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    • The Dark Shadow

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      Welcome to The Dark Shadow!


      BY NOVA6



      1. You may control only your own character.
      2. No total destruction.
      3. Your posts may only account for one weeks time and one day's action.
      4. No undefeatable protections.
      5. Lifepads (small shield protection modules) may be used while aboard one's own or affiliated structure, and warsuit (suits with life support and shielding) may be used given time to put one on before going onto a hostile structure.
      6. Thread Moderators may revoke your posts at any time if they do not follow these rules.
      7. Anything acquired or developed must be noted. Background developments are allowed only by moderators.

      Rules for researching:
      1. You have to post saying that you have started researching something, and the researching of that thing is done.
      2. Tech and Civil advances are made during the story timeframe.
      3. All tech is the same as in EVO, to get new tech you have to research it.

      This's what you should post when you start a research project:

      Research project initiated

      Project name: <Put the name of your project here>

      Estimated time to finish: <Put number of posts until your project is done here. Example: "4 posts" (That means that when I post 4 action posts then the project is done)>

      NOTE: This story starts when you first start out in the game. In other words no missions have been done, the UE and Voinians have not discovered the Miranu yet, the Rock is still existent, ect. ect.

      GLACTIC MAP: Carnotuar is working on it.

      TO ALL PEOPLE WHO WANT TO JOIN: You have to post info on your character before you post about doing something.

      INTRO: OK, people. I've decided that everyone will control empires or join us as roamers. Roamers are mercenaries who do work for other governments. If you don't want to be a roamer, you can choose to control a government. You can control either the Voinains, UE, Strandless, Renegades, Miranu, Zidagar, Igadzra, or the Azdgari.
      I will start it out by claimimg the Azdgari.

      Here is some info on my character:

      Name: Nova6
      Spiecies: Azdgari
      Ocupation: Emporer of the Azdgari empire.
      Lives: Dames
      Ship: Azdgari Warship
      Ship name: Lone Darkness
      Ship specs:
      100 more armor,
      100 more shields,
      Azdara fighter bay-8 Azdaras,
      IFF Decoder,
      Density scanner,
      2 more Phase turrets,
      Dispersal rocket launcher-25 rockets,
      6 Azdgari Warship escorts.


      Long live the Rebellion!
      (url="http://"")Visit my cool EV website!(/url)

      (This message has been edited by Nova6 (edited 04-12-2001).)

      (This message has been edited by Nova6 (edited 04-12-2001).)

      (This message has been edited by Nova6 (edited 04-15-2001).)

    • Interesting. I think I'd like to start out as a roamer. Here's some info on my character:

      Species: human, taller and smarter than average with good physical strength
      Ship: Crescent Warship
      Name: S.S. Honor Blade
      Lives: Nomadic; doesn't stay in one place for long, currently on Veltes
      60 more armor
      90 more shields
      60 more accel
      50 more turning
      60 more speed
      2 pursuit missile launchers, 50 missiles
      1 Crescent Fighter bay, 5 CF's (was accidentally 50 before this post was edited)
      IFF Decoder
      Density Scanner
      Nebula Penetration Device (NPD)
      5 phase turrets
      A fleet of 2 CW's, 3 Renegade Aradas, and 2 Laziras

      Tell me if I'm eligible!

      ESPilot; Ship: S.S. Honor Blade, Alliance: Anyone who pays him huge sums of cash for killing people (in other words, he's a bounty hunter),
      Combat Rating: Boosted to Ultimate after wrecking the Z.S.S. Dramatic and a gang of CW's.

      (This message has been edited by ESPilot (edited 04-11-2001).)

    • I'll be UE.

      Name: REDchigh
      Spiecies: Human
      Ocupation: Prime Minnister of the UE
      Lives: Paaren
      Specialty: Diplomacy and military strategy
      Ship:UE Cruiser
      Ship name: U.E.S. Alabama
      Ship specs:
      Bronev, Dospect, shield enhancers
      3 more UE fighters
      IFF Decoder,
      Density scanner,
      5 Neutron Turrets,
      Five Hunter missile Launchers
      8 UE Destroyer escorts
      Spent most of my private savings (roughly 10M) Upgrading the maneuverability to that of a Destroyer.

      The difference in
      insantiy and ingenious is
      measured just by success.

    • With Apoc.Night and the sequel to Red Horizon coming, this isn't a good idea, but
      I'm in.


      Igadzra's the name (well, the government) shooting Azdgari's the.......job.

