Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • When the Voinians Came...

      19 191 1615

      Alright, since the original "Battle for Sol" webstory was such a big hit over at the Escape Velocity web forum, I've decided to start a similar story here.

      There are no major rules, just use pure logic. Don't annihilate another person's character without allowing them to post a responce to your death threat. šŸ˜‰ This story starts just before the Battle of Sol, and the United Earth has just formed under reports of alien (Voinian) scout reports. Little is currently known of these strange imperial aliens, but that may very well change soon.

      Just pick a side, a ship (but don't outfit it like you would with cheats), and post away! Just for the fun of it, I'm going to side with Voinians. Sound alright? šŸ˜‰

      = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

      Triton Corsair - Voinian Cruiser - Flagship of the Voinian 17th Warfleet
      6 Neutron Turrets
      2 Rocket Turrets with 50 turreted rockets
      2 Voinian Heavy Fighter Bays with 8 Voinian Heavy Fighters
      Ship Stats:
      Shield - 200
      Armor - 750 (Remember, my ship is a flagship, and is thus more powerful than standard Voinian cruisers).
      Crew - 937
      Speed - 175
      Turn - Poor

      17th Warfleet ship numbers:
      25 Cruisers
      100 Frigates
      500 Heavy Fighters
      25 Supply Ships
      (no Voinian Interceptors... Let's say they haven't yet been designed and manufactured)

      = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

      Captain Skyblade patrolled the space around the Bakka system. The rest of the 17th Warfleet was scattered about the system, making constant sensor scans. The Voinian Empire was fully aware that the humans had discovered them and their extending grip on the universe, and were thus planning to someday execute a large offense against the capital of the humans: earth. At the present time, the humans had colonized worlds in the Sol, Centauri, Saalia, Liat, Tulir, and Valos systems. They owned little, but the humans were growing. They're military power was weak, but it too was strengthening. It was the Voinian's wish to destroy the human race, and the attack would come... one of these days. For the moment, the Voinians were already busy fighting their enemies in the north; the Emalgha. The Emalgha were a small and stubborn race, content to defend their homeland against Voinian rule. But the humans would one day pose a deaper threat...

      "Set course for Dogovor," Skyblade ordered the navigator of the Triton Corsair. "Inform the fleet that High Command has just ordered us there to perform further patrols. That is all."

      = = = = = = = = = =

      So let's get posting!

      -Cap'n Skyblade
      (url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
      the United Earth Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon

    • When the 17th Warfleet emerged from hyperspace, Dogovor was occupied by two human freighters and a dozen shuttles. Such traffic was rare in this portion of the galaxy, and it all the more proved that the human race was extending its galactic boundaries. In under twenty seconds, all the human vessels in Dogovor were completely destroyed by the enormous amount of firepower delievered by the Voinian warfleet. The light resistance that the human vessels responded with wasn't enough to harm a single Voinian vessel.

      -Cap'n Skyblade
      (url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
      the United Earth Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon

    • I'll be a UE commander.

      2nd Destroyer Regiment.
      My ship, is an upgraded destroyer, (just maneuverability upgrades), and just AK 118 space missiles. (very weak, short range, with higher reload than rockets, and almost no tracking. Remember the rockets were stolen voinian technology.)
      Regiment consists of:
      45 UE destroyers(another turret, 3 missile launchers, 50 missiles)
      70 UE fighters(one missile launcher, 10 missiles,
      25 Freight-couriers (same, except one more blaze turret, and a space missile launcher, 20 missiles.)
      (remember carriers were also developed later in the game)

      The 23rd Regiment, under command of REDchigh, made its way through the scant few Human controled planets, and observed the just-colonized planet, named new calcutta, and picked up it's usual load of trained colonists from the Geo-Dome on the Moon, to go to the suprisingly prosperous new calcutta, when it picks up a faint sensor sign, from a system a few jumps away. The Commander decides to check it out, and issues the order.

