Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Plug-in planning... The Battle of Sol

      I was going to sleep last night, and my thought turned to EVO. Suddenly, I had a flash of insight. An EVO TC, taking the player back to the time when man had just developed space travel. The Voinians arrived, bringing terror and destruction. Now, the newly minted United Earth Government must battle back against this seemingly unstoppable Alien force.

      You, as the player, start off as a fresh young UE pilot. Your family was slaughtered by the Voinians, and you are filled with the burning desire to assist in the defeat of the Voinians. Now you must choose whether to become a UE Naval Captain, an covert ops agent, a ship designer, or a UE scientist. Captain, the universe awaits you...

      I'm right.
      (url="http://"") Pilot File Trading Network (/url)

    • Sounds interesting

      The last time I was on this board, the price of dumb questions was really high.
      Ask me what I'm doing.

    • Ooooh... coolies... That's really cool...
      Hm, so who's gonna do it?

      Arrrrrrr, matey!!!!

    • Could I invent some new (old) Voinian ships? Kind of semi-dreadnoughts that are described as 'hulks' in the intro text. The reason we don't see them around any more is because they were all destroyed in the Battle of Sol, and the Voinians decided not to build any more vessels of that class.

      The UE would not have Balshova's cruiser of course, but their other ships would still be available. The Freight-courier might not have been invented yet, but all the other human ships seem to have quite a long history in service. Maybe there were a few other ship types which are now considered obsolete... they would have to have worse stats than normal EV:O ships - that's why they're obsolete.

      Some of the frontier planets might still be inhabited.
      Pax station would be in Voinian hands.

      The UE would not have made contact with any other aliens at the time of the Battle of Sol. I suggest that the Crescent and the Miranu should be unreachable. Occasional pers from outside might still be seen, but their origin would be a mystery.

      Huron would still be pro-Earth and the renegades would be less well established. Some of them in the far south might have a bit of Crescent tech, though.

      That's my 2c.

      I'm sorry my karma ran over your dogma. (url="http://"")New & Improved: Cerberus Station!(/url)
      I got this .sig file at - don't even think about taunting me!

    • I'm gonna make it, but if anyone wants to help me, with graphics and stuff, that'd be great. I'm thinking about having the UE start off with their only real weapon being the Spark Cannon, which will be a really pathetic weapon. Their military ships will be little UE Enforcers, about the size of Helian but with spark cannons. They will scramble to develop blaze weaponry, Hunter Launchers, and more.

      Yeah, the Renegades will be just starting to be a problem, and the UE will turn a blind eye for a bit, allowing them to gain strength.

      Ooh, sounds good VA! Sounds very good! I'd love to add some Voinian hulks!

      I'm right.
      (url="http://"") Pilot File Trading Network (/url)

    • May I make a suggestion?

      I think the UE should have missile type weapons such as the types they already have,
      but I think they should be very weak and inaccurate.

      Only one type of ship - the UE Enforcer - would be boring. I'd include a warship
      that looks, and performs, like a freighter, and slowly bring the technological
      advancement up to a higher level with UE Destroyers.

      A.S.S Beatrix,
      Save the Queen.

    • Yeah, they'll be probably UE Warships that would be fairly big and slow, with Spark Turrets.

      Pax Station will be built at the end as part of the "treaty" between the UE and the Voinians, like it says in the description.

      I'm right.
      (url="http://"") Pilot File Trading Network (/url)

    • UPDATE: All spobs and systs are done. I've sketched out one part of the UE navy plotline, and I think it is going really well. Have created the spark cannon, still need to make/find graphics for it, the UE Enforcer, and the UE Warship. Actual coding is going fairly well, haven't started coding any missions yet but have fixed some descs around UE space. Estimated amount of missions, Oh, 60 or so.

      I'm right.
      (url="http://"") Pilot File Trading Network (/url)

    • Excellent Idea! have to remember a few things though. One, UE areava will be a lot smaller, like just maybe 7 or 8 systems. very few stations. The Voinians can't have rocket turrets, but let them have Heavy fighters, only with one neutron cannon each.(?) and all UE ships will probably have solar panels. Oh, and I'd be glad to help with the sprites! If someone will go through the trouble of making my picts into 36 frame picts, i have some awesome ships pointing straight up.

      The difference in
      insantiy and ingenious is
      measured just by success.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Samurai:
      You, as the player, start off as a fresh young UE pilot. Your family was slaughtered by the Voinians, and you are filled with the burning desire to assist in the defeat of the Voinians. Now you must choose whether to become a UE Naval Captain, an covert ops agent, a ship designer, or a UE scientist.

      or a Voinian Traitor....

      The difference in
      insantiy and ingenious is
      measured just by success.

    • Maybe I'll make a branch from the Covert Ops string to become a Voinian double-agent.

      Hmm, email the PICTs to me and I'll see what I can do about making them 36-framed.

      I'm right.
      (url="http://"") Pilot File Trading Network (/url)

    • Also, you'd have to have the Voinians using space mines - or would this be just after the banning?

    • Oh yes, space mines will be an integral part of the plotline... you'll be disarming a few minefields in your time.

      I'm right.
      (url="http://"") Pilot File Trading Network (/url)

    • You should make the early space ships like today's space shuttle (or somehow like that) and give them VERY few guns...

      Arrrrrrr, matey!!!!

    • Voinians wouldn't have turreted rockets, but they'd still have normal rockets, as
      they used them when they first appeared.

      Also, how about a mission where a Miranu Courier that doesn't hail you visits some
      UE planets, but you can't do anything about it?

      And have it so there are no fuel scoops, and no ships have enough range to reach
      any Crescent worlds, even with a couple of very horrible fuel tanks. That way, the
      Crescent worlds still exist, but you quite simply can't get there.

      Don't play with changing names:
      Esponer - 130 posts
      Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
      Sylver - 1 post

    • How about adding in a new (old) UE ship called the UE Battleship?


    • UPDATE: UE Naval string fully sketched out. Have coded the first part of the UE Naval string. Graphics for UE Enforcer (one of Eeun's ships with some color matching) and UE Battleship (courtesy of Skull Werks' free shipyard) are taken care of, they look awesome. Planning to add a massive Voinian Battlestation near the end of the missions. Still need to make some graphics for it. I'd also like to say that Ralph and Roger are the best two people in the universe. 🙂

      I'm right.
      (url="http://"") Pilot File Trading Network (/url)

    • I thought that there was the UE Destroyer but no UE Carrier at the Battle of Sol. I would think that you should at least have developement of the Carrier ssince it says, "The UE Carrier was rushed into mass production to take advantage of the Voinian defeat at the Battle of Sol." in the resources. The not being able to reach the Crescent but it still being ther is a good idea except for the fact that you can ask passing freighters for feul and you just have to pay your way there and buy a CW or something. So you will have to change the systems between UE and Crescent space to have no düdes in them. I can change this for you. I can do decent cannon weapons also. So if you don't have a sprite for the Spark Cannon I can provide you with one if you give me a description of what it should look like.

      "The heathens are upon us, arm yourselves and go with God."-Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Admiral Benden:
      **I thought that there was the UE Destroyer but no UE Carrier at the Battle of Sol. I would think that you should at least have developement of the Carrier ssince it says, "The UE Carrier was rushed into mass production to take advantage of the battle of SOL.

      Tell me if I'm right- The plug took place before the battle of Sol. The Carrier could be in the Development stages, but can't be for sale until way after the battle of Sol.

      The difference in
      insantiy and ingenious is
      measured just by success.