Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • An EVO Story: The Dark Tide

      17 233 1997

      This is an open EVO Story similar to Red Horizon.. Feel free to make your own character and join the plot. Since Red Horizon is the only story that is actively progressing right now, I thougt I'd start a new one. If you want to moderate this story, just post here and I'll give you the okay. If you want to rule an existing government that isn't already taken, ask away. Anyway, here are the rules:

      You can only control your own character.
      No completely killing other players unless they agree to it.
      Keep your posts reasonable. (None of this "Oh, by the way, I dominate the galaxy in my super-dreadnought" stuff.)
      You will recieve money based on the size of your empire or your wage, if you're independant.
      If you assault another players forces, give them a chance to post their reaction.
      Technology begins as it is in EVO. If you want to make a tech advance, invest some money in a research project.
      Above all: Have fun!

      Please read the topic: "Okay, everyone, some clarifications from a Moderator." before posting. Hopefully, that will prevent this topic from becoming a flame-war like so many other bars/stories. You can choose a personal skill for your character, such as Fighter Piloting, Computer Hacking, Diplomacy, or similar. No crazy skills like, "mind control." Have Fun, all!

      Macintosh for productivity, Linux for development, Palm for mobility, and Windows for Solitaire.

    • I claim Voinian SPace...

      How much money do we start out with?

      The difference in
      insantiy and ingenious is
      measured just by success.

    • I will be Miranu and Zachit...

      Hi! I'm Alien the Hinwar and I'm a stuiped jerk!
      I'm big, mad, strong, and Hinwar! I yell 'LONG LIVE THE UE!', but I smash vikimadegie lovers every chance I get!
      Cause I'm Alien the Hinwar and I'm a stuiped jerk!
      I'm always making the mods mad doing something or another, but I'll never learn! I'll never turn! Look at my karma!

    • Can I have NT renegades and Human renegades?

      --The Eye is Upon you--
      If you look long enough the Sun isn't that bright.

    • That's great. Red and Alien, you each start off with 40 million credits & 2 million per day, (Real life days.) Kiwi, you start off with 20 million creds and 1 mil per day, since you control a smaller area. I'll control the UE, I guess. I get 35 Million creds to start, & 1.5 m per day.

      Here's some character info:
      Name: Samurai
      Status: UE Admiral
      Skill: Battlefield Tactics
      Ship: U.E.S. Steadfast
      Ship Type: UE Cruiser
      Ship Modifications: 1 Extra Blaze Turret, Enhanced shields and armor.
      Escorts: 4 UE Destroyers
      Allies: None
      Enemies: Voinians, Human Renegades

      Macintosh for productivity, Linux for development, Palm for mobility, and Windows for Solitaire.

    • Entropy's ship autopiloted itself through the asteroid field, lights dimmed. Although this system was far beyond the boundary of habitable space, it had proved an excellant base for his operations. And although he didn't necessarily need a stolen Zachit fighter, as a well-placed computer virus could debiliatate any larger ships, the bootleg dual mass drivers gave him an edge along with his powerful engines when evading local law enforcement. He was currently recieving his paycheck.
      He didn't even know what Moebius Industries was, and they certainly didn't know who he was. The only reason he knew they existed was that he had broken just into their accounts. They probably would notice the dissapearance of two million credits from their accounts within a few days but would be at loss to explain how they dissapeared.
      There- transfer completed. Now he had some funds to work with/

      I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

    • Alien, could i be either of the Zachit or miranu OR be like a second in command dealy for your empire?

      Don't knock on the gates of hell, ring the doorbell, it drives them crazy.

    • I am Daedalus, a fighter pilot for the UE. Samurai can send me on missions. I am highly skilled and usually work independently doing covert op and sabatoge missions.

      Give them shell! give them solid shot! Damn them, give them anything!

    • Samurai calls daedalus to the breifing room on Luna.

