Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • The Rock Bar

      41 233 2700

      Well the other bar was getting long so I made a new one.Same rules and here they are:
      One: No time related weopons
      two: No killing anyone w/o their permission
      three: DON'T GET BANNED!

      Rima walks into the Rock's Bar.The renegades are all squabbaling about whose the new bartender since they killed the old one.Rima says she put a bomb in the bar and they all suddenly have a pressing engagment. Rima's the new bartender.

      I'm not dead yet.In fact I feel pretty good!"
      I cut off your arm!""It's only a flesh wound!"
      "Bless this holy hand grenade..."

    • OOC: In this SilverDragon is a bit different. He's a real Zachit, with a kinder
      personality, and he's not a hulk like the last one. 6 feet tall, slender and
      with a VERY fast reaction rate. Oh, and his race is human, but he likes the Miranu
      a lot, since he was born on Mira.

      Ship type: Miranu Gunship, with 3 phased beamers (lots of mention of the phased
      beamer, so fear it!


      SilverDragon walks into the bar, after a series of very loud explosions outside
      the Rock. Rima gives him an accusatory look.

      "What?" SilverDragon says innocently. "I just wanted to land - but the renegades
      out there had other ideas. It not MY fault if a few of them got in the way while
      I was testing my phased beamers."

      "It's a very nice weapon, but I still like phase turrets and pursuit missiles."

      "Oh, and I'd like some water, please." SilverDragon asks Rima.

      Jude's left. sniff
      We'll miss you/are missing you!
      sniff sniff

    • Rima sighs and rolls her eyes.She gives him his water.Rima smiles and waits for a few more peopole then considers something.
      "Exactly why were you testing out your Phase beams?"she asks.

      I'm not dead yet.In fact I feel pretty good!"
      I cut off your arm!""It's only a flesh wound!"
      "Bless this holy hand grenade..."

      (This message has been edited by Rima (edited 04-19-2001).)

    • <Double post>

      (This message has been edited by Rima (edited 04-19-2001).)

    • "Okay, okay, I admit it!" SilverDragon laughs.

      "They were firing at me. After my ships shields dropped to 7%, I decided to
      give them one last final warning, and then open fire."

      "What other choice did I have? Anyway, I don't think I called anyone. I just
      disabled about 10 renegade ships - the explosions came from when some of the
      fire hit asteroids."

      "Thanks for the water." SilverDragon smiles. "It's much nicer here than it was on
      North Tip Station."

      "Also, Draco, I drink water because a) I don't want to be drunk in a renegade bar,
      and 🆒 I don't like alcohol. That simple enough for you?"


      OOC: Rima, you are the only person I know my age who understands what "rolling your
      eyes" mean! Everybody at my school thinks I'm crying when I roll my eyes at their
      annoying, childish comments.

      Sorry - back to the bar now.
      Jude's left. sniff
      We'll miss you/are missing you!
      sniff sniff

      (This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-19-2001).)

    • Draco, an tall Emalghion with two arms walks into the bar.

      "He probably just needed an excuse to kill some renegades. By the way, SilverDragon, how come you always just have water? Are you afraid of getting drunk?"

      The dragon awaits no whims but his own...
      Doom, gloom, and things that go boom!!
      Die Voinan Die!!!!!!!

    • "Your welcome."Rima smiles at his Thanks."Really though i don't mind if you disable them.They cause trouble sometimes.I imagine some will figure out there really isn't a bomb and come back to try to take over again.And Draco it is a little dangerous to get drunk around renegades.Especially if you have money on you."

      I'm not dead yet.In fact I feel pretty good!"
      I cut off your arm!""It's only a flesh wound!"
      "Bless this holy hand grenade..."

    • "Don't worry," SilverDragon assures Rima. "I didn't buy a new torp. crossbow,
      but I have some nerve grenades, a shocklance and an impact rifle."

      "The nerve grenades freeze people in place, the shocklance is a light made of
      energy that shocks people, and the impact rifle causes massive pressure to the
      target - I mainly use it to move other ships that are parked in my favourite
      parking spot." SilverDragon grins.

      "Anyway, does anyone want to hear my tale of the Battle of Spica? It occured in
      the Apocalyptic Night galaxy, between the friendly Capellan Confederacy - the
      defenders - and the power hungry Imperium Navy - the cunning attackers."

