most is that he tried hiding behind the fact that mods can just say 'no'. This doesnt give them the right to rewrite what they've already done. In my opinion, that's cheating.

      I'm wondering what the point is when people just alter their posts because they made a tactical error.

      Even more thouroughly disgusted than yesterday,


      If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

    • In this case...

      RMA; you were right, I was wrong.

      What I said was uncalled for, I should have had more self-control in what i said. I'm sorry. I won't do it again, and I'll be more careful in when I post and such.

      However, I think that it all worked out in the end. My fleet hyperspaced into Leka, it fought a little, then retreated. However, I still say I attacked DSN-1156 with 500 ships.

      I also still say that it wasn't a tactical error. It was a mistake on my part, sure, but not a tactical mistake. I didn't want to attack Gadzair, I wanted to attack Leka. I don't see how it is a tactical mistake, and I don't see how it is cheating to correct my mistake.


      If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

      (This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 12-15-2001).)

    • ooc: umm... Does anyone know where I can redownload AIM? Don't ask why, just please, anyone know the address?

      Formerly known as

      (This message has been edited by Kenra (edited 12-15-2001).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Kenra:
      **ooc: umm... Does anyone know where I can redownload AIM? Don't ask why, just please, anyone know the address?


      <hurts head thinking>

      You SHOULD be able to re-download it at: (url="http://"")

      If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • The 10 ships in Eta were soon joined by the 100 other SIjak ships, and they all spread out among the Senn sector, and marking the ones that could be colonised. The new fleet commander, Flachet decided Quirdon (ooc: I don't know if this is actually able to be colonised, and there's no one to ask, so oh well.) would be a good planet for them to start colonising.


      The Sijak ghost that had the people that were going to Galactica space, hyperspaced into a Galactica system and hailed the ships.

      "This is a diplomatic ships that is here to find out your side of the story, in hope that the confusion which has recently besett the Sijak can be cleared up. May we speak to someone who can tell us the whole story?"

      The other Sijak Ghost went to Confederate space, and hailed them when they came into range.

      "The diplomats on this ship are here to learn the full story, or at least one side of the full story. Our goverment is deeply confused, and we don't want the simple stories of what there doing, we want the story from the beginning. Is there anyone who knows the full story who you could spare to talk to us?"


      Upgrading Sijak Engines- 3 posts

      Building assorted ships- 300 a post.

      (This message has been edited by Kenra (edited 12-15-2001).)

    • Alright, this is ridiculous. Everybody just play the game. It isn't the end of the world if someone beats you or is a better tactical thinker than you. Carno, I don't know if this is true, but don't edit your posts just because you made a tactical error, and RMA, don't make ME the messenger boy for arguments. This isn't my argument. It's your's and Carno's. Can we drop this now? Carno, you need to talk to me on AIM. I can't figure out all the positions of the fleets.


    • I'm just posting to say that I'm back, but I need to talk to RMA before I can post anything. Carno, I would appreciate it greatly if you would hold any battle continuations until either myself or RMA posts. Thanks.

      My state bird is the finger.

    • Okay, to Carno, thanks for the apology, it's accepted. I want to talk to BD before anything else happens though. For your attacks, I'll sort it out with BD.

      Oh, Espona, reason I told you that is carno had me blocked at the time, and you where already talking to him, but sorry anyway.

      BattleDoctor, get on AIM!


      (Edit:I'll be online roughly every half hour(on the hour, then half past), since I cant stay on due to being at my grans who only has a dialup, and it costs by the minute. Hope to see you then BD.)

      If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

      (This message has been edited by RMA (edited 12-15-2001).)

    • OOC: Okay, sounds good.

      However, I will say this this last time; it was not a tactical mistake of mine! A tactical mistake would be for me to purposefully attack Gadzair. I didn't purposefully attack Gadzair, I accidentally did when I typed in Gadzair instead of Leka.

      If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • I've been reading up on this lately, and I have to stay I agree with Carno. For several reasons:

      1. He's never lied before or cheated before (except with computer games ;)), I can trust him with my very life. There is no reason for him to cheat in this.

      2. It was a simple misstyping. I always do that. He just got confused and typed in the wrong thing. It would be crazy to attack that system anyway. So why would he do it?

      3. You have to realize also, that the Galactica Imperium leader (RMA and Battle Docter), would want him to fail since they are the ones being attacked. They have a gretter fear of losing than Carno does.

      4. Because I said so. 😉

      Ok, so some of them are kinda lame, but they are reasons never the less. :0

      Just dropping in to say that I believe Carno. So meh. 😛



      Long live the Rebellion!
      (url="http://"")Visit my cool EV website!(/url) Also, check out my cool new (url="http://"")webboard!(/url)

    • Well,Carno,tuns out I'm leaving later than I thought,so your tenure begins in 4 hours or so.