      "Daedalus, we have a strange situation on our hands. As you well know, Moebius Industries was working on a classified project for us regarding stable wormholes. We've just recieved word that their payroll account has been hacked. Our security monitors identified the hacker as flying a stolen Zachit Fighter somewhere deep in uninhabitted space. Your mission is to locate this hacker and capture him alive. I want to know his rationale for this. Is he merely after the money, and if so, why would he risk hacking such a top-security firm? You might want to start by talking to the Zachit, maybe they can track the missing Fighter. If you complete this mission successfully, I'll pay you 750,000 credits. The Moebius project is big, and I don't want any Renegades messing with the accounts. I know this sounds like a wild goose chase, but I've got a bad feeling. Will you accept?"

      Macintosh for productivity, Linux for development, Palm for mobility, and Windows for Solitaire.

    • "I accept Commander Samurai. I will go to Zatchit right away."
      "Good luck Daedalus."
      "Thank you sir."

      Daedalus runs off towards his scoutship eager for action. He loads his equipment and supplies for the journey.
      <This is scoutship UE Darkstar requesting launch window>
      <This is Traffic, you are cleared for launch.>
      Engaging his thrusters, Daedalus lept out of his docking bay and took off accross the galaxy. Within a few days he had made it to the UE fringe worlds to refuel. The Darkstar quickly hypered into the uninhabited systems to the Miranu worlds.

      Give them shell! give them solid shot! Damn them, give them anything!

    • Attention: I am REDchigh, leader of the Voinian order. I would like to propose an alliance with anyone that will accept, esp. kiwi, because my weoponry is relativelyt weak against shields. I also would like to start a trade agreement with everyone, including the UE. Not an alliance, but just a trade agreement. we will both make money off of it. If the UE will not agree, then i will start making Space mines...

      Hey kiwi- don't claim the renegades, claim on of the strands! they are a lot stronger, and you'll get a lot more credits.... i would also really like an alliance with whoever claims the adzgari...

      The difference in
      insantiy and ingenious is
      measured just by success.

      (This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 02-01-2001).)

    • Entropy begins to scan commands from the CEO of Moebius industries.
      "My God... they're working on stable white holes! That could give them unlimited resources, giving them a monopoly on most industries! This is impossible! In a few days, they could gain a net worth equivacable to a small government." Entropy feels some sort of duty to stop industrial automation of any industry, even commodities. He uploads one of his predesigned viruses onto the Industrial Automaton's computer, powers up his ship, and hyperspaces off deeper into ininhabited space, just as a UE fighter enters the system. But it's sensors suddenly go downfor a minute and, back up again, not detecting the stolen fighter.
      Unbeknownst to the fighter pilot, Entropy has left a little suprise for anyone trailing him...

      I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

    • I accept your offer, Red. However, if any serious incursions into UE space are made, then you may consider our agreement terminated. This trade agreement will be mutually beneficial and I therefore agree.

      Samurai meets his top researcher, Dr. Lasker, in a secret UE laboratory. "Lasker, we need to face the facts. Our blaze weapons are cheap and easily mass-produced. However, they are much less powerful and efficient than we would like them to be. Effective immediately, you and your team are to research ways in which we can enhance the effectiveness of our weaponry. 1.5 million Credits have been allocated for this project. Will that be sufficient?"
      "It should be. Should we look for effectiveness against armor or shields?"
      "Preferably, both."
      "Very well, sir."

      Macintosh for productivity, Linux for development, Palm for mobility, and Windows for Solitaire.

    • Sure thing Tycho, you are hereby chief commander of the Zachit.

      Miranu Elder: Pikera Golden
      Specialty: Diplomancy
      Ship: M. Angel Wind
      Ship type: M. Heavy Frieghter
      Ship mods: A very unusual shield system...
      Escorts: 6 Zachiras from the plug-in Advance.. for those who don't know, these are Laziras modified to Zacha standerds, and have a fighter bay with 3 Zachit fighters.. lethal little buggers which were designed to take care of C. warships. Subtract 5 mil in the design of these warships. I know, it's only a little, but all they did was modify the ships. And Tycho has a full access to all Miranu and Zachit Vessals.
      Allies: Anyone who will trade..
      Enemies: Any who will not.

