Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • If you lived in the EVO universe.....

      What would you do? Be a civilian? A trader? Join the military? Go explore?Be a spy? What would you do if you actually lived in the EVO universe?

      Visit my site (url="http://"")http://www.angelfire...comb/index.html(/url)
      Email me

    • Join the voinians and blow the crap out of the UE.

      The folowing statement is true. The preciding statement is false.
      Books of the new millinea:Left Behind, Tribulaton Force, Nicolai, Soul Harvest, Apollyon, Assasins, The Indwelling, The Mark.

    • Buy me a (url="http://"")UE Cruiser(/url) and blow the stuffing out of the Voinians. I'd swallow (url="http://"")Voinian Cruisers(/url) for lunch and wash 'em down with (url="http://"")Frigates(/url) for dessert. Ooh, that'd be the life...

      Visit my EVO web site (currently under construction) and tell me how it looks (via the poll at the bottom of the page or the guestbook)! It's at (url="http://"") !
      I can't think of anything else to write...

    • heh heh heh, i'd be a fighter pilot for the UE. i wouldnt hide behind the turrets of a big cruiser, id go one-on-one in a fighter. Yeah, that'd be cool.

      Crazy Galaxy, Why am I
      always caught in the
      middle of all the Death,
      Destruction, And Boom?

    • Buy an Igazra, blow up the Voinians. A simple life for me. 😉

    • I'd live on Blaga and work as a librarian.

      Question authority. That's an order.

    • I'd set up in the research and development business, probably on some remote asteroid. I'd be interested in developing alternative and interesting outfits, mostly. I'd stay independent, and sell equipment to whoever came calling - provided they had enough cash. If my team invented anything really deadly, I wouldn't sell it for any price... but I might equip my own defense fleet with it.

      I got this .sig file at - don't even think about taunting me!

    • Hmm... I'd buy a Mac G438 HyperCube, stay at home and play EV 3x10^12...
      Much safer than actually flying (esp. with noone in the universe manufacturing autoeject outfits)...
      That or, invent an autoejector and make a (metaphorical) killing. 🙂


    • Hmmmmm, I'd like to be either a UE captain working to defeat the evil Voinians (oh, and captain of a UE cruiser!). Either that or work for the Azdgari and help them either dominate the other strands or sign an alliance with the Zidagar.

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!

    • I'd get a UE Cruiser, then disable and capture an Igzara (for my ship), and then go join the Zatcha and spend my life beating the crap of the NT Renegades. That would kick ass. 🆒 🆒 🆒

      "Don't worry - that red flashing light proably doesn't mean anything..."
      "Then why did the escape pod just launch?"
      "Oh ****!"
      Cuz i'm a 21st-century digital boy

    • I would take a loan and build a space station in the gap between UE and Miranu space.That way many traders would come and refuel there and i would make money.I would have a joint UE/Miranu shipyard and outfitting shop.Plus it could be the trade relation station for the UE and the Miranu. 🙂

      Visit my site (url="http://"")http://www.angelfire...comb/index.html(/url)
      Email me

    • Hmmm... that's a good question....

      I believe that I would get myself an Enhanced Aggy Arada, equip it with exp. and regular shield generators, some dospect armor, some scanners, and then a few turrets.... and I would laugh as I kick the crap out of any other pilot around. You dig? 😄

      "Do not try to bend the spoon, that is impossible.... instead... only try to realize the truth"
      "The truth?"
      "There is no spoon"
      • AIM: CrazyJ617 • B-net: Flatulence • (url="http://" &default;=8")Search(/url), inc •

    • I bet some of you saw this one comming.....

      I would buy an Emalgha Freighter and beef it up like the Winston Churchill, but rather then fight by myself i would request the Emlagha assign me a Advanced strike fleet and I would raid the Friddion and Noit system daily. All for the honor of Emalgha!

      "A terrible darkness has fallen upon us, but we must not surrender to it. We shall lift lamps of courage and find our way through to the morning."
      -Member of Emalgha Resistance

    • I would buy a Igarza and ugrade it and kick Voinian butt

      "Veni, Vidi, Vici" "I came, I saw, I conqeured." Julius Caeser "The revolution is over. I am the revolution."Napoleon Bonparte Join against Bush, Visit and tell your parents to vote Gore

    • And how many of you would actually have the GUTS to be a fighter?????

      Screw that, I'd be a trader....

      Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...
      Alien's famous tongue...
      "Vionions?? Voinioniommoins?? Viks? Veggies? Vegetables? Oh wait, that's a hewman plant...
      SEARCH..... THEN...... ASK!!!!

    • I would be a Zidagar Captain and beat the crap out of the other Strands

      (This message has been edited by Titan (edited 11-21-2000).)

    • Alien: No one here probably would, but we can all have imaginations, can't we?

      I'd like to be a bounty hunter. My ship: A Crescent Warship, called the Dragonslayer. After about ten years of hunting renegades and troublemakers, I would have cleaned up as a bounty hunter, so I would retire. Then I would live a calm, peaceful life on Mira with the rest of my savings.

      (url="http://"") Skyblade Software (/url)

    • Heh... new idea. I'd download Ace!, use it to hack into my bank, give myself 6 x 10^400 credits, and then spend the rest of my life happily retired on my very own planet.... system..... galaxy. 😄

      "Do not try to bend the spoon, that is impossible.... instead... only try to realize the truth"
      "The truth?"
      "There is no spoon"
      • AIM: CrazyJ617 • B-net: Flatulence • (url="http://" &default;=8")Search(/url), inc •

    • I would be a bounty hunter or a pirate. Then again, I might be mercinary. Anything that gets me rich quick, anyway.

      (url="http://"HTTP://")My cool EV/O website(/url)

    • I would download ResEdit and hack the universe around me. The Strands would suddenly find themselves at peace; the renegades would mysteriously turn into upstanding traders; a direct hyperlink between Sol and Mirava would appear out of nowhere; and Voinian Cruisers would turn into Kraits. There would be no more bizarre training accidents, no more shortages of Munb leaves, no more massive brawls, no more serious droughts, no more toxic rainfalls. The Igadzra would always be willing to stop and pass the time of day.

      Then I would sit back in a comfy chair with a snifter of Saalian brandy and reflect that the world around me would make a rather boring computer game....

      Question authority. That's an order.