Originally posted by Samurai:
**Samurai gazes at what used to be Council Station in silence. A wave of fury causes him to take up a life of heinious crime against the hated Voinians. Soon his name and ship are feared throughout Voinian space. His ship is called "Tide of Ruin" And it is equipped with six Ion cannons, an afterburner, a sub-space teleporter, and two energy missile lauchers with lots of ammo. It uses top-secret Council technology that allows it to phase in and out of this dimension. The Voinian fleet seeks to bring him to justice, while he laughs in their faces, leads them around the galaxy in a foolish chase, kills them off like flies, and costs the Voinian government over 10,000,000,000 credits in damage and ships. In desperation the Voinian military turns to Lonevoinian to help them capture the daring renegade.
Lonevoinian agrees and, having more advanced Council Station technology,( :)) he was quickly able to hunt down Samurai and destroy him. He then kills anyone who might try to bring Samurai back to life. He then helps Tray Tor take over earth and the rest of the UE empire and then the Dynamic Duo take over the rest of the Universe except for Voinian space. (And yes Flatty, I did get it.)
The folowing statement is true. The preciding statement is false.
Books of the new millinea:Left Behind, Tribulaton Force, Nicolai, Soul Harvest, Apollyon, Assasins, The Indwelling, The Mark.