      "Navigation, set course for Eltor, where we can set up a more detailed scan..."
      upon arriving in Eltor, they recieve the Distress call from a drifting escape pod, seems the mysterious voinians have striked again, and the regiment rushes to Dogover to see what they can do, and check for survivors.

      All the problems we face in the United States today can be
      traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
      the American Indian.
      --- Pat Paulsen

      (This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 09-19-2001).)

    • Starkiller was sulking in the bar on Huron. He had just recieved news that his younger brother, who had been drafted into the UE Navy, had been killed during an ambush on a UE patrol in the DSN-9481 system. Starkiller was one of the few young men and women who had not been drafted, since he was involved with the local government. He was the representative of a small district near Huron's south pole to the Huron General Assembly. He had been under the mistaken impression at the time that he would be in some way able to affect the way Huron was run. He quickly realized that the General Assembly was mostly cerimonial, and the planet was really run by the UE appointed governer. He resented this, and had actually been toying with the idea of forming some sort of underground resistance group. The death of his brother was the final straw. Suddenly, he rose, and then quickly walked back to his office. He told a member of his staff that he planned to be gone for about a week, and booked a ticket on an ocean express boat to Frozak, his hometown.

      We make no destinction between terrorists and those who harbor them. - President George W. Bush, 9/11/01
      (url="http://"")EV Upcoming Plug-Ins Directory(/url) | (url="http://"")Don't Hate Me(/url) | (url="http://"")The Spaceport Bar(/url)

    • "They're all dead?" the UE Prime Minister asked his assistant.

      "Yes, sir. Total casualties," replied Captian Ivan Balashova.

      UE Patriot's mind flashed back to a certain system. Bakka. Not too long ago some mysterious force had destroyed a 50-year old colong. His home colony. Now nobody even knew what its name was.

      Except for him.

      Patriot has some time back forgiven the perpetrators of that crime. But fogiving was not forgetting. The barren landscape of what was one the planet Palshife was ingrained in his mind, as were the beautiful landscapes of his childhood colonial home.

      Never again, he thought. Never again.

      "Any progress, Captian?"

      "Yes, Commander REDchigh of the 23rd Regiment has just reported that he is investigating a possible alien strike force in the Dogover system."

      "The same one that slaughtered the colonists?"

      "Yes, sir. And sir ... "

      "What is it?"

      "We've got the first communications signals from the destryoed craft."

      "Patch them through to here."

      The first pictures of the Voinian ships came through to UE Patriot's computer screen. The ships were angular, gray, and ugly; but within the ugliness lied a savage ferocity. The first galnce at the Vonian cruiser struck fear into the PM's heart.

      The first sounds of the Voinian language also came through.

      "Can the guys in Translation done about this?"

      "We've gotten some things of this language before. If you like, the computer can do a rought translation for you," suggested the captain of the U.E.S. Incontrovertible.

      A rough, but fair translation came across the speakers. Hubris, hatred, and several words the PM did not wished to be translated filtered through his ears.

      But most importantly, he learned the name of this inhuman, unhuman terror.

      The Voinian Empire.

      "get me my secretary," UE Patriot told Ivan Balashova. "Call everyone in the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies - everyone - to a joint meeting of Parliament in St. Louis tomorrow. I will be addressing an issue of the greatest importance."

      Patriot looked at his calender. Today was Sunday. They Day of the Lord.

      Dies Domini.

      Tomorrow would be Dies Irae.

      The Day of Wrath.


      As you probably inferred, I am the Prime Minister of the United Earth Federation. (It's the highest office in the UE - the UE President is merely a figurehead with no real power. If anyone idsagrees w/me, go look at the "EVO - Cold War Satire" thread waaay back. There, Peter Cartwright explained thatthe UE is a parliamentary, and not presidential, type of republic.) Ivan Balashova is the brother of Anna Balashova and captian of the U.E.S. Incontrovertible, the UE flagship. My personal ship ais a prototype UE Carrier, the U.E.S. Theokotos. Also, the UE destroyers here are equipped w/space mines, as they are not banned unti lafter the Battle of Sol.