      Pikera, Elder of the Miranu Council, stretching out one of his long purple fingers and prodded his forehead.. "A UE scoutship asking about a stolen Zacha ship... Tell the pilot I will see him personally.." he says to one of his aids..

      And at the same time, he had agreed to the trade agreement with the Voinians.. "It's about time.. They have finally realized how much peace can bring... I hope.."

      A miranu walks up to daedalus.. "Our elder shall see you about the fighter now.." he says, and leads him through the giant jeweled doors to where Pikera sits behind his large desk, where papers are piled about... Pikera reaches over to a com and speaks.. "Aid, could you bring our chief commander of the Zacha force here? I believe he may want to hear this..." he says, and then looks to Daedalus.. "Hello friend. Our races have been trading for some time, and now it seems you have found something we are most interested in.. Please explain these odd happenings.."

      Hi! I'm Alien the Hinwar and I'm a stuiped jerk!
      I'm big, mad, strong, and Hinwar! I yell 'LONG LIVE THE UE!', but I smash vikimadegie lovers every chance I get!
      Cause I'm Alien the Hinwar and I'm a stuiped jerk!
      I'm always making the mods mad doing something or another, but I'll never learn! I'll never turn! Look at my karma!

      (This message has been edited by Alien 5672 (edited 02-01-2001).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Samurai:
      **I accept your offer, Red. However, if any serious incursions into UE space are made, then you may consider our agreement terminated. This trade agreement will be mutually beneficial and I therefore agree.

      How about an alliance? I could give you some much needed advice on how to make your blazes more powerful- its obvious- Respond and i'll tell you...

      The difference in
      insantiy and ingenious is
      measured just by success.

    • Can I be secound in command of the UE?

      "One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all into the darkness and bind them, in the land of mordor where the shadows lie."
      Check out the upcomming Lord of the Rings Movies at (url="http://"")

    • Daedalus responds to the Zachit commander:
      "Well sir, I don't know much because I am just a pilot. But was was told to me was about this giant Earth based corporation called Moebias industries. It is some research company. The strange thing is, that it reported losing 2 million credits. A zachit fighter was seen leaving the company soon after the disappearence. Since I was assigned to the mystery, I came here to see if you could trace the ship."

      Give them shell! give them solid shot! Damn them, give them anything!

    • I accept your offer RED, Samarai are the strands availliable?

      --The Eye is Upon you--
      If you look long enough the Sun isn't that bright.

    • It will be of no avail, entropy overrided the tracing system as soon as he stole the ship.

      Ship name- Phage
      Ship type- Zachit fighter
      Ship mods- Large sensor array, dual mass drivers, cargo pod
      Escorts- Hmmmm.... you'll see... not really ships, though...
      Allies- North tip renegades, i.e. North tip station, not rock renegades
      Enemies- Capitalism, diplomacy.

      I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

    • Titan, I hereby appoint you Minister of Alien Relations and Chief Exuctive Technology Researcher for the United Earth Government. If you want a different position, just ask.

      Kiwi. The Srands are all available. Please help yourself.

      Red, I decline. I'd rather just agree on a non-agression pact. Whaddya say?

      CONTINUATION: An Ensign runs up to Samurai. "Sir, we've detected a computer Virus that has been uploaded into the Moebius computer systems. Most of the data is safe, but all the allocation numbers have been wiped out."
      "Download them back from one of the Main Terminals on Luna. Were you able to track the Upload?"
      "No sir. However, the readings we did get indicate that it was that same stolen Zachit Fighter that made the upload."
      "Give Daedalus the location of the upload."
      "Yes sir."
      The Ensign runs off.

      Macintosh for productivity, Linux for development, Palm for mobility, and Windows for Solitaire.