Freighters are too slow for my taste (and fighters too flimsy), but I love the range of the Miranu Courier. The big fuel capacity also makes it the perfect ship for using phased beams and other fuel-sucking secondaries. (And the cool thing about the phased beam is that if you're being mobbed by a bunch of fighters, you can point the beam at one of them while your turrets hammer away at another. Very efficient.)
With a Miranu Heavy Freighter get the Elmalgoin freighter upgrade then go outfit it to your dreams and KICK SOME BUTT!!!
Visit my site (url="http://"")http://www.angelfire...comb/index.html(/url) -
I use either an upraged Iggie cruiser, or a shield enhanced azdara. If only those things had a few more tons of space...
"5 exclamation marks: The true sign of an insane mind."
Terry Pratchett -
I did the whole EVO in a Transporter. Get a phase turret, the right upgrades, you don't need all that space for freight, and some escorts.
You can take out even the Dreadnought with the Freighter - only thing a bit difficult is to get rid of the "Voinian small fighting things" - ah, got it "Interceptors".
It's fun, it really is. (You only need patience. A lot of it. And no strict playing, of course.)------------------
I just love Thunderstorms. Don't you? -
Originally posted by Lightning:
**I did the whole EVO in a Transporter. Get a phase turret, the right upgrades, you don't need all that space for freight, and some escorts.
You can take out even the Dreadnought with the Freighter - only thing a bit difficult is to get rid of the "Voinian small fighting things" - ah, got it "Interceptors".
It's fun, it really is. (You only need patience. A lot of it. And no strict playing, of course.)**
But some missions, it's really impossible to do in a (url="http://"")transporter(/url) or (url="http://"")freighter(/url), especially in the Crescent, where speed really matters. If you have to get a freighter, get the (url="http://"")Miranu Freighter(/url) or (url="http://"")Heavy Freighter(/url). They can at least fight remotely well, and they've got tons of fuel too. But never get a (url="http://"")Voinian Supply Ship(/url) or (url="http://"")Emalgha Freighter(/url)--they are some of the worst ships in the game!
Visit my EVO web site (currently under construction) and tell me how it looks (via the poll at the bottom of the page or the guestbook)! It's at (url="http://"") !
I can't think of anything else to write... -
Originally posted by Decamto:
**"When the public finds out they're going to string us up in Martin Place!" -Nicolas Bell, Secretary to the Minister for the
Games, "The Games"**
Gotta love that show!
Did you watch The Dream while the olympics were on? If not, you really missed out on some classic Roy & H.G.
Anyway, to ships. Normally, I start off buying a shuttlecraft, then go from that to an Arada, then either a Lazira, Crescent Warship or Strand Warship, then finally to the UE Cruiser. I tried with the Miranu HF once, but only having two turrets is a bitch, no matter how many rockets or SAD modules you have. I've never tried upgrading a Miranu Courier before, so I'll have to check that out now.
Normally what I look for ina ships are:
Fuel capacity, space, speed, and cargo capacity. Shield and armour ratings don't come in the top few for me, because if you can run fast enough and hit hard enough it doesn't really matter. However, If I can get a large amount of shielding while still haveing a reasonable amount of speed etc., I'll trade it off for sure.Sheppo
I prefer a CW with max turrets, upgrades and I use the fighters to get rid of the small ships faster than me. But I must say this is only the second time I play EVO, and the first time I got bored and stopped before doing everything. I still want to try an Azdara Warship and maybe the big Igazdara ship.
As for freighters? Too slow for my taste. I do use the scout as soon as I can buy it. Much better than the shuttle, I like to use this ship to make money and explore the galaxy. I also found the speed of the CW making it better than the Cruiser (for me) which is sluggish at best.
And yes, I love Thunderstorms
Something rumbles, far away... -
I like Freight-Couriers. Beautiful things when converted properly. They make a decen Light Destroyer and if you are them and pilot them right, you can even take out a Cruiser. Better watch out for those fighters, though, they're killer in 1.0.2......
Good laws are produced by extremely bad manners.
-Alduran Pirate Captain Macrobius
StarLance -
I agree Slug.Right now im in a Freight-Courier with some Neutron stuff-from Parran Station and i'm having some troubles.I can take out infinite Crusiers with it but the VHFs turn me into dust.I am even having trouble dealing with a bunch of Kraits!!And by the way i think it was evil that they didn't turn the guns/turrets back to the way they were in EV.You know so that a gun spot doesnt take a turret spot.