      God bless,

      UE Patriot

      (url="http://";=plugins&display;=date&file;=ReignOfTheUEv12.Bin")Reign of the UE(/url) | (url="http://";=plugins&display;=date&file;=PersonsOFTheEVOWebboardv2.Bin")Persons of the EVO Webboard(/url)
      "From sour-faced saints, O Lord, deliver us."- St. Teresa of Avila

      (This message has been edited by UE Patriot (edited 09-20-2001).)

    • In "The Armstrong", Luna's first decent bar, Aben Zin sat over his synth-ale, gazing through the thick plexiglas windows at the view that dominated the sky. Earth. Glowing softly, almost with an inner light. His mind was awash with hopes and fears.
      Just out of the academy, the young pilot thought with pride about his new fighter, fresh from the factories of Earth. He had christened it "Changeling". It's suface shone, buffed to perfection. Soon, however, it would be facing it's first combat, and would lucky to get off with only it's paintwork scratched...



      The above post can be concidered
      "Parlez vous sans mon derreire"
      As the french probably wouldn't say.

    • The Second regiment jumps into dogover, and meets a substantial voinian force.
      The Destroyers use the only thing on their side, their maneuverability, to string out the voinian forces to try to gang up on the frigates and carriers one at a time. The fighters just rush into the voinian fleet, avoiding most of the rockets, but a few are taken down by the voianian's primary weopon; neutron turrets. The 2nd regiment se nds a message to Luna asking for reinforcements, and they destroy frigates, one by one, until most of the voinians are disabled or distroyed. Of course, not to say that the 2nd regiment didn't suffer losses, several of their finest destroyers and many fighters were lost, but the Voinians we losing their upper hand. All of a sudden, a new weopon was seen- a freefall explosive, coming forth from a voinian cruiser. The destroyers watch in awe as a single mine moves forth on its own momentum, hit a destroyer, and its impact destroys three destroyers and 4 fighters. The 2nd regiment now knows to avoid these... it sends a message to luna giving a report of the battle, and the UE fight on, their fury giving them an edge. after a not too long battle, most of the voinian fleet is destroyed or disabled, and the rest is being beat down by the sheer numbers of the UE fighters. two destroyers crash into each remaining cruiser, and then the frigates dont stand much more of a chance. The Destroyers force the voinians to retreat, but before the 2nd regiment leaves, they latch onto and start dragging a present back to Luna..... a voinian frigate...

      ooc: UE patriot, sorry, Voianian mines are just that- VOINIAN! we dont have them yet! you can get the plans out of the voinian frigate now, but not until then. we just dont have them.

      All the problems we face in the United States today can be
      traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of
      the American Indian.
      --- Pat Paulsen

    • REDchigh, you're right about the mines - I looked at the description in Override Data 2.


      A UE ensign accosted UE Patriot as the Prime Minister walked out of St. Louis Cathedral after morning Mass.

      "Good news, sir. We've just one our first victory."

      UE Patriot's mood perked up. "Tell me more."

      "Command REDchigh and the 2nd Regiment just destroyed a whole bunch-load of Voinian warships. Casualties were high, but we were able to capturew a single Voinian frigate."

      "Take it to R&D; and tear it down. Let's see what we will come up with."

      In the next few days, after the frigate arrived at Sol, United Earth engineeers started tearing the ship apart. From the ships they were able to make use of several things - the heavy rockets (making the space missiles obselete), the space mines, and the Voinian language captian's log, etc.

      Work was put immediately on modifying the rockets to make guided missiles - what would evenutally become the famous Hunters.

      However, there were two things about the Frigate that the engineers could not fathom. Try as they might, they could niether reverse-engineeer the neutron weapons nor figure out why the Bropnzev plating was so strong.

      In the meanwhile, UE Patriot sed along to the assembly hall to address the United Earth Parliament.


