Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Anyone had a chance to play with the newest Macs?

      I'm interested in hearing gamer's tales about the iMacs, iBooks, and the new cube. I'm shopping.

      If you drink, don't park. Accidents cause people.

    • I use I an iMac, and it is TOTALLY COOL!! The iBook and Cube are also VERY awesome. However, the first time I started up my iMac it froze. And it froze and crashed repeatedly for the next week, until finally it stopped (after a few tweaks here and there). However, I don't think thats the story with all iMacs.

      All in all, I like the iMac, iBook, and The Cube the best.


    • the new iMac's are nice, but not fast enough...

      (url="http://"")Harzius Productions(/url)
      (url="http://"")Iced Earth(/url)

    • I used a 450MP G4 with OS 9, there wasn't much of a difference between it and the ordinary G4 in terms of speed but that's probably because OS 9 can't take advantage of symmetrical multiprocessing (sp?).


    • How about the nifty new 15" studio displays?

      If you drink, don't park. Accidents cause people.

    • I've got a 350 G4. Awesome!!

      Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...

      Alien's famous tongue...
      "Vionions?? Voinioniommoins?? Viks? Veggies? Vegetables? Oh wait, that's a hewman plant...

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Puddle Jumper:
      **How about the nifty new 15" studio displays?


      I used one of the old 15 inch displays in the old graphite casing, the screen is alot larger than you would think.


    • I just got a new 400 Mhz G4. (And a old graphite montior. The iMac on a tripod). Only one bad thing: The power button pulses when it's in sleep mode, and lights up my room at night. I put it in sleep mode since it turns off the fan, so it's perfectly silent.

      And it's fun playing EVO at 1600x1200!

    • I own a first generation blueberry iBook. I have no real complaints with it, but it is kind of slow and if I play a graphics-heavy game (Unreal Tournament and Quake 3 both come to mind) it slows down considerably - but with EVO, Ares, etc. it runs great ... a bit different from my old clunky Performa 630 🙂


    • I have a 400mhz iMac DV 192 megs of RAM (Strawberry) and a 350 Mhz iMac 128 megs of RAM (blueberry). The Blue one has Internet Connection and the red one doesn't...As for speed...Apple doesn't haven anything out past 500mhz what they have so far is decent enough for me. Both my iMacs have good enough speed for me...

      Anyways, as for the BRAND NEW stuff...I did play around with the iMacs and iBooks at Fry's Electronics, and the new mouse is pretty SWEET...but they aren't much different from mine. If you are gonna get a new mac, low-end iMac to be more $750 for the slightly older 350mhz blue...cause that'll save you $250 and it's not VERY different from the current low-end model. Only differences might be system software and mouse...maybe programs...but not too dramatically different...

      PEACE YO!


      "Quoted the Kwanza Man...nevermore"

      AIM: Kwanzar26

      Kwanzasoft Graphics

      (This message has been edited by Kwanzar (edited 09-01-2000).)

    • I have a Dual Processor 500Mhz G4, 1.5 GB RAM, Added 32MB 3d accelrator, and 22" apple cinema screen. The game is just awesome and it has never crashed before. Reccomend you try it.
      And Mac OS 9

      (This message has been edited by zhouj (edited 09-01-2000).)

    • Kwanza said
      "I have a 400mhz iMac DV 192 megs of RAM (Strawberry) and a 350 Mhz iMac 128 megs of RAM (blueberry). The
      Blue one has Internet Connection and the red one doesn't...As for speed...Apple doesn't haven anything out past 500mhz what they have so far is decent enough for me. Both my iMacs have good enough speed for me...Anyways, as for the BRAND NEW stuff...I did play around with the iMacs and iBooks at Fry's Electronics, and the new mouse is pretty SWEET...but they aren't much different from mine. If you are gonna get a new mac, low-end iMac to be more $750 for the slightly older 350mhz blue...cause that'll save you $250 and it's not VERY different
      from the current low-end model. Only differences might be system software and mouse...maybe programs...but not too
      dramatically different...

      PEACE YO!"

      What do you mean apple doesn't have any 500Mhz models?
      My Dual Processor G4 can whipped any PC's ***.
      The new dual processor ones are equal to any 1.5 GHz processor.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by me...but replying to zhouj: As for speed...Apple doesn't haven anything out past 500mhz

      They can over clock the processor, but it WON'T run at 1.5 matter how much you want it to, or how much I want it to. Graphically, it's faster. Usuall stuff...not really...


      "Quoted the Kwanza Man...nevermore"

      AIM: Kwanzar26

      Kwanzasoft Graphics

      (This message has been edited by Kwanzar (edited 09-01-2000).)

    • use gigaflops or billion floating operations per second which Dual Processor 500 MHz G4 equals 7 gigaflops. that would be more than a normal 1ghz pentium processor. also the system software doesn't fully utilize both processors


    • I've got a 500 MHz G4 running OS9. Game play is smooth, but it crashes occasionally when I try to leave a world. I'm also running in on a 16" monitor at 1024X768 and the game fills the whole screen. The only downside is the keyboard. I have one of the condensed keyboards with an integrated invisible-T arrow pad. And I have been known to hit SHIFT (i.e. fire a secondary weapon) instead of accelerating. And I also hit caps lock instead of tab all the time. And both have gotten me nearly killed. But that might not be a problem on the new keyboards.



    • that happens on any keyboard


    • I use a G4/500 ... but what is more important is that I got a used 21" monitor (with the G4 ATI 128 graphics card). What I like most is using high resolutions (1280x1024) because I get a much broader view, allowing me to react sooner. (A higher resolution makes the ships too small, for me anyway.) Also, with the graphics card, everything doesn't slow down when the number of ships, missiles, and torpedoes gets large. Other than that, it doesn't seem to make much difference.

    • Why would anyone want a cube, except for it being more quiet? A regular G4 is better and is the same price or cheaper. Who cares about a liter or two more? The top of the cube is ugly too!

      If it´s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh" -Shadow

    • I also have a Performa 6116 CD which is on its last legs. Right now its sitting to the left of me, with the hard drive taken out of its slot and the covering of the computer taken off. It runs, but its slow, and makes a bit of noise with the covering off.

      Me and my family also own two powerbooks (used for school), and my mom owns a Power Tower Pro 250. My dad also owns a computer, but I don't know what kind.


    • Go Macintosh!
      Go Apple!
      Go Ambrosia Software!