      (To:Confederate Alliance)
      (Fr:Magistrate K'Sarragh,Unity Starbase)
      (Re:Senn Sector)
      (Our scouting of that region during the Great Expansion assures us that there are no unnatural hazards.Besides,that area has already been claimed for colonisation by the Sijak.
      And who are you to tell us to be careful in our own galaxy?
      -Magistrate K'Sarragh,Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)

      (Fr:Magistrate K'Sarragh,Unity Starbase)
      (Re:Sijak Colonisation)
      (Quirdon,from our incomplete scans of it,seems an admirable foundation for Sijak colonisation.
      If you will,however,permit me to make a small suggestion;a base in EC-105 would not only secure for you the Senn Southeast,but also secure your position on the main loop around the Senn Nebula.
      -Magistrate K'Sarragh,Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)

      (Fr:Magistrate K'Sarragh,Unity Starbase)
      (Re:Galactica Colonisation)
      (Your maps must be dated the Skraine already control Hoth X and Ancros.Ancros is,in fact,where recent breakthroughs in Organic technology occured.
      Feel free to colonise Mesak,as it is behind your borders,and Ecrosedna.
      -Magistrate K'Sarragh,Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)

      With all the recent expansion,it was nessecary to stretch the Skraine Colonisation Bureau to it's limits,and colonise EC-114,Y'Nok,Zerek,and Klenox.
      The rest of the Senn Sector would be left for the Sijak.

      EC-114 held nothing but a strategic location and a few barren planets,and would be primarily a military and trading base.

      Y'Nok held a flat,fertile world that seemed perfect for an agricutural colony.

      Zerek was a simply beautiful world,with icy blue mountain lakes,rolling hills,and stark,majestic mountains.
      It would excel at almost anything,and already colonists were clamouring to go.

      Klenox held a barren,ore-rich world that would have to be colonised under habitation domes.

      At the Ancros research facilites,scientists announced that they had perfected Organic Armour,and it could now be fitted to warships across the Coalition.

      The designers at SUST decided that a new warship platform was required to field new technolgy like the Particle Beam.
      It would be the Blaze Gunship,a fast,heavy fighter/light warship outfitted wih Sijak engines, a Skraine ECM,and a Plasma Pulse,as well as Organic Armour and the military-grade shield capacitators acquired from the Confederates.
      It would be armed with a powerful Particle Beam,and arrays of Dart and Lance missiles.

      Organic Armour complete
      ETA until coloniser complete:3 posts
      ETA until Organic Armour Upgrade complete:7 posts
      ETA until Blaze Gunship complete:7 posts

      (url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

    • In response to Nova, it's really a disagreement between Carno and I. I've been told before I have to stick by what I post, so I get annoyed when other people dont.

      And as for losing...well, I've still got a bundle of tricks up my sleeve(well, 12 side of A4, small text). Just need some time to prepare them.


      If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

    • <zoink>

      Can't you boys do anything without arguing? You had to bring me back to the grave because you got this mixed up with everything?

      If RoC can't continue when I'm not around, then it might be better closed for a while. Since I haven't been able to read up on everything, and only have got the impression from emails, though, it's unfair for me to close it now.

      Needless to say, countless mistakes have been made, and have taught me a valuable lesson: don't let other people lead your webstory. 😉

      Poll - should RoC be closed or not. Carnotaur, RMA/BattleDoctor (only one, I'm afraid), Rima, Red, Shade and Espona may vote.

      And before you vote, just bear in mind how utterly insane this is getting.

      <yawns> Now, can I go back to sleep?


    • OOC:For the purposes of this post, it has been assumed Carno's modified attacks stand, but that Galactica knew how to deploy its minefields/stations/fleets without blowing itself up.

      In DSN-1156, the Confederates had found that a missle exchange with Galactica was hopelessly in Galactcias favour, since Galactica had had long practice in picking off missles and torpedoes, and the continuous stream of missles meant the disruption webs couldnt stop them all. The Galactica fleet retreated under the cover of the stations, exchanging fire all the while, but the Confederates where aiming mostly at the stations. The stations couldnt last against the constant firepower though, so before the hull breached on the stations, they all opened their cargo bay doors. Thousands of missles shot out. They didnt have the normal speed given by a launcher, nor proper targeting patterns, just to go for the unmissable fleet firing at the stations. They smashed into the Confederate fleet, destroying a few scores of ships.

      Exchanging missles with Galactica was a bad idea, since it knew how to use them extremely well.


      In Leka, the initial Confederate fleet had lost over a hundred ships to the shell deployment of mines, and when the force from Molar arrived, it ran straight into the minefield covering that exit point. Most of it got destroyed, although some survived.

      When the Confederates tried ramming the stations, they found that a puny twelve ships was not enough to get through the long range fire of 3 stations, and escorting missle bouys and drones. Galactcia ships also knew what one of their stations did when it blew up, so they wheren't hanging around in range anyway.

      The Confederates Plasma Webs where a bit of a shock to Galactica, but the multi-layered system of Galactica shields reduced their effectiveness slightly.

      The Confederates ability to outmanauever the Galactica ships didnt concern Galactica, which proceded to smash missle after missle into the Confederates anyway, the close range stopping any attempts to dodge.

      When the Confederate fleet turned and began to run away, they found Galactica wouldn't make it so easy, and missle after missle smashed into them from behind, destroying even more ships.


      New project:
      Enhanced Grav Well Projection.

      On seeing sensor records of the Confeds, Galactica top Gravitic Scientist gave a hysterical laugh, and ran off to his labs. 6 hours later a memo was sent to various other department heads, and the military. 2 hours later, everything was classified even more than it had been, under the overall tital of Project:BB Gun

      ETA:3 Posts

      Improved Shielding ETA: 2 posts

      Heavy Beam Cruiser ETA: Done. Production is now under way, and the first units will join the fleet soon.

      If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

      (This message has been edited by RMA (edited 12-16-2001).)