      I'll write the speech later, as I have to go to lunch and class.

      God bless,

      UE Patriot

      (url="http://";=plugins&display;=date&file;=ReignOfTheUEv12.Bin")Reign of the UE(/url) | (url="http://";=plugins&display;=date&file;=PersonsOFTheEVOWebboardv2.Bin")Persons of the EVO Webboard(/url)
      "From sour-faced saints, O Lord, deliver us."- St. Teresa of Avila

    • Sojin Whitehawk, UE Colonel
      Commander of Battlegroup Echo
      Call sign: Merlin

      (/b)UES Rhodes-United Earth Carrier-Flagship of Battlegroup Echo(/b)
      4 Blaze turrets
      2 missile launchers (20 missiles)
      Fighter Bay with 5 UE fighters
      Manuverabilty upgraded by 40 degrees

      Battlegroup Echo Fleet:
      Twelve UE destroyers
      Eight UE Carriers
      85 UE fighters

      Sojin stood on the level above the hanger deck, overlooking things. He was dressed in the regular uniform worn by a high-ranked officer, that of a colonel; medals bedecked it, showing his many acomplishments against those gnats called renegades to the south. Personly, the uniform bugged the hell out of him, not so much the clothes but the medals; sure he was proud of them, but the only thing worth showing were the golden wings pendant he wore around his neck, denoating him as a fighter pilot. He had fought such in the renegade threats against Huron and it had been grand.

      Yet Sojin wasn't here to dwell on the past but to check on the status of his squadron. The wing commander had said it was exellent and in above average quality. This suited the colonel just fine, considering their present situation. For some reason, the high ups back at Knox wanted his fleet to leave the southern borders to relocate along the Eastern front. There was nothing out there beyond rumors and such of an mysterious alien race. Rumors no more; Sojin was one who took things not at face value but from actual proof. Bakka colony may have been proof but it was unreliable in the least. Yet Intel just shut this one up, telling Sojin that he should do as ordered.

      Whitehawk tapped the padd he had and placed it on the shelf behind him. Just as he was about to descend to the hangar floor, his wristlink beeped. Letting out a small Huron curse he tapped it and said, "This is Colonel Whitehawk, go."

      The voice of his first officer, one Major Will Drake, spoke up. "Sorry to disturb you in your offtime sir, but we just got a signal from Paris. It's a level ten channel and for you alone sir. Should I handle it, sir..."

      "Negative, Major. I'll be there in a moment's notice; just don't respond." With that, Sojin cut the link and headed into the transport lift and ordered for the bridge. The lift shot up and arrived within a moment and opened to reveal the bridge of his ship, the Rhodes. She was a carrier and flagship of some 20 warships and 85 fighters, all fully armed and capable. At the age of 29, Sojin was one of the few to attain the rank of Colonel, but it came with skills and grace from the Acaddmy at Knox.

      He looked at his XO, who was sitting in the command chair as it was his shift; the major started to rise, but Sojin motined him down. He turned to his comm. officer and said, "Transfer the call to my ready room. ASAP." Before the comm. could respond, the colonel had left the bridge and into his adjoining ready room. The veiw of the stars through the veiw port was amazing in the showing of the stars, but right now this didn't intrest him. Sojin reached his desk and spun the deskcomputer around, hiting the console to activate it. It came on to reveal a face that Sojin knew quite well. It was Sol Commander Jackson, newly elevated to the rank.

      "Jackson, this is a surprise indeed. What can I do for you, old friend?" Sojin caught onto the Sol Commander's face and saw that he had something serious to say.

      "Sojin, it is great to see you, but unfortunately this is no personal call. I assumed you've been briefed on why you were sent from the Renegade front to the Frontier. As you know, one Commander REDChigh took on and defeated alien ships called Voinians; he also towed back a frigate as well. Enough of for that now though. The reason why I called you is because you are the closest fleet near Pax, one jump by UE records. Long range probes have detected a jump route from there leading to another system, and we want you to send a patrol to that system."

