Carnotaur, in your last post you just covered about 6 months time. Highly illegal. Also I am allied with the Igadzra and I don't think they would give you 70 warships.
After checking on his ship status, Daedalus found himsely lost in the middle of nowhere with Buba's ship. Weapons, fire pursuit missles, dozens of missles were deployed at the same time that Buba launched SAD modules. Both captains watched as both weapons streaked toward eachother, then appear to fight against some pull and then drift to the west as their fuel died out.
Sonsors! What is going on. What pulled the missles aut of their flight path.
Ahh, C-c-captain.. I think we are being sucked into a black hole.
What!? Fire main thrusters pull us out.
Its to late Captain, the only way for either ship to esape would be to gain velocity by swinging around eachother with Tractor beams. We would then head in opposite dirrections and spiral out of orbit around the hole.
Comm, contact Buba, tell him of the plan, unfortunately we are going to have to work together and they will escape.
Daedalus, I agree to your plan, however you must power down all weapons and we will to. Prepare to Rondevou.
Weapons! Power up the tractor beams. Full thrusters forward. Get something to hang on to, the force will be enough to paste you against a wall.
The to ships speeded towards eachother. A 300 yards the tracter beams began reaching out towards eachother. As the beams met metal hull the manuever was began. Both ship began swing around eachother still accelerating. Hulls screeched as metal was torn away and hull breeches became numerous.
Buba, stand- by, release......... NOW!!
Both ships hurtled in opposite directions beginning their spiral orbit out of reach of the hole.
Hours later.
Daedalus, we have exited the holes gravity well. Prepared to engage hyperdrive. We don't know where we will end up.
Engage, I want to get back to Voinia has fast as possible. The blue flare of the hyper drive lit up as Apollo's Arrow disappeared from the system.
On The opposite side of the system. Buba's orange ship did the same.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.