Visit my site (url="http://"")http://www.angelfire...comb/index.html(/url) -
Neutron turrets suck!
Miranu Heavy Freighter. Buy one, buy 6 of them as escorts... then go down and do the miners run. that solves your $$$ problem for ever. U get like 1 mill per run.
ZIDARA!!! Best all around...easy. I usually ditch the Phase Cannons/turrets and go for Blaze Cannons. The beam is cool, but sucks up too much damned fuel. Other things I ditch, dispersal Rockets, fighters (I wish I could sell that damn 75 ton fighter bay..heads to make a plug) I like Rockets or Pursuit Missiles, but sometimes use SADs. With 1.0.2, I usually go for rockets, since homing weapons suck like crap. Zidara's are the best!!
D rugs A re R eally E xpensive
"Quoted the Kwanza Man...Nevermore."
AIM: Kwanzar26 -
Zidaras??? Nah..... too much stuff you can't get rid of. The fighter bay, for one..... and then the beamers (which are utterly and totally and completely piles of crap). That's a helluvalotof space that you're losing there.
All you can really get rid of are the rockets.
But, whatever, personal preference is an ok thing.
Personally, I prefer Laziras (early in game), Crescent Warships (talk more later), and that's about it.
I've done the whole Arada/Azdara + exp&normal; shield generator + enhancers + dospect, but it just doesn't do it for me. I really can't stand ships with under 3 guns. I like death, mayhem and destruction. This whole "fly around and shoot your 1 cannon at ships" just doesn't float my boat
Anyway, about the Crescent Warship.... I feel that it is one of the most versitile (sp?) ships in the game. I mean, sell all the stuff, and you can TOTALLY remake it. You can customize the whole freakin' ship to your liking. Mine usually have 4 neutron turrets, a layer of dospect, all the sensor/fuel stuff, and all the upgrades..... and that's about it. who needs secondaries when you can blast the living piss out of any ship around?
Flame away.
"Do not try to bend the spoon, that is impossible.... instead... only try to realize the truth"
"The truth?"
"There is no spoon"
AiM: CrazyJ617 -
Originally posted by Flatulence:
**Zidaras??? Nah..... too much stuff you can't get rid of. The fighter bay, for one..... and then the beamers (which are utterly and totally and completely piles of crap). That's a helluvalotof space that you're losing there.
**Actually you CAN sell the beamers.
Originally posted by Punkster:
**Actually you CAN sell the beamers.Sheppo**
Oh, you can, huh? Please, do tell how.....
"Do not try to bend the spoon, that is impossible.... instead... only try to realize the truth"
"The truth?"
"There is no spoon"
AiM: CrazyJ617 -
Originally posted by Jon Egunner:
**reeeeeal simple here:how many of youse guys actually use freighters as your own personal ships?
and not like a rebel converted argosy, but like a scoutship when you have 10 million credits?
Hah. That's funny. Freighters vs. warships...
Seriously, though, what I would like to do, if I had (A) enough cash, and (
acess to any outfit I wanted, would be this:
1 stock UE Freighter, modified with one Crecent Fighter bay w/ 12 fighters, 3 UE Fighter Bays w/ 12 UE Fighters, 1 Azarda bay w/ 12 Azardas, 2 Voinion Interceptor bays w/ 36 Interceptors, 10 Blaze Turrets, 4 rocket launchers w/ 250 rockets, 5 Hunter Missile launchers w/ 300 Hunter Missiles, 3 Pursuit missiles w/ 200 missiles, 2 mine tubes w/ 100 mines, 3 SAE launchers w/ 300 SAEs, 3 SAD launchers w/ 600 SADs, 5 Defense Pod launchers w/ 500 pods, 1 ECM module, 1 Ziddie ECM module, escape pod w/ auto-launch system, 5 shield rechargers, 15 shield capacitors, 2 RCS upgrades, 3 speed upgrades, 3 acceleration upgrades, and a layer of Boronev plating.
I'd say I'd need, oh, 30,000,000 or so. Although I'd stack the ship against the Dreadnaught...
"What makes you think she is a witch?"
"Well, she turned me into a newt!!"
"A newt?"
"I got better..."