The absolutely best way to get your karma upped is to not post with the aim of improving your karma. Pretend karma isn't there; don't make it a challenge to yourself. Many of the people who have had seriously negative karma posted specifically to get their karma raised. The main reason (I think, at least) that I'm at +1 is that I pay almost no attention at all to karma; I just ignore it, and if and when my karma gets raised, I'll just view it as a good side effect of normal posting, instead of trying to actively keep doing whatever I was doing. In a nutshell, just pretend the whole karma thing isn't there. It works for me, and it should for you too. 
P.S.: Good work UEG! The mods seem to be getting to like you (coughlikeforgecough). But remember to follow the advice above--keep posting normally; you don't have to try to make good posts on purpose to get your karma raised. Eventually, you'll be returned to the wonderful land of non-criminaldom... 
Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"")!
"Eighty percent of success is showing up."--Woody Allen, American movie director (1935- )