      Sojin nodded and replied, "I'll send a fighter squadron to patrol the area for 18 hours before recalling them. I'll have Major Drake..."

      He was cut off by Jackson. "Negative, Colonel. Will may be a good officer but he's now pilot and you are better then any other in your fleet; perhaps that's why Intel put you on a carrier, so that you could oversee the training of pilots. Anyways, you know the every turn of a fighter and how she works, Sojin. That's why I want you to take this mission personally. I'll trust you'll do the right thing, old friend. Sol Commander out." The screen went black as the symbol of the United Earth showed up.

      Sojin fell into a chair and shook his head. This was going to be a tough week, indeed. "Where the hell did I put that scocth..."

      "Merlin you are clear for launch. Have a safe journey Colonel and God speed." The voice of Rhodes DC came through loud and clear over the fighter's comsystem. Sojin hadn't flown in his fighter in some time, although he remembered it just well. Behind the cockpit was the small personal area of a bed and such. The cockpit was just right for a single pilot and comfortable as well. "Roger, DC. This is Merlin going hot."

      The fighter bursted from the bay and into the vastness of space. For about half a kilo, he flew alone and executing manuvers thought to have been unthinkable. Soon a squadron of seven fighters moved in besides and behind him. The patrol was about to begin. With an order, the engines of the fighters glowed and they reached a safe distance. Soon a jump point opened and the fighters were gone from veiw.

      (url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
      "Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

    • "Commander, we've got a message coming in on comm channel three, line secure. Top priority."

      "Put it through," responded Skyblade, "I want to hear what the Emperor has to say about the humans."

      Seconds later, Skyblade and the Voinian Emperor were discussing topics related to the recent engagements between the Voinians and humans, also now being called the "United Earth Federation."

      "Commander," The Emperor said in a change of tone, "although our recent defeat in a small engagement with the humans certainly isn't good news, our scouts have reported a recent uprising in the southern portions of human space, in and around the Huron system. If these rebels, or renegades as they are called, grow strong enough, they could distract the humans so that they also will be fighting a two-front war."

      "Interesting," Skyblade responded with interest. "Why have these renegades rebelled against United Earth rule?"

      "Simple," the Emperor replied. "Many of the humans who were drafted into the United Earth Navy had no want to join a war against the Voinian Empire. These human rebels know that even a single one of our warfleets could wipe out several colonies within days, and thus find no reason to fight us. so they have pieced together a cause to rebel against government rule."

      The Emperor, now sensing that Commander Skyblade understood the situation, continued. "Since you own a powerful warfleet, I am now placing you in command of all Voinian warfleets on the eastern front. This will give you control over the 23rd and 12th warlfeets (based in Bakka), the 92nd, 3rd, and 5th warfleets (based in Vorik), and the 23rd and 19th warfleets, currently based at Dogovor. You're one of my finest commanders, so make the Voinian Empire again triumph."

      "I understand, sir," Skyblade responded. "I thank you for the honor. Let us hope that we can bring the humans to their knees. But for now, we wish to find out more about these humans..."

      -Cap'n Skyblade
      (url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
      the United Earth Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon

    • OctoberFost, the owner of newly constructed Freeport, was returning from a meeting with the UE Minister of Membership. Again, he applied for UE membership, and again, his application was denied becasue he refused to allow his residents to be drafted.

      What would become of Freeport, he though? The inhabitants, mostly investors looking for a home far away from the troubles of the main UE worlds, would tolerate living outside of UE juristiction, less interference with their affairs. But what if another group of aliens should attack from the south? What if they were attacked? Rich businessmen could finance great stations and warships, but they could certainly not fight.

      OF needed to attract a new element to Freeport. An element willing to live outside UE laws an juristictions, who would fuel the economy of the station, and hopefully who could help protect the station from attack.

      But where to find these people and convince them that Freeport should be their new home, he thought...

