Where do i pick up the Anna Balshova missions?
And is it a vionian mission? ort can i get it if i am siding with the UE?
Where do i pick up the Anna Balshova missions?
And is it a vionian mission? ort can i get it if i am siding with the UE?
It is a UE mission. You must first be doing the huron string. (get an ultamit combat rating and then hang around huron for a while(go into the bar to get the mission)). Then go to ether Knox or New Tokyo.
He is no fool who gives what he can't keep, to gain what he can't lose.
Originally posted by Skyfox:
**It is a UE mission. You must first be doing the huron string. (get an ultamit combat rating and then hang around huron for a while(go into the bar to get the mission)). Then go to ether Knox or New Tokyo.
I looked @ both, no luck. must i be a Good egg? (im an upstanding citizen or a decent individual now)
Im finished the huron string. i don't have to get the mission WHILE im doing the hurons, do i?
Actually that's completely incorrect. The missions which enable you to purchase the UE Cruiser have nothing at all to do with the Huron string. They are part of the string to destroy the Dreadnought actually.
Is it worth it?
Originally posted by forge:
Actually that's completely incorrect. The missions which enable you to purchase the UE Cruiser have nothing at all to do with the Huron string. They are part of the string to destroy the Dreadnought actually.
The UE Cruiser isn't connected to the Dreadnought missions. It becomes available when you complete the Investigate Abduction string, where you rescue Anna Balashova, the ship designer, from renegades who kindapped her and stole the plans for the UE Cruiser. I think it starts on New Taranto, her home planet, although I'm not absolutely sure. It's a United Earth-only mission.
David Arthur
I don't watch horror movies, and I don't use Windows. That's called consistency.
(url="http://"http://members.aol.com/darthur1/talon-ev/")Talon Plugin for the original Escape Velocity(/url)
(This message has been edited by David Arthur (edited 10-04-2001).)
Originally posted by David Arthur:
**I think it starts on New Taranto, her home planet, although I'm not absolutely sure. It's a United Earth-only mission.
Yeah, you're right, it is on New Taranto.
You would have to be ignorant, derranged, demented, or dead to turn down the oppurtunity to fly an Azdara.
Originally posted by Azdara Ace:
**Yeah, you're right, it is on New Taranto.
I can't find her. Is she on a renegade planet?
Originally posted by David Arthur:
**The UE Cruiser isn't connected to the Dreadnought missions. It becomes available when you complete the Investigate Abduction string, where you rescue Anna Balashova, the ship designer, from renegades who kindapped her and stole the plans for the UE Cruiser. I think it starts on New Taranto, her home planet, although I'm not absolutely sure. It's a United Earth-only mission.
It's quite related to the Dreadnought missions because the Investigate Abductions mission string becomes available after a bit is set during the Dreadnought string. After you gain access to the UE Destroyer and UE Carrier then you go ahead and do the Abduction string to gain access to the UE Cruiser.
Is it worth it?
I can't find her. Is she on a renegade planet?
Not exactly, though it does have to do with the renagades.
Playtime's OVER!- Gene Starwind
Is that all you've got?-Vegeta
Hey, I wonder who else might be interested in powerful ship designs...
We make no destinction between terrorists and those who harbor them. - President George W. Bush, 9/11/01
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Hehe whats wrong with the krait?!
Deathbed Lawyer
Why was the lawyer skimming the Bible right before he died?
He was looking for loopholes
Investigate Abduction
Mission Available: New Taranto
Combat Rating: 6400+
Legal Status: 256
Chance of receiving mission: 65%
Prerequisite: "Rescue Scoutship Crew" (the first in the line of the Voinian missions, you must have done that blockade running mission into Pax for this)
To get the combat rating, go to Dogovor, watch for a situation where the UE are going to easily lay waste to a Voinian frigate/cruiser, and join in firing once it's disabled. This will quickly get you to Ultimate rating.
Legal status shouldn't be a problem. If you can't get the mission at all, go to the nearest star system with renegades, and destroy a load of them.
Land, check the bar, and if there's no mission get a simple trading mission from the mission computer. Take the mission, and abort it, to reset the % chance. This is a very valuable trick, and works with Paaren Station missions too. Just don't do it with the Miranu!
Metaphorically speaking, I'm metabolically challenged.
Ahhh, you can do it with the Miranu, as long as you've killed enough renegades beforehand! I love it, cuz technically, they always attack you first, so it was "all in self-defense." Holds up pretty good if any (surviving) renegades ever try to take you to court!
Hey, Look who's coming! It's Payback! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!
Ive looked from one corner of the galaxy to the other! ive landed on all the renegade planets, scoured Vionian, Emalgha and Hinwar space, and i can't find Anna Balshova! where the hell is she?
I'll put you out of your misery. Try Freeport.
"Nothing is here"
Cool i did the mission upm to the point where i drop Anna off @ Knox.
But in the bar an officer arrested me and told me to go to sol.
Is this a part of the mission, or was my Mine Layer finally discovered?
and i failed the mission (time limit exeeded). What consequences will i have?
Originally posted by Ash!taka:
**...or was my Mine Layer finally discovered?
Correct. I suggest you spend all your money on spare ammo and fighters before you touch down.
How did you get on with space mines? I always blow my tail off.
(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/evodude2001/home.html")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)
OK, this is a blatant self-plug, but if EVula can do it, so can I. The answer to this question, along with many others, can be found on my site. This mission string in particular is featured (url="http://"http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~dsghosh/evosite/missionsuemil2.html#annabalashova")here(/url), with detailed descriptions of every mission in the string as well as the answer to your (first) question.
Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"http://www.evoverride.com")http://www.evoverride.com(/url)!
"The onion you are eating is someone else's water lily." -- actual fortune cookie
Originally posted by Ash!taka:
**But in the bar an officer arrested me and told me to go to sol.
Is this a part of the mission, or was my Mine Layer finally discovered?
and i failed the mission (time limit exeeded). What consequences will i have?**
That's because they detected your mine layer. If you had completed the mission, you would have been fined 20% of your money, and your legal status would have gone up 64 points. Since you failed, I believe that means your legal status will go down 320 points. Not a pleasant thing to happen.
David Arthur
(url="http://"http://members.aol.com/darthur1/talon-ev/")Talon Plugin for the original Escape Velocity(/url)
Originally posted by VoinianAmbassador:
**Correct. I suggest you spend all your money on spare ammo and fighters before you touch down.
How did you get on with space mines? I always blow my tail off.
It took a lot of practice, but it was totally neccesary for the Huron, Anna Balshova and Nebulae penetration missions (at least for me; I don't use SADs or pretty much any other Secondary, i can never find the time to aim!
You just need to keep one eye on where the mine is and the other on the radar to judge if the other ships are gonna hit it! If there are fast enemies in your screen already, you should have already layed the mine and be flying away
p.s. thanx everyone, i finally beat it, and got to play reign of the UE, which was why i was so eager to beat this mission in a hurry! so i need no further assistance past this message