Originally posted by Bomb:
**He's in a system adjacent to Mira. So jump into a system, look around. If he's not there, load the pilot and try elsewhere. It'll work that way.:)
He would be in a system adjacent to Mira, but if your pilot file does not have mission bit 0 set, he'll never appear. I've emailed Bomb about this, but he apparently doesn't believe me. If you're encountering problems with the Defend F-25 mission, or the rescue witness mission or any other mission where ships are not appearing where they should, then you can do one of two things to fix it:
1. Change all the dude resources in F-25 Data 1 so that the mission bit rects are set to -1, -1, -1, -1 (instead of the 0, 0, 0, 0 that some are set to)
2. Edit your pilot file so that mission bit 0 is set.
I don't know why some pilot files do have mission bit 0 set and some others do not, but my pilot files never got that misson bit set, and so I never get to see the dudes who require mission bit 0 to appear.