      Anyone who can figure out my password can choose my new sig for as long as I don't notice.
      (url="http://"")The Science of Webboard Theory(/url)
      (url="http://"")#EV3 QUOTE ARCHIVE (/url) **

      (This message has been edited by OctoberFost (edited 09-20-2001).)

      (This message has been edited by OctoberFost (edited 09-20-2001).)

    • = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
      UE News Network - "United Earth scout patrols have recently reported massive build-ups of alien, or Voinian machines of war along the human border of colonization. Although the government is currently not sure what the Voinians have in mind, the United Earth Navy is preparing to defend the border should the enemy mobilize and attack. Also, worlds along the southern portions of human space are threatening to rebel, saying they have rights not to join the UE government in defeating a massive alien juggernaught. Reports indicate that these worlds could openly start a war against the human government, but details are currently not available. In other news-"
      = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

      -Cap'n Skyblade
      (url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
      the United Earth Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon

    • Whitehawk, I'm disappointed. You quit writing for 1st Legend - and with Rima not doing anything you might have thrown it down the drain - and THEN post here.

      Redchigh, you post in RoC 2, yes, and you join up to this, but I don't recall you ever posting in Golden Horizon or in Altair, eh?

      Captain Skyblade, this topic might not have been the best idea, but hopefully players won't clash any more than Red and Hawk have.


      That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
      - SilverDragon

    • Quote

      Originally posted by SilverDragon:
      Captain Skyblade, this topic might not have been the best idea, but hopefully players won't clash any more than Red and Hawk have.



      Perhaps it wasn't a good idea in some aspects, but the this topic is off to a good start at the moment, so please don't interrupt the webstory with anymore off-the-topic posts. Thanks.

      -Cap'n Skyblade
      (url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
      the United Earth Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon

    • OF was watching the UE News Network in the new Freeport Bar, when news of possible rebellions in the south broke.

      Hrm, he thought. His Freeport was the only stellar object in the South that was not part of the UE that was capable of handling all those rebels...and turn them into good, tax paying citizens of Freeport...

      Anyone who can figure out my password can choose my new sig for as long as I don't notice.
      (url="http://"")The Science of Webboard Theory(/url)
      (url="http://"")#EV3 QUOTE ARCHIVE (/url) **

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
      Perhaps it wasn't a good idea in some aspects, but the this topic is off to a good start at the moment, so please don't interrupt the webstory with anymore off-the-topic posts. Thanks.

      Yes, unfortunately, because of webstories like this one and people who can't find enough time just to make 1 post in Golden Horizon, my webstory, GH has been severely stalled and weakened. I don't want to sound rude, and this webstory does seem to be going well, but I just hope it doesn't mess up GH and RoC 2 any more.

      If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • "This is Red leader reporting in. Home base come in, repeat, home base, come in." Azdara Ace glared at the area where centari was. Those high ranking officers were so arrogant, sending a single squardron of fighters deep into enemy territory.....Azdara Ace was so mad he could spit. He had requested defense duty, but, he had been overruled. He knew why of course, he was the best, and in a time like this, they needed the best. "Red Squadron, prepare to make the jump to to hyperspace.
      "Roger Red leader, jump coordinates {1,2}{9,7}, right?"
      "Negative, {1,3}{9,8}. Jump on 3, 2, 1, HYPERSPACE!" The stars streaked in front of the viewport, as the UE Fighter Fire Dragon accelerated to incredible speeds.....

      You would have to be ignorant, derranged, demented, or dead to turn down the oppurtunity to fly an Azdara.

      (This message has been edited by Azdara Ace (edited 09-20-2001).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
      **Yes, unfortunately, because of webstories like this one and people who can't find enough time just to make 1 post in Golden Horizon, my webstory, GH has been severely stalled and weakened. I don't want to sound rude, and this webstory does seem to be going well, but I just hope it doesn't mess up GH and RoC 2 any more.


