Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**I'm 13, but hey, that doesn't mean anything.
hey, nice to meet you..
how long have you been playing evo?
Originally posted by SilverDragon:
I don't really mind about the Strands people pick. I myself am a Zidagar, and I sometimes captain a Zidara. For the Zidagar missions, you have to take them right to the end, often picking up new bits of the whole Zidagar mission string (all important Zidagar missions) at different times, sometimes with low chances of them coming up.
did you pass the destroy all the raiders?
i always think: that wasthe last one,.. but when i arrive back at outpost maloch, there comes.. nothing... :frown:
Originally posted by SilverDragon:
I dislike the Azdgari because I see them as cowardly, and I think the Azdara is too good (they also get a technology at one point that can make a ship near invincible - it's a shield regenerator)
hey cool, i didn't know they had a shield regenerator... can you use that on another ship too? (probably not)
Originally posted by SilverDragon:
From UE space, go east then south. You'll come across human renegades, then alien renegades. Push south further and you come to a large patch of Strandless land. They are people kicked out of the Three Strands - Azdgari, Zidagar and Igadzra, who were once part of Gadzair (yes, yes, similar names) as you may know.
hehe, i think the names come from a generator...
i checked all the bars, but didn't find one :frown:,
mby it is because i did some zidagar missions already...
Originally posted by SilverDragon:
For bounty hunters......... Well, you've obviously captured a planet or station. Well done with your achievement, but as far as I know the bounty hunters will just keep coming. For that reason I get all the money I want from tribute and then "give" the systems back (check the hailing planet options)
Or I just don't bother capturing planets. But it's often better to take them, just not my style.
yes, i did capture a few planets, i'm receiving about 14000 creds a day... but i dont take any more, it takes to long to destroy whole the fleet...
Originally posted by SilverDragon:
Don't worry about your spelling. A couple of people might think you're stupid because of them, but make sure to fill your posts with sensible, useful answers and people will respect you, and ignore the spelling mistakes.
--Does somebody know a good cinema 4D 6 XL tutorial?