OOC: I advise I am given the 6 days it would take the renegades to get there to
get ready, which I could not since I only just joined. Due to the 1 day speed
of Zidaras, most of my forces could get there.
Esponer muttered to himself upon hearing the news.
"We can't afford to lose Qerid. Yerdor is weak, and will fall with Qerid's loss,
and then the Qerid - Fluron backup system will fail, and we could lose Fluron."
Esponer explained to the Zidagar captains present - a terribly small number.
They all shouted their agreement.
"Thus, we must fight back!" Esponer addressed them.
"Yes!" the captains shouted, but Esponer shushed them.
"Wait! We must understand that certain tactics are necessary. I want the interceptor
forces of Pozdag and Need to move into the outskirts of DSN-4922. Wait there for
"Ships from Fluron must move to Qerid. Fleets 1-7 from Namot move to the outskirts
of DSN-8204. Fleets from Yerdor and Twyos move to defend Qerid. Forces from Zidagar
and Vlagos are to be on alert."
"When the enemies move into Qerid, we'll be waiting on the outskirts. Let them
get confused, then wait for their fighters to move out to the planet. I want
dispersal rocket arrays on the planet on standby."
"After the fighters have been sent out, the warships will detect us - the timeframe
will just give us a few seconds to move in before the fighters can come back to
defend their carriers. Forces from Fluron hold back at this point."
"We'll smash through, approaching the larger ships from both sides. Fire as much
weaponry and use as much fuel as possible. Cause maximum damage."
"At this point we need planetary defences to open fire on the fighters, drawing them
back to the planet. Some will no doubt give chase to our forces, but that's not
"As our force is chased, we're going to move 20 Zidaras from the Fluron defence fleet,
filled with carbonate xephenoza in one section and lithium crystals in another. Those
ships will be unmanned. We'll have them charge into the warships ranks, under
cover of their Zidagar fighters, and then we'll have the compounds mix, causing
20 huge explosions."
"The primary forces will then move into range of our star to recharge fuel. Querin
forces will now meet the renegade fleet ships in battle."
"After that we'll pull back to the planet. They'll chase us, wanting to finish it off.
All forces must engage in pulling back - even if they haven't recovered enough fuel."
"We'll let the renegades mass to crush us in one sweep, and then launch 20 more
kamikaze Zidaras FROM THE PLANET."
"Once the renegades are thrown into disarray, we will make a charge at them, and
after our main force has passed through the renegade ranks, we'll activate our main
The captains were very much interested at this point.
"We have a large number of freighters ready. We will have them move behind our
force when it charges, and drop dispersal rockets without thrusters, making them
effective mines."
"Then we will shroud the mines by having a number of our freighters mysteriously
explode. They will carry within them phoelexeronic gas, which will shroud the
sensor image."
"If they try to approach the planet, the mines will explode. At that point we'll
come back at them to grind them against the planet."
The captains cheered, and quickly ran off to their ships.
Esponer sighed. "It won't work, of course, but with luck we'll take down a huge
number of renegades."
Esponer signalled to his second in command. "How long since we lost Outpost
Terapin?" he asked.
"Many weeks." the man replied.
"Is the Omega program still active?" Esponer inquired.
The man nodded. "We'd need to get a ship into the ship, but yes."
"Have one of our most skilled fighter pilots do the run. Get them into the system,
have them activate the Omega self destruct, and then move out. Send some Zidaras
to cover the fire." Esponer commanded.
The man smiled. "Yes sir."
Project initiated
Name: Caltrop
Type: Highly powerful mine, forward firing from planets, dropped from larger ships.
Locks on to specific targets and chases them at 75 speed.
Damage information: Capable of destroying an Azdgari Warship <if the Azdgari have
researched any shield upgrades, please tell me and I'll reconsider my research line>
Estimated time: 5 posts
Fear not the dragon,
Fear not the wolf,
Fear not the warship,
Fear my Crescent Fighter.
(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-27-2001).)