      Name: Esponer <-- mind calling me Esponer?
      Species: Human/Igadzra Hybrid
      Ocupation: Supreme Commander of the Igadzra
      Lives: Nomadic (rallies Igadzra forces from aboard the Silhouette)
      Ship: Modified Igazra
      Ship name: Igazra
      Ship specs:
      750 shields (Igazra is 500)
      100 armour (Igazra is 40)
      270 top speed
      Good turning
      Good acceleration
      ECM, Cloaking device, Shield/Speed upgrades

      3 SAE launchers, 30 SAE modules
      Crescent fighter bay
      6 Igazra escorts - all piloted by Ultimate rating pilots, all Igazra escort with
      Crescent fighter bay


      <<Message of Redchigh of the United Earth>>
      <<From Esponer, Supreme Commander of the Igadzra>>
      <<Encryption Sequence Diu-7 Active>>

      I suggest that our peoples work together.

      Esponer out.


      Research project initiated

      Project name: SAI modules

      Estimated time to finish: 5-6 posts

      Information: SAI (search and incinerate) modules are the ultimate upgrade to the original
      SAD module. They pack more power, are faster and more accurate, as they do not spin as
      much. 3 SAI modules can seriously damage almost anything.

      Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by SilverDragon:
      **With Apoc.Night and the sequel to Red Horizon coming, this isn't a good idea, but
      I'm in.

      Don't worry. This story can be for people who don't want to be a part of Apoc. Night, and the Red Horizon Sequel (which I am going to start) still needs some work before it actually starts.

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • Quote

      Originally posted by ESPilot:
      Tell me if I'm eligible!

      You sure are! Welcome to the story! 🙂


      Originally posted by SilverDragon:
      With Apoc. Night and the sequel to Red Horizon coming, this isn't a good idea, but
      I'm in.

      Well, first of all, I didn't know what Apoc. Night was at that time. Seconed, I didn't know that the sequel to Red Horizon was coming. I only just came back.

      NOTE: If anyone wants to be a Co-Moderator, just let me know.

      Long live the Rebellion!
      (url="http://"")Visit my cool EV website!(/url)

    • I shall be the Voinians.

      My ship: Voinian Cruiser
      My ship name: V.E.S. Carnotaur
      My extra weapons (in addition to a normal Voinian Cruiser's weaponry):
      2 Neutron Turrets
      150 Armor
      100 Shields
      2 Rocket Launchers - 20 Rockets
      2 Hunter Missile Launchers - 20 Pursuit Missiles (captured from the UE)
      1 Voinian Interceptor Bay - 4 Voinian Interceptors

      Info on me:

      Species: Voinian
      Home: Ylynn Outpost
      Father: Fleet Admiral Borb Jr. 😉
      Height: 7' 4"

      Protect Initiated: Phase Neutron Turrets (phase turrets with neutron generators)

      Time to completion: 3 posts

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

      (This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 04-12-2001).)

      (This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 04-12-2001).)

    • Zidagar, baby!

      Name: Samurai
      Species: Zidagar
      Occupation: Emporer of the Zidagar.
      Lives: Tumni
      Ship: Upgraded Zidara
      Ship name: Phased Terror
      Ship specs:
      50 more armor,
      200 more shields,
      Extra Zidagar Bay, 2 Fighters for it,
      IFF Decoder,
      Density scanner,
      Phase Turrets replaced with Phased Beam Turrets,
      + 20 Dispy Rockets
      4 Zidara escorts.

      I think the Zidagar should start out with about 40 million credits, + 2.5 mil per day. That sound good, Nova?
      I'm right.
      (url="http://"") Pilot File Trading Network (/url)

      (This message has been edited by Samurai (edited 04-12-2001).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Samurai:
      I think the Zidagar should start out with about 40 million credits, + 2.5 mil per day. That sound good, Nova?

      Ok, sounds good. Later I'll post how much money everyone else has.

      Hey Samurai, would you like to be co-moderator with me?

      Oh, and Carnotaur, I'll need that map soon.

      Long live the Rebellion!
      (url="http://"")Visit my cool EV website!(/url)

    • :eek: :eek: :eek: :::ECONOMY REPORT::: :eek: :eek: :eek:

      Here is the list of how much money indivuals have.

