Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Hizdriar Bar

      20 198 1.7k

      ESPilot's Crescent Warship docks at the Hizdriar port and ESPilot goes to the bar. He enters, and sees the Strandless, Zachit, Miranu, and Renegades staring each other down, when suddenly a fight breaks out and everybody claims the bar as their own. ESPilot slams a 50.00 megacredit credchip down on the counter and yells "I buy this bar for fifty million credits. Any objections?" the bar is silent, and ESPilot steps behind the counter to begin polishing glasses and serving drinks. He burns the rules into the wall with a blaster:

      1.No total annihilation
      2.No insulting (THE most ill-inforced rule; even the bartender breaks it ;))
      3.No ignoring these rules
      4.No killing the 'tend
      5.All of the above rules are no longer in affect. PERMENATELY.(Seriously.)
      6.(not restricted by rule 5) only the bartender can appoint assistant bartenders

      Why settle for a $3 pound of pork meat, when you can get up to 50+ pounds of human meat free? Visit (url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url) today!

    • SilverDragon walks into the bar, and wonders what he's doing here.

      He orders a Zacha Shooting Star, one of the strongest drinks in existance.

      Fear not the dragon,
      Fear not the wolf,
      Fear not the warship,
      Fear my Crescent Fighter.

    • Jess comes in and shoots SilverDragon several times in the head.
      "That's for shooting me too much in the old bar (just because you heal people it doesn't make it right!) and trying to blackmail me. And you really should stick to water."

      In feeping with the middle ages theme of today's Blue Peter, we'll be learning how to make our own Iron Maiden.
      You will need: Some Thick Cardboard
      Some Kebab Skewers and
      A bicyle chain.

    • StarS makes his obligatory one-time appearance, wondering, as always, why poeple like these things.

      EGOTIST, n. A person of low taste, more interested in himself than in me.
      LOQUACITY, n. A disorder which renders the sufferer unable to curb his tongue when you wish to talk.
      -Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary
      (url="http://"")The WWII Plug-in for EVO(/url), coming soon

    • Phoenix runs in and orders water, and then drinks it.

      "Jess, SilverDragon is very sorry for that.."

      "Don't hold it against him"

      He then walks out...

      "That is called a droid decoy. This is called a trap. And I'm calling you dead"
      When the phoenix is destroyed, The reverse is true, It will regenerate, And it will come for you...... -Phoenix

    • <eyes narrow> Can you actually see what people are typing as well?

      In feeping with the middle ages theme of today's Blue Peter, we'll be learning how to make our own Iron Maiden.
      You will need: Some Thick Cardboard
      Some Kebab Skewers and
      A bicyle chain.

    • Shayborg buzzes the bar in his (url="http://"")Crescent Warship(/url), sighs in disgust, and flies away to Hrekka to blast some renegades to oblivion for the heck of it.

      Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"")!
      "It's not that I'm afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens." -- Woody Allen

    • Jess, still looking suspiciously at Phoenix and muttering something about him and his contacts, comments that the bars here have become so boring recently.

      In feeping with the middle ages theme of today's Blue Peter, we'll be learning how to make our own Iron Maiden.
      You will need: Some Thick Cardboard
      Some Kebab Skewers and
      A bicyle chain.

    • "Jess, I don't have contacts, I just derived from what you said that you were mad at Esponer"

      "Are you on AIM?"

      "That is called a droid decoy. This is called a trap. And I'm calling you dead"
      When the phoenix is destroyed, The reverse is true, It will regenerate, And it will come for you...... -Phoenix

    • How did you know he was sorry? (you'd better be sorry Esponer...)
      I am on AIM, but I don't really feel like talking <shrugs>

      In keeping with the middle ages theme of today's Blue Peter, we'll be learning how to make our own Iron Maiden.
      You will need: Some Thick Cardboard
      Some Kebab Skewers and
      A bicyle chain.

    • SilverDragon smiles. "Phoenix and I are friends on AIM too."

      Fear not the dragon,
      Fear not the wolf,
      Fear not the warship,
      Fear my Crescent Fighter.

    • Lord Gwydion walks in and orders a Voinian Atomic Neutron Star brandy, the newest (and now strongest) drink in existence. He then goes and blows away a table with his Atomic Deathray Blaster for no reason at all.

      YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
      PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
      GaZoRK. CHuMBLE SpuZz.
      (url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url)

    • "Voinian Atomic Neutron Star brandy," SilverDragon mused. "Give me one or four."

      Fear not the dragon,
      Fear not the wolf,
      Fear not the warship,
      Fear my Crescent Fighter.

    • Overrider walks in sits down at a table gets up and thinks of something to do I know all rules don't count so he gets into his (newly paid for by Lord Gwydion) Ultra Battle Cruiser and blows up the entire bar killing the very few people there

      All quiet on the western front.
      But not for long...

    • SilverDragon gets very angry and fist fights Overrider's cruiser. SilverDragon
      comes out the victor.

      "You ruined my drink!" He orders another one from the barman, floating in space.

      Fear not the dragon,
      Fear not the wolf,
      Fear not the warship,
      Fear my Crescent Fighter.

    • You drink too much SilverDragon. Care to buy me one?

      In keeping with the middle ages theme of today's Blue Peter, we'll be learning how to make our own Iron Maiden.
      You will need: Some Thick Cardboard
      Some Kebab Skewers and
      A bicyle chain.

    • Lord Gwydion regenerates, and orders another Voinian Atomic Neutron Star Brandy, because his old one was ruined by the odd battleship.

      YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
      PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
      GaZoRK. CHuMBLE SpuZz.
      (url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url)

    • SilverDragon shrugs, buys himself another of those Atomic drinks, drains it,
      drains the fifth one after three more, and buys Jess a few.

      Extremely drunk, he twirls around and around, dizzy. "Ten green bottles, hanging
      from a donkey. Ten green bottles! Hanging from a cow. And if one pig's liver,
      should accidentally fall, they'd be nine green bottles and donkey with a fish,"
      SilverDragon murmurs.

      He looks at Jess. "Hey! You're the one who stole my donkey!"

      Fear not the dragon,
      Fear not the wolf,
      Fear not the warship,
      Fear my Crescent Fighter.

    • Jade walks into the bar, and sighs when seeing SilverDragon acting like a prat.

      "SilverDragon, you're a typical man," she commented, rolling her eyes. Jade bought
      herself a non-alcoholic beverage known as water, and splashed it on SilverDragon's

      There was no result. Jade used a Super-Matic De-Drunkulator.

      There was no result, other than a punch in the face that went in the wrong direction.

      Jade sighed. "Men."

      OOC: Wow, I nearly have 1000 posts as SilverDragon. I should really start posting
      as Jade then, since despite my email andrew doesn't seem interested in deleting
      all my old names so I can get a "fresh" start.
      A.S.S Beatrix,
      Save the Queen.

      (This message has been edited by Jade (edited 05-11-2001).)

    • ESPilot hands out everybody's drinks. He drinks a Voinian Neutron Star thingie for the heck of it and says "These are good." ESPilot says to Jess and SIlverDragon "I've heard that when two people fight, they really care about each other." ESPilot drinks another Neutron Star thing and starts drunkily singing "99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer......"

      Why settle for a $3 pound of pork meat, when you can get up to 50+ pounds of human meat free? Visit (url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url) today!