      Has it ever occured to you that perhaps members of Golden Horizons are getting tired of it? šŸ˜‰ Perhaps a webstory such as this one allows players to be much more flexible (since there are no long lists of rules), and thus find it more entertaining. If members prefer posting here rather than at the Golden Horizons topic, that's there choice. Sory if this does screw up your webstory, but Golden Horizons has been going on for a long time, and maybe it's just getting old.

      And please, no more posts relating to anything other than the webstory. šŸ˜‰

      = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

      The 17th Warfleet was now joined by the 23rd and 19th warfleets, drastically strengthening numbers. Not only were the numbers a rare sight, but they were now located in the Eltor system: a short distance away (in universal terms) from the major human colonies. Although Skyblade had no plans to invade the human worlds just yet, he was far enough into United Earth space to gain some important information about human ship traffic. Upon entering the Eltor system, entire squadrons of fighters (or also called UE fighters) were decimated by immense neutron firepower. The delay provided by the fighters, however, did allow some time for the freighters and shuttles in the system to enter hyperspace. But for now, Eltor was now quiet, occupied by a giant Voinian fleet...

      -Cap'n Skyblade
      (url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
      the United Earth Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon

    • UE Patriot climbed the podium in what was usually City Hall to address the United Earht Parliament.

      "Greeting, ladies, gentlement, assembled members of Parliament. I have called you together for the most urgent of purposes.

      Ever since he could think, mankind was wondered at the possibility of intelligent life on other planets.

      Recently we have discovered that this quention has been answered in the affirmative. But the news is not good.

      An alien race, known as the Voinian, have created what seems to be a vast, savage, barbarian empire. They have destroyed the human colony at Bakka ... "

      and my home , he didn't say,

      " ... as well as a peaceful human colonization fleet in the Dogover system.

      The destruction of the latter took mere seconds.

      As anyone who has ever looked at a star map knows, Dogover is just two hyperspace jumps from here. That's just two days in a shuttle, and six days in a large spacecraft.

      The greatest threat to mankind's liberty is less than a week's distance away.

      Earth has never faced such great danger.

      Yet not all is lost. We have recently recieved reports of our first victory. Commander REDchigh of the 2nd Reigment managed not only to destroy many Voinian ships, but capture one of them. We are currently examining the captured vessel for ways we can use the Voinians' technology for our advantage.

      In short, fellow members of Parliament, we are at war. All I ask for you is to make it official by declaring a state of war against the Voinian Empire."

      The vote was taken, and the motion for war was approved, all but a handful of militant pacificts approved the motion.

      As the Prime Minister left City Hall, his aides gave him news of what was heppening.

      First, it seems that the governor of Huron, appointed after the elected governer died in a ship crash, was enroaching the power of the Huron General Assmbly, making the colonial legislature a mere ceremony.

      Also, somewhere south of UE space a man only known as "OctoberFost" had built a space station out of wrecked starships and called it "Freeport." He would not allow its inhabitants to be conscripted into the Navy and thus was denied UE membership.

      Patriot spoke to his aides. "Jim, tell the Huron governer that he cannot exercise any powers other than the strict enforcement of federal laws and laws passed by the Huron legislature. That's it. No more, no less. Dictatorship oftentimes produces rebellion, and we can't fight a two-front war with our resources. As for this Freeport, leave it alone for now. It seems of little importance for now."

      As he was about to get to his shuttle, a UE liutenant approached him and annoucned that the mines were ready to be outfitted on UE ships.

      "Good. Can we make, say, about 1,000 mines before the Voinians arrive?"

      "Yes, sir."

      "If the Voinians attack Sol, they'll probably attack via the Eltor system, right."

      "Correct again, sir."

      "Just where do vessels appear when they jump form Eltor to Sol?"

      The liutenant, with a laptop, brought up a map of the Sol system and pointed to a specific place on the map.

      "Good. Mine that place."


      I'm guessing the Voinians will be attacking via the Eltor system. Remember a few things:
      Ā• The Voinians have to build a station in the Dogover system.
      Ā• Verril Prime has to be colonized, destroyed, then colonized again.
      Ā• The story must end with the UE borders the same as they are when you begin EVO.