      Nova6(Azdgari):.......................40 million + 4 mil/day*

      ESPilot:.....................20 million

      -REDCHIGH-(UE):...................35 million + 3 mil/day*

      SilverDragon(Igadzra)**:.....................40 million + 2 mil/day*

      Captain Carnotaur(Vonians)**:.....................35 million + 3 mil/day*

      Samurai(Zidagar):.....................40 million + 2.5 mil/day*

      • = all days are actual real life days
        ** = Researching project (Researching takes up money, so everyone who is researching something, gets 1 million taken off their credits per day)

      Governments still open for taking:


      Long live the Rebellion!
      (url="http://"")Visit my cool EV website!(/url)

    • Sure, I'll be co-moderator.

      I'm right.
      (url="http://"") Pilot File Trading Network (/url)

    • No one make any moves until we've got more of the govt's covered. That way everyone can start in equally, at the same time. Everything is currently frozen 'till we get a few more players.

      And Carno, how'd you get those Phase Turrets? You don't even know that the Miranu exist.

      I'm right.
      (url="http://"") Pilot File Trading Network (/url)

    • BTW, Combat Rating for me: Ultimate

      Combat Ratings for my fleet:
      Arada: Deadly
      Arada: Deadly
      CW (not mine, my escort's CW): Ultimate
      Arada: Deadly
      Lazira: Ultimate
      Lazira: Deadly

      ESPilot; Ship: S.S. Honor Blade, Alliance: Anyone who pays him huge sums of cash for killing people (in other words, he's a bounty hunter),
      Combat Rating: Boosted to Ultimate after wrecking the Z.S.S. Dramatic and a gang of CW's.

      (This message has been edited by ESPilot (edited 04-12-2001).)

    • Oh, one more thing, since I'm the only 'merchant' here, I'll be working for Samurai and the Zidagar with my fleet. And my fleet's ship have names of course:
      Arada: Starfire
      Arada: Icerazor
      Arada: Thunderclaw
      Lazira: Feargrip
      Lazira: Fireswipe
      CW: Lightning Star
      And of course my ship: S.S. Honor Blade

      ESPilot; Ship: S.S. Honor Blade, Alliance: Anyone who pays him huge sums of cash for killing people (in other words, he's a bounty hunter),
      Combat Rating: Boosted to Ultimate after wrecking the Z.S.S. Dramatic and a gang of CW's.

    • Samurai; okay, fine, but I don't like it.

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
      **Samurai; okay, fine, but I don't like it.


      Neither do I, but hey, you don't hear me complaining do you?

      ESPilot; Ship: S.S. Honor Blade, Alliance: Anyone who pays him huge sums of cash for killing people (in other words, he's a bounty hunter),
      Combat Rating: Boosted to Ultimate after wrecking the Z.S.S. Dramatic and a gang of CW's.

    • I will control the Murainu or however you spell it.

      Name: Blackwing
      Ship: Cresent Warship
      I'll get back to you for the rest of the info but I will be on everyone's side.

    • Rats, my favorite govs are taken. I'll be the Renagades!

      Name: Titan
      Race: Human
      Postion: Supreme Dictator for life of the Renagades
      Ship type: Creacent warship
      Ship name: The Blue Fire
      Personel fleet: 3 creacent warships, 2 Turncoats, and 5 Aradas.

      Anakin Flyswater, meet Obi-wan Beloni!

      (This message has been edited by Titan (edited 04-12-2001).)

    • I'll be a roamer
      Name: Rima
      Race: Miranu/Zidgar
      occupation: anything.trader,mercenary...
      Lives: nowhere really.Pozdag-3 is where she was born and visits.
      Ship type: Lazira
      Ship name: BlackStar
      outfits: normal + Fuel scoop,auto-refueler,Iff decoder,density scanner,extra phase turret and -1 Dipsy rocket launcher.All the dipsy rockets and SAD modules BlackStar can fit.Zidgar ECM(well she was born on Pozdag-3 which stands to reason she has done some missons for the Zidgar in the past).
      Fleet: 3 arada's.

      I'm not dead yet.In fact I feel pretty good!"
      I cut off your arm!""It's only a flesh wound!"
      "Bless this holy hand grenade..."

      (This message has been edited by Rima (edited 04-12-2001).)

    • OOC: I know the game has not really started yet, but please let me have the following

      <<Message to Rima, Roamer>>
      <<From Esponer, Supreme Commander of the Igadzra>>
      <<Top Class Courier>>

      I have heard that you have access to the Zidagar ECM systems. Unless you are
      particularly keen on the Zidagar, I was wondering whether I could hire you, and
      perhaps trade the secret of SAE modules for Zidagar ECM........

      Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)