The only time I cheat nowadays is when I am testing a plugin (like "Reign of the UE" which is (I}almost done!(/I)
I've got two pilots whom I went through the whole strings of missions in ROTUE (short for "Reign of the UE") with a HEAVILY modified Scoutships (thanks to dEViator II-Underride; it came with "Sabatour's Realm,")
When I said:
Originally posted by UE Patriot:
**The only time I cheat
Strike that. Besides testing plugins, the only time I cheat is when I want to do the mission requirements for a plugin (for example, a few days ago I used Meowx's "Cheat-o" plugin, bought myself a Turncoat, loaded it with an innumberable amount of Bronzev plating, Azdaras, Zidagar fighters, all types of weaponry, and so forth, and did the UE central objective and the nebula exploration missions before taking out the cheat plug and buying myself a UE Cruiser (which I soon sold again for a Cresent Warship, as I discovered hat those seem to work better when you'r going through Hrekka on a regular basis) and playing F-25. Well, let me tell you, it gets kind of boring once you've done the UE missions over and over and over and you continually blast Voinian Cruisers to pieces in seconds. Let this be known to all "regualr game expansion" plug makers: If your game involves the continuation of a mission string, download a pilot modification program before you create a "test pilot" for your plug. One such program is available in the Addons.
God bless,
UE Patriot
"Turn me over, I'm done on this side."- St. Lawerence at his martyrdom
"The glory of God is man fully alive"- some saint whose name I can't remember
Voinian lovers are ignorant of the UE marines taking over Borb Station.
Reign of the UE: Coming this year!