      Jude's left. sniff
      We'll miss you/are missing you!
      sniff sniff

    • He runs into the bar and satrts fire random phase shots everywhere. Oen hits the water tank, and all the water spills onto the flor.

    • "I'd love to hear of the battle."

      Slaps Miranu dude

      The dragon awaits no whims but his own...
      Doom, gloom, and things that go boom!!
      Die Voinan Die!!!!!!!

    • A horde of drunk renegades barge into the bar, waving neutron rifles around in
      one hand and either clutching another renegade to stand upright or holding glasses
      half filled with the most intoxicating drink around.

      One walks up to Rima. "Gimme 'me bar back!"

    • Rima shakes her head, amused but see's Renegades coming back and knows they like a good story so she quickly replies to Silver Dragon."Sure go ahead, everyone likes a good story."She gets a new tank of water and hides it behind the counter.Then she sees the renegade."It's not your bar.Everyone was fighting about it when I came in because all the renegades had shot the bartender.Don't even think about trying to take it.I have weapons everywhere."She glares at the renegade.

      I'm not dead yet.In fact I feel pretty good!"
      I cut off your arm!""It's only a flesh wound!"
      "Bless this holy hand grenade..."

      (This message has been edited by Rima (edited 04-19-2001).)

    • SilverDragon fires a bolt from the Impact Rifle at the Miranu, throwing him up
      against a wall.

      He throws a nerve grenade at some renegades, leaving them unconscious on the
      ground, and finishes them up with some sweeps of his shocklance.

      Jude's left. sniff
      We'll miss you/are missing you!
      sniff sniff

    • Phoenix walks in a and orders water, concuring with Silver Dragons wisdom regarding alcohol. He also crisps the trouble makers. "By the way, Zigazdra Flameout's not a alchoholic beverage". He watches the renegades and then falls asleep, his head on the table.

    • "Well," SilverDragon begins.

      "The Imperium Navy sent a quarter of their navy to a place called Lethe in a
      fake assualt, while their main ships moved in to attack Spica."

      "Most of the Capellan militia met the small Imperium fleet in Lethe, and quickly
      routed the Imperium ships. But the slow Imperium ships took so long to run away
      to the system of Raigar, 3 days even for a fighter, that the Capellan militia
      ambushed them there and destroyed almost every Imperium ship.

      "But then the Imperium army leapt into the Spica system, and....." SilverDragon

      "Another drink please."

      Jude's left. sniff
      We'll miss you/are missing you!
      sniff sniff

    • Phoenix notes that he knows what rolling ones eyes means, if it matters to anyone.

    • Rima quickly gives Silver Dragon some water as the renegades start to stir.

      I'm not dead yet.In fact I feel pretty good!"
      I cut off your arm!""It's only a flesh wound!"
      "Bless this holy hand grenade..."

    • Uses his stun gun to knock 'em down a bit, then drag's them out into the garbage chute.

    • SilverDragon twirls and fires his Impact rifle, carefully using it to direct most
      of the renegades outside the bar.

      "Well, the Imperium Navy keapt into the system of Spica, and they met about
      10 Falcons, 25 Dragoons and 30 Vipers. They laughed! This force was the defences
      of Spica and Derian - there had been a short warning - but it was pathetic, nothing
      against the Imperium army."

      "The Imperium met them in combat, but were wary of the 15 Icarus's that they knew
      rested on the planet Amarant."

      "The Capellans had the Falcons take up position in the middle, moved the Dragoons
      round to the flanks, and had the Vipers circle round. Meanwhile, the Icarus's
      took off and began to appear above the Falcons."

      "As you can imagine, the Imperium fleet targeted the Falcons. Within a few seconds
      2 Falcons were destroyed, and the Imperium then pushed backwards through the Vipers."

      "Then the Icarus's came forward and wreaked havoc in the Imperium lines, but they
      couldn't pull back. So the Capellan forces moved through to escort them as the
      Icarus's plunged through the Imperium ranks."

      "More water please."

      Jude's left. sniff
      We'll miss you/are missing you!
      sniff sniff

    • Phoenix falls asleep.