      God bless,

      UE Patriot

      (url="http://";=plugins&display;=date&file;=ReignOfTheUEv12.Bin")Reign of the UE(/url) | (url="http://";=plugins&display;=date&file;=PersonsOFTheEVOWebboardv2.Bin")Persons of the EVO Webboard(/url)
      "From sour-faced saints, O Lord, deliver us."- St. Teresa of Avila

    • Patriot- We're going to go ahead and say the station at Dogovor has already been built. Since I've already mentioned that a few Voinian warfleets are based there, they must have a station to dock at.

      I'm not sure that the story will actually "end" once we get to the beginning point of EV / Override, but we'll probably close off this topic and start a new one based on finishing the United Earth / Voinian war.

      = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

      "He barely finished the transmission before he was apparently captured," a spokesman aboard the Triton Corsair reported to Skyblade. "Our agent on earth, a human traitor captured years ago aboard a freighter and allowed permission to serve with the Voinians, was able to steal a few plans the United Earth had in mind."

      "Continue," Skyblade said with interest.

      "The agent reported that the United Earth had a caputed Frigate at their disposal, which they were using to develop similar weapons and ships of their own. He also reported that the UE government now had space mines, one of our deadliest weapons. While they currently don't have many of them, that could change as time progresses. The agent was about to report that the United Earth had plans to mine a particular location, but he was apparently found by security forces before he could say where, and the transmission ended. I heard blaze fire."

      Skyblade leaned back in his chair. "Hopefully, for the good of our agent, he was killed instantly. If the United Earth caught him alive, they would attempt to steal as much information from his as possible through means of torture and threats."

      "Possibly so," the spokesman replied. "But regardless of what happened to the agent, we've learned some important information. The United Earth is preparing for war, and they will defend what they have."

      "Agreed," Skyblade replied. "The Emperor has already ordered me to plan an offensive against the heart of human space. Hopefully, we can catch them off guard. That is all."

      The spokesman saluted, turned, and left Skyblade's quarters.

      = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

      "Look at that!" the commander of a Voinian Heavy Fighter exclaimed. He and and his squadron of ten Heavy Fighters were patrolling the Bakka system when a new warship of some kind entered the system. "Sensor report!"

      The radar operator of the Heavy Fighter nodded his head as if he didn't recognize the vessel. "I can't say, sir, but I've never seen it before."

      The warship, which was long, armed with three visable turrets, and had an impressive top speed when compared to Voinian vessels, began to head towards the Voinian squadron.

      "He's arming weapons!" one of the crewmen spoke. "It's obviously a new United Earth vessel of some kind, and he's bidding us a warm welcome."

      The Heavy Fighter suddenly lurched forward as a large explosian rocked the craft. Two of the crewmen fell to the floor badly wounded, another dead. The armor status dipped to low. The enemy warship, which some of the other fighter commanders were calling "a ruthless destroyer," fired away. It fired rockets at any nearby Voinian fighters, destroying four of them in under half a minute. The Voinian squadron replied with volleys of neutron fire and rockets, which tore away at the human craft. If it weren't for the enormous amount of firepower carried by the Heavy Fighters, they all would have been decimated.

      The Voinian squadron and destroyer exchanged fire once again, but just as the UE warship destroyed a sixth fighter, its shields collapsed and the hull shattered. The four remaining Voinian fighters were somewhat shocked at the engagement, never before seeing such a potential foe. They had just defeated a new human warship, called the "UE Destroyer," but not without taking seven Voinian fighters with it. The destroyer was purely a dangerous foe...

      "Get the commander of the eastern front operations on the comm," the pilot of one of the Heavy Fighters said to one of his crewmen. "We must make him aware that the humans now have a new warship."

      -Cap'n Skyblade
      (url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
      the United Earth Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon

      (This message has been edited by Captain Skyblade (edited 09-20-2001).)