Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Hating on Voinians?

      29 133 248

      Ya know, I've been looking around this web board, and it seems that the Voinians are not so popular, and not many people openly support them here. It think that this is wrong. The Voinians are cool! People always rant about how they kill innocent people... I say: so what? The Emalgha just suck and need to be smacked down, and all those other races the Voinians conquered, I can't think of a reason they needed to be killed but the point is that the Voinians are being hated on and it should stop!

      Oh, and let it never be said that I am some sort of UE hater, I think that they are good too. Just don't hate on Voinians, so maybe at some point Lonevoinian will be less "Lone" in liking the Voinians. 🙂

      This is all soooo unimportant...

    • I guess you will be Lonebattledoctor, together with Lonevoinian 🙂


    • Drat. I have to change my name to Notsolonevoinian. I wonder if that will fit?

      (url="http://"")Don't click here.(/url)
      The Person who misspells "Voinian" knows not of the 50 gigaton nuke coming at their cranium.

      My objective is to live forever. So far so good.

    • Testing...Testing...One, 2, Three

    • It sounds nice 😄


    • According to the story told in EV:O, the Voinians are a very evil race. It's hard to dispute that. However, I still say thank goodnesss for the Voinians! Supporting the UE is a great string of missions which give you a real sense of achievement. If they'd just stayed at home and planted crops, you'd have nobody to fight... ever decalred war on the Miranu? Probably not.

      So, the Voinians are nasty, but thank goodness they exist. Further, when you're bored of fighting for the UE, you can always pop in the ROTV plug, and experience a whole new side to EV:O.

      Finally, people who say the Voinians suck are mistaken. Arguments along the lines of 'they lost all their secret weaponry when one of them defected', 'they get beaten by the Emalgha and the Hinwar' or 'their dreadnought is easy to destroy' fail to recognise that these things only happen because the player intervenes. If you play as a defector to the Voinian empire, they don't suck at all.

      So, hate them? Maybe. But I'm glad they're in the game.

      I got this .sig file at - don't even think about taunting me!

    • I totally agree with you about what you said. 🆒

      This is all soooo unimportant...

    • I don't say they suck! I just hate them!! I'M HINWAR FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!

      Hi! I'm Alien the Hinwar and I'm a stuiped jerk!
      I'm big, mad, strong, and Hinwar! I yell 'LONG LIVE THE UE!', but I smash vikimadegie lovers every chance I get!
      Cause I'm Alien the Hinwar and I'm a stuiped jerk!
      I'm always making the mods mad doing something or another, but I'll never learn! I'll never turn! Look at my karma!

    • Oh. I see. I wondered whose Voinian Supply ship that was, parked in Docking Bay 5.
      (sarcasm)Neat wheels, man!(/sarcasm)

      I got this .sig file at - don't even think about taunting me!

    • See what I'm talking about? This Hinwar fool here said that he hates the Voinians. That is EXACTLY what I am talking about. Please people, DONT HATE THE VOINIANS!

      This is all soooo unimportant...

    • I'm pretty confident that without player intervention the Voinians would be winning the war. Think about the missions you get with the UE. Rescue defector, scan and then destroy the dreadnought. Convince Hinwar and Emalgha to team up on Voinians. You play a crucial part in the Voinians destruction. But, play for the Voinians and they have you deploy probes, and "distract" emalgha forces while the real battles reigns in another system. The most important mission you get from them is a mistake (destroy UE convoy which turns out to be warfleet).

      Remember that thou art dust and to dust
      thou shalt return. And while your creation is forgoten your death you still spurn

    • I hate the Voinians, but if they did not exist in the game, who would I hate?

      The new slogan for Microsoft: Confutatis maledictis, flammis acribus addictis - Latin for, "When the damned are confounded, and consigned to sharp flames."

    • President George Bush the 32nd

      Belief in a cruel God makes a cruel man.

    • The reason people don't like the Voinians is because in EVO they are the bad guys.

      "One Ring to rule them all one Ring to find them, one Ring to bring them all into the darkness and bind them, in the land of mordor where the shadows lie."
      Check out the upcomming Lord of the Rings Movies at (url="http://"")

    • What does your post about our *** president elect have to do with this topic? Oh wait, I just figured I out... he he he... good one

      This is all soooo unimportant...

      (This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 01-17-2001).)

      (This message has been edited by Jude (edited 01-23-2001).)

    • Naw,really? Gee, I had no idea that the Voinians were the BAD GUYS! I thought that the evil aliens were the GOOD GUYS! You really clued me in on that one...I didn't know that! :rolleyes:

      Honestly, do you think that I'm totally stupid or something?

      This is all soooo unimportant...

    • George Bush is not dumb.

      Anyway, about the Voinians...

      I like the Voinians. Although I don't exactly HATE the UE, I do like the Voinians. Their ships are cool, and in the crescent even a Voinian Heavy Fighter rocks. Just think about what you could do with a Voinian Dreadnaught in the crescent. Wow. I'm thinking "blow up planet strength".

      Anyway, Voinians actually aren't 'Bad'. I hate it when people say that the Voinians are 'Bad' or 'Evil'. We think of them of bad because we would never do what they did. However, it's all just part of their mind, instinct, and nature. The Voinians are born with a built-in desire to conquer and destroy other races. They can't stop doing this because their brains are programmed with the instinct to destroy and conquer.

      In reality, they really aren't that bad.

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • Good point there, Carnotaur. In my post when I mentioned "evil aliens" I did not mean that I myselft hought of the Voinians as evil, but that the general consensus seems to be that they are evil, sadistic, and mean. Titan certaintly seemed to think so in his recent post on this topic.

      Down with George Walker Bush! :mad: :mad:

      This is all soooo unimportant...

    • George Bush is not dumb, just a poor misguided soul.

      Anyway, I don't think that the Voinians are evil just more advanced humans. Come on, can you seriously imagine us turing into the UE. They are just so perfect. They let planets go without a fight, they have no corruption, and have more comradery than any country (I think, I cant really speak for any country other than the US) today that doesn't use religion to influence it.
      Remember that thou art dust and to dust
      thou shalt return. And while your creation is forgoten your death you still spurn

      (This message has been edited by widowmaker (edited 01-17-2001).)

    • Hinwar fool!?!?!


      Vikimedigie fool! I hate whoever I please! And now I hate you!


      Hi! I'm Alien the Hinwar and I'm a stuiped jerk!
      I'm big, mad, strong, and Hinwar! I yell 'LONG LIVE THE UE!', but I smash vikimadegie lovers every chance I get!
      Cause I'm Alien the Hinwar and I'm a stuiped jerk!
      I'm always making the mods mad doing something or another, but I'll never learn! I'll never turn! Look at my karma!